Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition with underlying inflammation of the airway. It is characterised by episodes of constriction and increased mucous production (Maslan & Mims, 2014). Asthma affects anyone from children to adults and can be present through many different types such as atopic and intrinsic (Maslan & Mims, 2014).


The physiology of normal respiration involved contraction of the diaphragm and other inspiratory muscles. This leads to the expansion of the lungs which means there is increased volume in the lungs and decreased alveoli pressure. During inspiration, the inspiratory muscles have to work to overcome the frictional forces of airway resistance and elastic resistance of the lung and chest wall (Barrow & Pandit, 2017). Expiration involves the relaxation of inspiration muscles (Barrow & Pandit, 2017). Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay
Asthma is characterised by episodes of bronchial obstruction that are reversible either with time or medication (Clancy & Blake, 2018). A person with asthma has bronchial tubes that are sensitive to various stimuli, or triggers that can produce asthma symptoms. Symptoms that people with asthma commonly experience are chest tightening, coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing (Clancy & Blake, 2018). Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay
Pharmacology plays a vital role in asthma development (Clancy & Blake, 2018). Symptoms relievers are used for the immediate treatment and relief of an asthma attack. Inhaled short acting beta-2 agonists such as Salbutamol more widely known as Ventolin provide rapid relief of symptoms (Clancy & Blake, 2018). Salbutamol and other relievers should be used to treat active symptoms or prevent any imminent bronchoconstriction (Clancy & Blake, 2018). It is important to note that other medications may also interact with salbutamol including beta blockers, some diuretics and tricyclic anti-depressants (Doeing & Solway, 2013).

Effective nursing care for patients involves the knowledge of the pathophysiology and pharmacology of asthma. In order to lessen and prevent asthma attacks patients should be educated about the signs and symptoms of asthma and its triggers to avoid. They need to also be educated on the purpose and actions of the asthma medication prescribed (Maslan & Mims, 2014).
Asthma is a complex condition and although it is not a new condition, research is still being conducted to further medical and physiology understanding.

Asthma affects people of all ages and it frequently occurs in childhood. It is a long-run lung disease that inflames and narrows the air passages. The most common marks are periods of wheezing, thorax stringency, shortness of breaths, and coughing. Asthma differs from individual to individual on how it is triggered. There is no remedy for asthma, but there is ways to command and forestall asthma onslaughts. The symptoms of an asthma onslaught is when take a breathing becomes harder and it may ache, there may be a wheezing or whistling sound, or the lungs and air passages overreact to certain triggers. The hazard factors for an asthma onslaught is to people who have a household history of asthma, people populating in urban communities, personal medical history of allergic reactions, and kids who have exposure to secondhand baccy fume. Even though exercising triggers an asthma onslaught, proper nutrition and regular exercising helps cut down the hazard of an asthma onslaught because it allows the lungs to turn stronger and increases the energy degree and improves the immune system. Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

Keywords: Asthma, asthma onslaught, wheezing, thorax stringency, shortness of breaths, coughing

Facts about Asthma

Children frequently do n’t outgrow asthma. A kid ‘s asthma can acquire better or worse over clip and some kids with asthma may acquire much better as they grow, but for most people, asthma is present for the remainder of their lives ( “ pamf, ” 2010 ) . Asthma is a medical status that causes narrowing of the little air passages in the lungs. Typically, asthma patients develop wheezing and have increased mucose production in their lungs. Asthma patients can hold episodes of increased shortness of breath, frequently triggered by allergic reactions. Asthma sick persons frequently have that the disease for many old ages, and the episodes of shortness of breath can be dangerous ( “ Brouhard, ” 2008 ) . When wheezing occurs, it would sound like a high-pitch whistle sound through the olfactory organ or oral cavity. It could besides intend a external respiration job. When there is an increased mucose production in the lungs, in terrible instances, atelectasis ( partial prostration of the lung ) may happen. This is why people who are diagnosed with asthma breathe to a great extent. Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

There are two types of asthma, extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic asthma is bronchial asthma ensuing from an allergic reaction to foreign substances, such as inhaled aeroallergens, ingested nutrients, drinks, or drugs ( “ medilexicon, ” 2009 ) . This is an allergic or atopic asthma. Extrinsic asthma can germinate into intrinsic asthma but non in frailty versa. Intrinsic asthma is the type that is non caused by allergic reactions and hence there is no antibodies produced. Intrinsic asthma onslaughts are usually associated with inspiration of chemicals such as coffin nail fume or cleansing agents, taking acetylsalicylic acid, chest infection, emphasis, laughter, exercising, cold air, nutrient preservatives or a myriad of other factors ( “ asthmacureremedies, ” 2010 ) .

Extrinsic asthma is normally triggered by pollen, coffin nail fume, carnal dander, cast, dust touchs, indoor thorns, and even cockroaches. Cockroachs could trip an asthma onslaught because the dried dungs and remains of cockroaches can be asthma triggers. Animal dander is the flakes of tegument from animate beings with pelt or plumes, including cats, Canis familiariss, gerbils, hamsters, coneies, mice, and birds ( “ singulair, ” 2010 ) . These causes of asthma are besides called “ Gun triggers. ” Exercise could trip an asthma onslaught, but it could besides cut down the hazard and do the lungs stronger, increase the energy degrees, and better the immune system. Breathing right is an of import portion of exercising ( “ exercising, ” 2010 ) . Exerting when a individual is diagnosed with asthma, inhaling and expiring dry or cold air is the chief ground why it would trip an asthma onslaught. Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

Harmonizing to, the hazard factors for asthma is being a abode in a big urban country, particularly in the interior metropolis, exposure to secondhand fume, a parent who has asthma, respiratory infections in childhood, low birth weight, and fleshiness. Gender could besides be a hazard factor. Before pubescence, asthma occurs more frequently in males, but after adolescence, it appears to be more common in females. In grownups with similar instances of existent air passage obstructor, adult females are likely to describe more terrible symptoms than work forces are. In add-on, adult females may be at much greater hazard of decease from asthma than work forces ( “ healthcentral, ” 2010 ) . Most of the hazard factors for asthma can non be controlled.

Asthma sick persons will acquire an asthma onslaught when they exercise if they over work themselves or if their asthma is non in good control. They can still exert, play athleticss and live an active life. Using a quick-relief inhalator 15-20 proceedingss before exercising or being active to cut down or forestall exercise-induced bronchospasm ( EIB ) symptoms. EIB is a status that can do it difficult to take a breath during or after physical activity, like exercising ( “ proairhfa, ” 2010 ) . It is best for people who are diagnosed with asthma, before they exercise, they should warm up which is to stretch out and get down out slow such as walking in a fast gait and other low-level activities. After finished exercise, they should chill down easy for at least 10 proceedingss. Peoples diagnosed with asthma should non halt exerting all of a sudden. If they experience symptoms, they need to halt exercise and take the deliverance inhalator, sit up, and wait a few proceedingss until symptoms improve. If the symptoms improve, they can warm up once more and easy travel back to exerting. If it does non better they need to take another dosage of the deliverance inhalator and reiterate the procedure until it does better ( “ lung, ” 2010 ) .

Harmonizing to Dr. Tinkelman ( MD Dept. of Pediatrics VP of Health Initiatives ) 2009, an of import portion of a healthy life style is good nutrition. Good nutrition involves taking healthy nutrients that can work to mend and mend your organic structure and do it stronger against disease. Asthma sick persons should avoid certain types of nutrient, as they can worsen symptoms and trigger onslaughts. These nutrients include peanuts, benne, fish, shellfish, eggs and dairy merchandises, every bit good as nutrient that contain additives. Another nutrient constituent that can trip asthma is sodium metabisulphite ( “ Favors, ” 2009 ) . Good nutrition in general is what a individual needs to hold a healthy organic structure and decreases certain wellness hazards. Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

The definition of an asthma onslaught is a rapid deterioration of asthma as a whole, the symptoms of asthma that asthma sick persons get on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing advancement and so their organic structure can non take a breath. This is what causes the asthma onslaught harmonizing to Asthma onslaughts could be from mild to severe. A terrible asthma onslaught is a medical exigency. Harmonizing to, there are three things that can go on when people are sing an asthma onslaught. First, the interior of the air passages will get down to swell and it will go more sensitive. It will ensue to the blocking of the air in the lungs. Air will non hold any room to acquire back and Forth in the lungs. Second, the musculuss that are located around the outside bed of the air passages will get down to fasten. The musculuss will seek to squash the air passages to close. It will ensue to smaller air passages and air will non acquire to the lungs. Third, the air passages inside the organic structure will be filled with emotionlessness. This will get down to barricade the already little air passages and it will go harder to take a breath. Every asthma onslaught is non the same as the other.

Although, there is no remedy for asthma, but it is possible to handle and forestall asthma onslaughts. Harmonizing to, there are two wholly different types of asthma medicines, and they are used for wholly different intents ; medicines to forestall asthma symptoms from developing and medicines to alleviate asthma symptoms one time they ‘ve started.

There are four different sorts of inhalators ; metered dose inhalator, metered dose inhalator with a spacer, atomizer, and dry pulverization inhalator. Harmonizing to, the metered dosage inhalator ( MDI ) consists of a pressurized case shot of medicine in a fictile instance with a mouthpiece. Pressing the MDI releases a mist of medicine. Its portable size, efficiency and convenience make the MDI a desirable method for inspiration intervention. It can be hard to utilize the correct technique with a metered-dose inhalator, the usage of the spacer is frequently recommended. A spacer is a device that attaches to the metered-dose inhalator. It helps present the medical specialty to the air passages of the lungs alternatively of the oral cavity. It besides helps the medical specialty work good and lessens side effects. A atomizer is a battery or electrically powered device that turns long-acting accountant and short-acting liquid medicines into a mist, asthma sick persons may take a breath the medicine into the lungs utilizing either a face mask or mouthpiece. The dry-powder inhalators are the most common inhalators used today. This type of inhalator does non necessitate a propellent. Alternatively, the single inhales the medical specialty so it can make the lung ( “ health, ” 2010 ) . This inhalator could make the lungs better and faster so the other inhalators. Dry pulverization inhalators come in different sizes and forms. Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

Asthma is a disease that obstructs airway motion in the lungs by doing air passage to be inflamed. There are two classs that asthma can be placed under which is extrinsic and intrinsic ; intrinsic is non allergy related and extrinsic is allergy related. Cigarette fume, certain locations, a parent who has asthma, and fleshiness are illustrations of hazard factors that a individual may develop asthma or an asthma onslaught. There is no remedy for asthma, but an asthma onslaught is reversible by the usage of inhalators such as metered dosage inhalator, metered dose inhalator with a spacer, atomizer, and dry pulverization inhalator. These inhalators provide alleviation and intervention of ague and chronic asthma episodes. As clogging and restrictive air passage diseased patients are on the rise, medical specializer such as cardiopulmonologist and respiratory healer are the cardinal experts to supplying instruction alleviation, intervention, and life salvaging state of affairss.

About 6,000 kids miss school due to asthma, and 27,000 adults miss work due to asthma. The emergency room sees around 4,700 people daily due to asthma, 1 ,200 admitted to the hospital and 9 people die from it. B. Reason to Listen: Having an asthma attack may be like someone sitting on your chest and squeezing your noise shut and you’re trying to get air through your airways. Your breathing becomes harder and harder to breath. The scary part is I didn’t catch it until my late go’s. Therefore, you may not had it as a child, but you can get as an adult in your later years.

C. Credibility: I isn’t diagnosed with asthma until my late go’s. One day all of sudden I started having issues breathing and notice that it started to get harder and harder for me to breath. I started having anxiety attacks, chest pains, and almost passed out. I was so scared. Luckily my mother was with me that day, and she called the emergency squad. That is when they said I have a serious case of Asthma. Ever since then I have been in out of the emergency room, admitted to the hospital, and have been on life support several of times.Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

Last year really scared me because I was on life support or almost two weeks and had to be induced into a coma in order for them to try to starting getting air through my lungs. From what I have learned about Asthma is that your environment can cause this disease. Such as mold, smoking, pest and dust. I never smoked, but I have been around people who did smoke. I had my first my attack the night after I started my part-time Job cleaning. Of course, I was around dust and dirt which is one of the first major starts for an asthma attack. Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay

Heat and cold can also cause asthma attacks. The cold weather really effects my Asthma. I eave to start getting medicine through tubes, shots, and oral medication in order for me to start breathing on my own. After my near death last year, I have to get three Collar shots every other week for the rest of my life. It’s unfortunate that all of this pollution in the air we breathe, where we work at and live can cause a development of asthma. D. Preview: 1. What is Asthma 2. What triggers Asthma 3. Preventable measures to take from having an asthma attack II.

Body A. What is Asthma? 1 . National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute describes Asthma as a chronic (long-term) mug disease that inflames and narrows the airways which makes breathing difficult. A. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing; a whistling sound to a tractor trailer sound once it starts getting harder and harder to breathe. B. It also causes chest tightness and chest pains. C. Once it becomes severe, asthma may result in decreased activity and ability to talk. D. In addition, coughing occurs which causes you to cough up yellow or white mucus.

Transition Statement: Now that I have explained to you what asthma is we will discuss according to Asthma Society of Canada what triggers Asthma. B. What triggers Asthma? 1. Really no one know what causes asthma attacks. The start of the attacks vary for different people. One known fact that is once the airways come into contact with a trigger, the airways becomes inflamed, narrow, and fill with mucus. 1. A trigger is anything or condition that causes inflammation in the airways, which then leads to asthma symptoms. A. Dust mites are one trigger for an asthma attack.

They are tiny, spider-like creatures that eat in kitchen particles humans shed. Dust mites are found in bedding, carpets, stuffed toys, sofas and mattresses, and curtains. B. Many hype of animals in or out can trigger an attack. People who are allergic to animals can trigger airway inflammation. Cats, dogs, mice, hamsters are a few animals that may trigger an attack. C. Believe or not cockroaches have shown to trigger asthma symptoms. D. Mold is another trigger which are types of fungus. They can grow in piles of leaves, stagnant water, computers, and food.

Mold releases spores into the air that can trigger asthma episodes. You can also find mold in: Basements Bathrooms Humidifiers Old homes e. Viral Infections which are viruses can both cause asthma episodes and makes people with asthma more sensitive and open for asthma triggers. The viral triggers are: The rhinoceros (common cold) Respiratory syntactical virus (RSVP) Certain flu viruses d. Pollens one of the most common allergy substances that cause allergic substances that causes allergic reactions – that can also trigger severe attacks.

Pollens are carried in the wind on hot and windy days. They are produced by: Trees in the spring Grasses in the summer Weeds (especially ragweed) in the fall Transition statement: We have the discussed the triggers of an asthma attack. Now e will get into ways how to treat it, prevention to keep it under control and not coming deadly. C: Prevention and Treatment: 1. Although, there is no real cure for asthma there are ways you and your doctor can come up with a step-by-step action plan to live with it and prevent asthma attacks. A.


Make sure you follow the plan your doctor came up with you by taking the correct medications to manage the attack. You need to monitor your asthma at all times due to it being an ongoing condition and you never know when something may trigger it for an attack. B. And pneumonia shot. This may help prevent your triggers and large-ups. C. You can recognize your triggers by getting an allergy test. This will help you by finding out causes or worsens your asthma. D. Monitor your breathing by blowing into a peak flow meter and write the measurements down. . One thing I had to learn is to recognize the signs early. If you act fast you’re less likely to have a sever attack. Your peak flow will also let you know if your asthma is worsening if the measurements starts to decrease. Once you see them decreasing take the necessary medications to avoid an attack. If the symptoms don’t approve make sure get medical eight away. Remember too your asthma isn’t under control if you have to constantly use your quick-relief inhalers. Asthma a Chronic Respiratory Condition Essay.