Biological Reductionism Response paper

Biological Reductionism Response paper

reply w/ 30-40 words for both comments:

1- “I found this chapter to be extremely interesting, since I did not think that biological reductionism could possibly play so much into the patriarchal nature of our society. I need not realize that the expression of sex in society could be so complex since as a male it is something I have not personally been forced to think about very much. Biological Reductionism Response paper. I had been well aware of gender norms before this reading, but I found it extremely interesting learning about how these gender norms are expressed or revealed in other animals. I would never have guessed that gender stereotypes could be so complex, even in other animals. After this chapter, I began to question the patriarchal nature of science in general, since jobs in scientific field have been, and typically remain male dominated. I can only guess as to what scientific advancements will be made in the study of gender as the field becomes less patriarchal, and as a healthy combination of reductionism and determinism forms. ”


Biological reductionism response paper 2

2-“If all gender stereotypes and societal gender norms were removed, would there still be any professions that would be predominantly filled by a certain gender? (Or is there even any way to answer this for certain?) My thought is that there wouldn’t be any obvious dominance in any general profession. Or maybe for a better question, is there any profession that is universally dominated by a certain gender?” Biological Reductionism Response paper.

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