The Understanding Of Nursing Theories Assignment

The Understanding Of Nursing Theories Assignment Now that you have completed review of theories from nursing and other sciences, reflect on which theory you foresee as being one you can apply graduate-level practice in your specific track and why. Nursing…

Curriculum Development Project Assignment Paper

Curriculum Development Project Assignment Paper Use the course topic you selected from Discussion #3 and create an eight-week course for an undergraduate (BSN) nursing program. The 4 topics I intend to address within the Med-surg/curriculum are patient restraints, clotting disorders,…

Shadow Health For Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes

Shadow Health For Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes Assignment: This assignment is a focused exam with a patient who presents with hypertension and type 2 diabetes. You will conduct an interview with Arun Patel using therapeutic communication to determine the…

The Treatment Of Various Infections Discussion

The Treatment Of Various Infections Discussion Please use APA format and include one scholarly reference. What are some available resources/guidelines that you will use to help select appropriate antibiotics? Give brief overview of how this will apply to your NP…

Shadow Health Reflection Assignment Paper

Shadow Health Reflection Assignment Paper Module 3 – The Cardiovascular System After completing Module 3 in Shadow Health, discuss one of the following aspects of pathophysiology as it relates to aging and the cardiovascular system: Changes to the Renin Angiotensin…

Patient Safety And Quality Care Discussion Paper

Patient Safety And Quality Care Discussion Paper In the article “Managing to Improve Quality: The Relationship Between Accreditation Standards, Safety Practices, and Patient Outcomes,” the authors discuss the growing trend by medical insurance companies to eliminate reimbursement for Never Events.…

Regulation Related To Patient Safety Discussion

Regulation Related To Patient Safety Discussion – The instructions for the discussion post are attached – Two questions only (discussion 1 & 2) – Each discussion can have either 1 or 2 paragraphs – 1 page for both discussion will…

The Important Components Of Action Plans Discussion

The Important Components Of Action Plans Discussion An action plan is an important tool used in health care to collaboratively engage patients in a discussion concerning a change of behavior for better health outcomes. With the guidance of a health…