ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
ARU Student Number: 423515 16394241
5 November 2018
BUSINESS PLANARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
The purpose of this is to provides a description of my Residential Care home, tell what the business is all about, and outlines its competition. This lays out the centres marketing strategy how the centre will maintain full occupancy. This also explains the financial operations of the centre. It provides the reader the ability to understand the Care home industry itself as well as the details about the specific centre. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
The unique selling point USP:
Holland care home is a home providing care for vulnerable adults with dementia. It is privately owned and located in a residential area in Grays Thurrock. The home is semi-detached residential property with 4 bedrooms over one floor. Two 2 bedroom is located on the ground floor and two 2 on the first floor. Now Holland care provides 24 hours residential care and support in a homely environment for service users as having mild or severe learning disabilities. The company USP is of good rate starting from 300 pounds to over 1500 pounds weekly depending on individuals’ circumstance and we are highly recommended. However, we offer good packages for our client, and make sure they are satisfied with the service provided. Holland Residential Care is an exclusive care home that provides 1-2 care for dementia patients at a unique selling point. For example
• Competitive price
• Special healthcare professionals
• Spacious single bedroom
• Access to TV and Telephone
• Unique specialist languages
• Patients family visit at any time
This business is a private limited company registered under section 188 company’s Act 2006. However, it’s a type of company that offers limited liability that will benefit as the business will be a separate legal entity, in which owner liability is limited to their shares, and it cannot be publicly traded. It is a company that can be formed online through licenced company formation agents like UK, directly through companies’ house, or through third party lawyers or accountants. It is more affordable, and easy to achieve through company formation agents. If the business is in debt, the company will file for bankruptcy and the owners can file for insolvency. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Fig 1 shows the location search for the business
Fig 2 shows the expected rise in UK
The home is located closed to the town centre, where there is access to the community, lots of local shops, restaurants, and shopping mall. Holland residential care home has the capability, the commitment, and the resources to handle all our clients requirements. We are also geared to provide flexible payment terms as well as maintain clients records, and in the event of an accident we help our clients to settle their insurance claim.
Holland residential care provides all services needs for our clients. Holland Care prides itself on serving the local and regional community with a variety of adults’ care services unequalled in the region. We provide 24 hours services for our clients including weekend. The company has a unique advantage that other competitors do not with its small, tight-knit community and an outdoor pool where residents can exercise without worrying about injury.
Fig 3 shows the competitor within the area
The company function is to provide care for dementia people who are not capable of looking after themselves due to their illnesses. We aim to provide an impressive range of care services to older people, ranging from short stay respite care to nursing care, end of life care, plus specialist care and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. We pride ourselves on providing sensitive and understanding care for older people who are living with dementia. Holland residential care home offers high level of care, administered by fully qualified professional staff modern facilities using the latest technology. We have been able to adapt many advanced product solutions to the needs of the long-term care facilities, for example bed frames, therapeutic surfaces, patient lifts, and slings with unparalleled functionality and quality that have been designed specifically to meet the challenges in long term care. For residents that have issues with hearing, vision, sensitivity or suffer from Alzheimer we have provided a comfortable, functional and safe environment that is aesthetically pleasing. As part of our product we organise birthday party for the service user and encourage them to take pictures with others and workers. We offer other product for our clients at a suitable price and give discount on some of them such as
• Holiday trips
• Haute Cuisine Good quality food
• Day centre
• Hair treatments
• Other community activities fundraising
• Musical activities
We aim to offer a range of rental solutions to meet your needs, regardless of care environment for short term rental for a specific patient to longer monthly, six monthly, or annual rental periods. We aim to deliver a high-quality service based upon recognizing and enhancing individual strengths and meeting needs and preferences. Holland care home aim to deliver the best qualities of services to our clients by offering different choice of living comfortably in the home. This includes
• Staff training offered
• Access to garden in the home
• Nutritional meals provided daily
• Lift and wheel chair access
• Faith- religion of service users’ choice.
• Going for shopping with service users
• Beauty and therapy
• Hospital appointment
Now the home has only four 4 bedroom operating. We are aiming to expand into a larger organization that will enable more people to live in with short term or long-term care. We are trying to setup a feedback system for the company to get response from our clients on the services provided to them. Also, to know if the customers are satisfied with our services, and to know where the company needs improve in their services.ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Holland care home has a competitive price which will benefit our client for their products. We offer promotional discount to our client on the product they purchased such as buy one get half price in some of the items, or buy one get one free. Holland care home price strategies is setup in three different method to suit our customers. This include
Cost based pricing: This is like cost plus pricing which is taking into account but consider other factors such as market condition. For example, it is useful for firm that operate in an industry where prices change regularly but still base their price on cost.
Value based pricing: The pricing strategy consider the value of the product to consumers rather than the how much it cost to produce it. For example, they produce medicine, and beauty products.
Penetration pricing: This refers to when an organisation sets a low price to increase the sales and market share. For example, television satellite company sets a low price to get subscribers then increases the price as their customers base increases.
Cost plus pricing: This is widely used in trading, where the sellers wants to know with some certainty what the gross profit side-line of each sales will be. For example, it calculates the cost and add the mark up . ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Loss Leader pricing: This refers to the technique of sales promotion. It is product price below cost price in order to attract customers to make additional purchases of lucrative goods while they are in the shop. One risk of using a loss leader is that clients might take the chance to ”bulk-buy.” For instance, grocery stores can use milk and other staples as loss leaders to encourage shop-pers to visit.
Bundle pricing: The industries use bundle pricing to trade several goods together for a lower price than if they were bought separately. Examples of bundled products are season tickets, vacation packages, computer software with hardware, and wrapped packages of shampoo and conditioner. Bundling creates the awareness in the mind of the buyer that he’s receiving a very attractive cost for his change. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Economy pricing: These sets prices at the bare minimum to make a small profit. The key to profitable economy is to sell a high volume of products and services at low prices.
The company will consider using commercial advertising for promotion such as TV, and Radio commercial, use of large screen and billboard at retail centre. The rest includes
• Brochures and flyers
• Sales promotion
• Activities such as media releases and event
• Referral- deals with other service provider
Fig 4 shows marketing strategies
As a company we consider relationship marketing to advertise the company on social media for example Facebook and Twitter. The reason for using online social media to advertise is to keep our customers interested in the organization services. We run promotions, flash sales and discounts just for the social media reader and percentage discount to first time patients. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Fig 5 shows social medial statistics
Service provider: The total numbers of employees is 4 this include the CEO Business owner, Administrator, accountant, registered manager, and the rest of the staff will be workers.
Chief Executive Officer: The CEO is accountable for the day to day organisation decisions and for executing the company’s long and short-term plans. The CEO acts as a direct liaison between the board and management of the company and communicates to the board on behalf of management.
Administrator: The role of the administrator involves multitasking, providing office and administrative support to either a team or individual. The duties include fielding telephone calls, receiving and directing visitors, word processing, creating spreadsheets and presentations, and filing. They are also accountable for projects and tasks, as well as overseeing the work of junior staff. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Accountant: The role of the accountant in the business is to direct or view the financial account of the company. The accountant obligation includes providing tax advice, support company to report it financial case, book keeping and data analysis. The accountant also helps in paying invoices or receive payment and taking financial information and using it to help the manager make a better decision.
Manager: The registered manager is responsible for the home. The duties include ensuring all of the colleagues are focused on providing positive outcomes for the residents within the home, providing excellent levels of care and support in line with priory groups values and behaviours. The manager also arranged for workers training, supervision for all staff, and reports any rising issues in the home to the service provider of the organisation.
The rest of the staff are workers
Workers: The responsibilities of the workers are to support the residents in all their needs. They provide regular support for the clients on a daily basis. Their duties include
• Personal care: washing, dressing, and giving medication.
• Household tasks: Shopping, cleaning, cooking, and laundry.
• Supervision: Watching over clients who cannot be left on their own.
• Travel assistance: Getting out to the community and appointment.
• Financial matters: Recording of care plan and other arising matters in the home.
Advantages of zero hours contract:
The advantages of zero hours contract workers and agency staff is that the workers are entitled to employment rights for example, rest break, annual leave, protection against discrimination, and the national minimum wage. As well as whistleblowing protection, protection against unlawful wage deductions, to not work more than 48 hours a week and the option to stop working if they choose and protection against discrimination if they choose to work part time. In zero hours contract there is also flexibility to choose a shift or refuse it if there are other commitment such as school and family issues. Another advantage of using zero hour is that employers can keep hold of staff who may need to go from full time work to part time. The owner can hire extra staff as and when they need them. The zero-hour workers are cheaper than paying agency fees, however it helps to lower wage cost. Engaging in zero-hour contract allows the employers:
• To deal with an unexpected event e.g. manage a sudden increase in demand
• To have flexibility when starting a new business
• To cope with absences e.g. maternity leave or long-term sick leave
Disadvantages of zero-hour contract:
The disadvantages of zero-hour contract workers and agency staff is that they don’t provide any financial stability to those who are employed under them. Individuals have no guarantee of work and therefore it can be a risky condition to be in. The main point surrounding the zero-hour contracts seems to be based on employers and not business owners. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Customers/ Clients:
The company customers target are registered nurses, doctor, social worker, family member and service user, CQC.
Registered nurses: The nurses work as part of a team of professional and medical staff that includes doctors, social workers, and therapist. Their duties include monitoring and administering medication and intravenous infusion, taking patient samples, pulses, temperatures and blood pressure, and writing record.
Social workers: The social workers support individuals and their families through difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people, including children and adults, are safeguarded from harm. Their role is to help improve outcomes in people’s lives.
Care Quality Commission CQC: The role of the Care Quality Commission CQC as an independent regulator, is to register health and adult social care service provides in England and to inspect whether or not standards are being met. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Service user and family: The service users are people who uses health and or social care services from service provider.
Doctors: The doctors are the people that give diagnosis, order treatments and check on the progress of patients. Their duties include, prescribe the right medication and provide adequate follow up to the patient within a reasonable amount of time.
Future Plan:
As a company we recognise that our success depends on our ability to grow. However, If I am successful in the business, the company will expand on setting up more care home for dementia people and learning disability for both young and adults. All the care homes will be fully equipped with the right facilities within the home. The company will offer other means of providing services. For example, price skimming, franchise, Initial public offering.
Franchise: This is a method that allows an existing individual or new business to buy into a well-known business functioning system, brand name and advice network. If you buy a care home franchise you take accountability for the premises, the product and the profits. ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay
Price skimming: These allow the businesses to increase profits on early adopters before dropping prices to attract more price sensitive consumers. It helps the business recover its development costs, but also creates an illusion of quality and exclusivity when an item is first introduced to the marketplace.
Initial Public Offering: The company will offer its first sales to the public. The IPO brings an underwriting firm or investment bank, to helps determine the best type of security to issue, offering price, amount of shares, and timeframe for the market offering.
The company will make sure all complaints are taking seriously and investigated following the government policy and procedure. The company will be committed to attract, retain, and develop the most suitable professionals and establishing an environment for them in which they are encouraged to realise their full potential.
ARU Care Home Industry Health Essay