Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper

Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper


Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment

Complete the Week One Body Systems and Diseases worksheet.Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper


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Complete the table below for the required systems listed. You are required to list four to six of the main organs of each body system, one or two sentences explaining the function of the system itself in your own words, and a short list of five to six major diseases that afflict each system. Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment

System Organs in the System Function of the System Major Diseases Afflicting the System
HCS 245 WEEK 5 Respiratory Disease Paper
Focus on a specific respiratory disease that has a significant impact on society and the health care industry.Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper Some examples are tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, or a respiratory illness that is currently prevalent

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses the following:

State this disease’s type (primary, secondary, tertiary) and what makes it classified as such.
What the impact of this disease on society is as it relates to the business of healthcare and the use of resources.
Include at least two references.Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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HCS 245 WEEK 2 Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Mental and Behavioral Health
Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Mental and Behavioral Health

Complete the table on the following page. Choose 2 diseases or disorders to complete the table. Be sure to properly cite references and sources for any information or facts used.Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper

A general example has been provided for you.


Disease or Disorder Treatment Modalities Cultural Beliefs/Practices Affecting this Disease Epidemiological Statistics Available Consumer Resources(e.g., financing, information, support) Impact on Society
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) · Prevention (education, exposure avoidance)· Antiretroviral treatment (required to begin directly after infection)· Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment PaperAntiviral medications sometimes slow disease progression but cannot cure it once contracted. · AIDS is a disease that only affects the LGBT community (myth).· Contracting HIV is an automatic death sentence (myth).· HIV/AIDS is currently incurable (fact).
· Education and proper preventive measures are crucial in fighting this disease.Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper

· Worldwide, 2.5 million new cases reported in 2011 (CDC)· 635,000 individuals with AIDS have died in the United States to date (CDC).· An estimated 1.1 million people in U.S. were living with AIDS in 2009 (CDC).Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet Assignment Paper