Challenges and Opportunities for EBP Nursing Assignment

Challenges and Opportunities for EBP Nursing Assignment

Challenges and Opportunities for EBP

Challenge of the nurse relate to the nurses’ beliefs or attitude to EBP, lack of understanding, knowledge and skills of EBP. A recent study by Oranta, Routasalo and Hupli (2016) indicated nurses have divergence the value between research and practice; some nurses have conservative ideas that do not welcome change the nursing practice. Challenges and Opportunities for EBP Nursing Assignment.


The result reflects that nurses have a misunderstanding or negative attitude towards evidence based care, which may create wrong belief i.e. indifference or ignore the value of EBP. Nurses are unaware of research, not familiar with EBP, and have no sense of urgency to improve the knowledge, not to mention to implement it in clinical care (Hutchinson & Johnston, 2004; Wang, Jiang, Wang, Wang & Bai, 2013). Attitudes affect behavior, so if nurse attitude remains unchanged, it would increase degree of difficulty to carry out EBP in the future.Challenges and Opportunities for EBP Nursing Assignment

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