Burnout In Nursing Essay Discussion Paper

Burnout In Nursing Essay Discussion Paper

I agree with you that burnout is a common issue in the emergency room. It is often hard work and stress that lead to this condition, but there are ways to combat it. One way to combat burnout for a nurse is to have regular breaks in the work schedule. This allows nurses to step away from their work for a little bit and recharge their batteries, which will help them stay productive and motivated. Additionally, it is important to have a positive work environment. This means that the staff members are treated with respect and given opportunities to grow their skills (Waddill-Goad, 2019). Lastly, it is important to take care of oneself both physically and mentally. This means getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising. By taking these steps, nurses can help prevent burnout from happening and maintain a productive work environment. According to Dall’Ora et al. (2020)Burnout In Nursing Essay Discussion Paper, burnout is one of the leading causes of workforce turnover. If we can help prevent it from happening in the first place, we will be able to keep our emergency rooms healthy and productive.


However, when nurses experience burnout, they should stay positive and seek out help. There are many resources available to nurses, and they should look for guidance from their supervisors or other healthcare professionals before feeling too overwhelmed. In your case, you stated that you felt like you were “tired all the time.” This may be a sign that you are experiencing burnout. You should have talked with the supervisor for a day or two off and this could have helped you recharge your batteries and feel more motivated to return to work. Additionally, you may want to try some self-care strategies, such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising. I really enjoyed reading your post as it was not only interesting but also informative. Burnout In Nursing Essay Discussion Paper


Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review. Human resources for health18, 1-17.

Waddill-Goad, S. M. (2019). Stress, fatigue, and burnout in nursing. Journal of Radiology Nursing38(1), 44-46. Burnout In Nursing Essay Discussion Paper