Applying Epidemiological or Biostatistical Terminology Essay

Applying Epidemiological or Biostatistical Terminology Essay

NR 704 Week 3 Discussion 1: Appropriate Application of Epidemiological Terms in Determining Risk

Relative Risk of Breast Cancer: The National Cancer Institute estimates that women have an average lifetime risk of 13.2% (one in eight) of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in their lives. The chance that a woman will never develop breast cancer is 86.8% (seven in eight).Applying Epidemiological or Biostatistical Terminology Essay.  Having one first-degree relative with breast cancer approximately doubles a woman’s risk of developing cancer (compared to women having no first-degree relatives with breast cancer). Having two first-degree relatives with breast cancer increases risk fivefold.


What is the probability or risk of developing breast cancer in both of the scenarios? What is the relative risk? …. attributable risk? Discuss the importance (or lack of) of these terms in describing a patient’s risk of breast cancer. Applying Epidemiological or Biostatistical Terminology Essay

Appropriate Application of Epidemiological Terms in Determining Risk

NR 704 Week 3 Discussion 2: Applying Epidemiological or Biostatistical Terminology

Which epidemiological or biostatistical terminology best supports the magnitude of the problem for your proposed evidence-based promotion class project. Applying Epidemiological or Biostatistical Terminology Essay

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