Analyzing the Methodology of a Scientific Research Article Essay
Analyzing the Methodology of a Scientific Research Article Essay
Write a 700 to 1050 word study guide based on a peer reviewed empirical research article (you can use one from your week 1 or 2 assignment, if you like, as long as it is peer reviewed and empirical).
Explain the following terms/concepts, and how the article exemplifies each of them:
- Population of interest
- Sample of participants (or “subjects”)
- Independent variable(s)
- Dependent variable(s)
- Types of study designs. Analyzing the Methodology of a Scientific Research Article Essay
- Internal validity
- Threats to internal validity
- External validity
Cite the article, the textbooks and your other sources as appropriate throughout your Analyzing the Methodology of a Scientific Research Article assignment, and provide references, in proper APA formatting. Use only credible sources of information.
Resources: Ch. 7, 8, and 14 of Introduction to Health Research Methods
And Ch. 5 of Research Techniques for the Health Sciences
Analyzing the Methodology of a Scientific Research Article Essay