Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations Essay Paper

Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations Essay Paper

Application of Nursing Theory to Administrative Practice Arena (graded)

Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations:
Hello Class,

This week we will continue to examine grand and middle range theories however, we will shift our thinking to administrative nursing roles. Please select a nursing grand or middle range theory and explain how application of this theory by nurse leaders/nurse managers can influence outcomes from two of the following areas: Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations Essay Paper


  • Organizational operations
  • Patient care delivery
  • Patient satisfaction scores
  • Workflow redesign Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations Essay Paper


The course outcomes that relate to our topics this week are:

ØPropose strategies for use of relevant theories that nurse leaders can employ in selected healthcare or educational organizations considering legal and ethical principles. (PO #2, 6)  Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations Essay Paper

ØCommunicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO #3)

ØRecommend strategies for the use of theory as the basis for actions of advanced nursing practice in leadership and education. (PO #5)

I look forward to your responses.

For this question, please do the following: Select a grand nursing theory. Explain how application of this theory by nurse leaders and nurse managers can influence outcomes from two of the following areas. Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations Essay Paper

  • Organizational operations
  • Patient satisfaction scores
  • Patient-care delivery
  • Workflow redesign Application of Grand Nursing Theory to Organizational Operations Essay Paper

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