Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper

Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper

As a nursing professional, you will likely engage in research for your health care setting. Depending on the research question you seek to address, you might choose to use a qualitative research design. Understanding when and why it is appropriate to choose a qualitative research design will be important as you develop research skills for nursing practice. As you continue throughout this course, think about what considerations you should keep in mind when choosing to engage in qualitative research. In what ways might qualitative research be more preferred than quantitative research for informing nursing practice?


For this Discussion, be sure to review the qualitative article by Vretare and Anderzen-Carlsson (2020)Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper. Then, view this week’s Qualitative Research Design PowerPoint webinar that describes each step of the qualitative research process and different approaches used to conduct qualitative research.
By Day 3
You will need to prepare and post a 350-word response that addresses the following:
• Qualitative research often is viewed as not having the same rigor and adherence to objective standards as quantitative studies. Using the references provided to assist you, prepare an argument to either support or refute this claim and post it to the Discussion. In your response, explain if qualitative research does or does not have the controls needed to generate the results that contribute to the nursing knowledge base.
• Then, explain if qualitative research could be used to investigate the patient safety problem you identified in Week 1.
Note: Post a three paragraph (at least 350 words) response directly in the response text box rather than as an attachment. Be sure to use evidence, in-text citations, and essay-level writing skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Use the writing resources to develop your post.
By Day 7
Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question.
Respond to two or more of your colleagues with a comment that asks for clarification, provides support for, or contributes additional information.
Post a Discussion entry on 3 different days of the week. See the Discussion Rubrics for more information.
Submission and Grading Information Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper
Grading Criteria

To access your Rubric:
Week 4 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 7

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 4 Discussion

Discussion Response

I agree with the fact that qualitative research design lack rigor or trustworthiness to quantitative research design. This can be attributed to the definitive data collection tools and guidelines. However, various approaches are employed to enhance the trustworthiness of the data.  Member checks, data triangulation, and peer briefing are conducted to promote the credibility of the data. The participant selection process also increases biases and reduces the transferability of the data (Ghafouri & Ofoghi, 2016)Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper. However, the methodological approach to participant selection employs purposive sampling to target a population sample with specific attributes. This can promote the transferability of the data. Audit trails along with data triangulation also improve the dependability and replicability of the results. Besides, qualitative studies measure non-statistical attributes such as trends, attitude, knowledge and perception.

Vretare and Anderzen-Carlsson (2020) deployed a phenomenological research design which evaluated the individual observations and perceptions on the significance of handover, increase knowledge and identify the limitations of effective handover in clinical practice. Such information lacks the numerical measure which can only be derived through qualitative research designs that illustrate the participant experience in practice. Embracing measures such as peer briefing, member checks, data triangulation, audit trails, and purposive sampling can promote the components of trustworthiness, that is, credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability of qualitative data and application in nursing practice Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper.

I would like to differ with the discrediting of qualitative research on evaluating the impact of handover on patient safety. According to Raeisi et al. (2018), poor communication during the handover and inappropriate adherence to handover demands adverse impacts on the patients due to poor medication and treatment follow-ups. A quantitative research design may lack the measurement tools to study the participants’ perceptions and knowledge of the importance of handover, and motivational measures to improve handover in clinical practice.  In light, I advocate for the phenomenological research design in gaining a deep insight into individual experience, knowledge and perceptions of handover and its significance to clinical practice Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper.


Vretare, L. L., & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2020). The critical care nurse’s perception of handover: a phenomenographic study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing58, 102807.


Raeisi, A., Rarani, M. A., & Soltani, F. (2019). Challenges of patient handover process in healthcare services: a systematic review. Journal of education and health promotion8.

Ghafouri, R., & Ofoghi, S. (2016). Trustworth and rigor in qualitative research. International journal of advanced biotechnology and research7(4), 1914-1922. Basic Characteristics Of Qualitative Research Paper