Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
Create a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that can be used in a staff development meeting on presenting different approaches for implementing the stepwise approach for asthma treatment. Be sure to address the following:Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
- Describe long-term control and quick relief treatment options for the asthma patient from your practice as well as the impact these drugs might have on your patient.
- Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for your patient.
- Explain how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease. Be specific.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
- It is an essay that explains asthma disorder and how to manage the condition using the stepwise approach. The essay notes that asthma is a condition that affects the airways that carry air to and from the lungs. The victims of asthma find it difficult to inhale and exhale. It is because of their asthmatic condition. Asthma makes airways to swell or develop an inflammation. The paper illustrates the essence of advanced practice nurses to use appropriate management options in curbing the condition. The paper explains that use of the stepwise approach in managing asthma helps health care practitioners to gain a quick control of the disease. It helps medical practitioners to gain control of asthma with the least amount of medication to avoid adverse effects. The paper concludes that advanced practice nurses must consider different patient factors when recommending treatment options for asthma patients. In addition, it highlights that the stepwise approach is essential in managing asthma.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
Application: Asthma and Stepwise Management
Asthma is one of the respiratory diseases that affect children and adults. One of the responsibilities of an advanced practice nurse is to provide treatment for this disorder. However, sometimes patients may require immediate treatment. It makes it essential for practicing nurses to recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from severe and life threatening symptoms. Advanced practice nurses should help patients to identify triggers that cause their symptoms. The nurses should also recommend appropriate asthma management options for patients. This essay explores the stepwise approach of drug therapy for asthmatic patients.
Patients must be aware of the triggering factor for their asthma before commencing a treatment option. Some factors can include smoke, seasonal allergies, cockroach droppings, and stress. There are two categories of treatment for asthma (Wan & Silverman, 2009). The first is a long-term medication, while the second option is short-term quick relief medications. The long term medications include inhaled steroids, cromolyn sodium such as Intal, and nedocromil (Tilade). The other drugs include leukotriene modifiers and methalyxanthines. The quick relief medications include bronchodilators and systemic oral corticosteroids. These medications are available in oral forms, metered dose inhalers, and nebulizer solutions.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
The impact these drugs may have for children and adults include oropharyngeal candidiasis, dysphonia, hoarseness, cough, and headache. Most of these impacts are dose dependent and can be minimized through using an appropriate method for delivery and rinsing the mouth after use.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
Asthma contains a stepwise approach that corresponds to the patient’s classification. The step studies the manifestation of asthma in the patient and advocates that dose and number of medications and frequency of administration should increase as the situation dictates. The drug administration should also reduce when possible. The stepwise approach begins with an assessment of the symptoms of asthma. It helps the practitioner to determine the severity of asthma. The nurse can select the appropriate treatment option that corresponds to the patient’s symptoms. The nurse writes a prescription that contains different dosages and the circumstances of increasing and decreasing such dosages.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
The use of the stepwise approach in managing asthma helps health care practitioners to gain a quick control of the disease. The method helps medical practitioners to gain control of asthma with the least amount of medication to avoid adverse effects. The principles of the stepwise approach are to reduce the impairment and risk of the patient. The application of the stepwise approach begins with a simple treatment plan and proceeds to high levels in accordance with the severity of the symptoms. The approach helps to reduce chronic symptoms during the day and night. It decreases or eliminates exacerbations and maintains regular pulmonary function among patients. The approach also reduces the application of short term asthma medication. In addition, it reduces the adverse effects of asthma. It is essential in assisting the clinical decision-making to meet the individual patient requirements. The approach is crucial in providing asthma management education to patients and their carers.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
In conclusion, there are various approaches to treating and managing care for asthmatic patients. The management or care options depend on individual patient factors. The stepwise approach is one of methods that support the clinical decision-making in terms of drug therapy plans for asthmatic patients. Advanced practice nurses must consider different patient factors when recommending treatment options for asthma patients. The nurses should assess potential impacts of drugs they prescribe to patients before recommending a treatment. It will ensure that they contain any potential risks to the patient. The stepwise approach in asthma management is one of tools for efficient control of asthma. Stepwise approach is crucial in prescription of dosages to patients to control asthma.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.
Asthma is a long-term, otherwise known as a chronic disease, which occurs in the respiratory system. The disease causes inflammation, spasms, or tightening in the bronchial tubes, which are the passage way to the lungs, that also carry air directly to the lungs. The inflammation caused by asthma educes difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing. Asthma cannot be cured, and the true cause of asthma is unknown. Most of the population that is diagnosed with asthma finds some way to be able to control the asthmatic symptoms with treatment. Asthma can be caused by allergies to certain things, the weather (cold or hot); sport educed, or is simply acquired by genetics. Often, pulmonary specialist helps their patients find a…show more content…Warm weather can also be a trigger to come people’s asthma. Sport educed asthma is often found in the youth of our nation. Some cases are much more severe than others. Many athletes carry a rescue inhaler with them, when they are physically active to guard themselves against a possible asthma attack. People with allergies are also at a high risk for getting asthma, or enduring a asthma attack. Not all people with allergies develop asthma though. Allergies are caused by their immune systems actually attacking their own body. Basically, one’s body is confused and thinks that a body cell is actually a foreign cell, virus, bacteria, in the body that it must attack. So the immune systems response is to engulf the “invading” cells. The reaction causes an allergic reaction. Some of these allergic reactions become systemic, which simply means that ones entire body becomes affected by this mix up in the body. Swelling, itching, and many other symptoms are responses to such a reaction. In some allergic responses, inflammation of the bronchial can occur, which causes a difficulty in breathing, which is an asthma attack.Asthma And Stepwise Management Essay.