Analyzing Published Research Articles (IAPRA) Paper Purpose.

Analyzing Published Research Articles (IAPRA) Paper Purpose.


Individual: Analyzing Published Research Articles (IAPRA) Paper

· The purpose of this paper is to interpret the article as most relevant to the group topic.

· Analyze one primary data research article most relevant to your group topic and research question.


Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies (PO#4 & 8).

CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence-based

practice (PO#4 & 8).

Due Date (please see course calendar for specific dates/times)

· Week 4, Part I

· Week 4, Part II

· Week 5, Part III

· Week 5, Part IV

· Week 6, Part V

· Week 6, Part VI

· The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Points Possible : 220 Points

Paper Preparation:

· It is NOT acceptable to use bullet-points in the body of text review paper.

· All review contents must be PARAPHRASED with your OWN words with in-text citations.

· It is NOT acceptable to QUOTE article contents EXCEPT the Purpose of Study as required.

· Paper must include all required APA-Style/Format

· Do NOT leave blank for any of these review elements.

· Any review element left blank will get 0 point: If authors did not provide information or it was not applicable for certain elements, make note such as “No information was given” or “Not applicable”

PLAGIARISM: “Turnitin” Percentage

· Less than 25 percentage: Acceptable percentage.

· Turnitin Draft Submission Box

· Submit your draft of paper into Turnitin Draft Submission Box to check your percentage as many times as needed before you submit your final paper to designated Unit.

· If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage, you must revise/modify your paper contents BEFORE you submit your paper due date and time.

· If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage AT/AFTER you submit your final paper due date and time, Academic Integrity Violation Procedures will be initiated

Academic Integrity Violation Procedure

· Academic Integrity Violation letter will be sent to student

· Assignment Grade will be 0 point

· The violation case will be reviewed, and a further sanction will be determined by the Administrators

Individual Analyzing Published Research Article (IAPRA)

Part I: Research Question, Purpose, Variables and Participants

Research Question

· Clearly and concisely states your group research question as formulated in PICO format.

Purpose of the Study

· Describe the purpose/aim of the study as the author stated in the article: may cut & paste

· Do NOT change or modify the purpose statement on the article


· Identify study variables from the above stated Purpose of Study

· Quantitative Study: Dependent & Independent Variables OR Descriptive, Qualitative Study: Variables of Interest


· Enrollment: How did they recruit/enroll eligible participants in the study?

· Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria: Describe Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria

· Total Participant Numbers: Total numbers of participants in the study

Part II: Intervention Procedures/Obtaining Information Procedures

Quantitative Study

Intervention/Treatment Group

· Describe the intervention contents given to Intervention group

· Describe how the contents were given to Intervention group

· Identify the person who provided Intervention contents to Intervention group

Control Group: If the study has Control Group

· Describe the contents given to Control group

· Describe how the contents were given to Control group

· Identify the person who provided contents to Control group


Descriptive/Qualitative Study: Obtaining Information Procedure

· Describe the detailed procedure for obtaining information/data (i.e. made appointment to meet each participant, visited home/met in clinical setting……etc)

Part III: Data Collection Procedures & Measurement Tools/Instruments

· Describe ALL methods to collect data in detail (i.e. interview, survey, observation……etc.)

· Describe each measurement tool/instrument used to measure/assess outcomes in the study in detail.

Part IV: Results/Findings

Participant Characteristics/Sociodemographic Findings

· Describe participant characteristics or sociodemographic status

· Must be objective, descriptive, and comprehensive

· Must describe the findings of Tables/Figures to provide comprehensive information about participant characteristics as article provided.

Study Results/Findings

· Describe ALL Other Results/Findings besides above participant characteristics in detail.

· Each result item must include Headings/Subheadings as the article provided.

· Do NOT simply saying “pain level was decreased,” “adherence was increased”…etc

· Do NOT include contents from Discussion and/or Conclusion in the article.

Part V: Synthesis of Findings

Synthesis of Findings

· Describe the Rationale/Mechanism for how/why Finding of each intervention/factor helps your Research Question (i.e. how/what mechanism does music therapy help pain, how does sucking stimulation increase oral intake for pre-term infants)

· Should NOT repeat same contents you had on Findings section and/or article

· May include citations from other sources for above described rationale/mechanism (i.e. textbooks, CDC…etc)

Nursing Implications

· How the nurses can implement the research findings into nursing practice.

Part VI: Group Article Summary Table (All group members)

· Describe each group member’s article on Research Article Summary Table.

· Use bullet points for each review content

Grading Rubric & Description for IAPRA

Part I (40)

Research Question


· Accurately/Clearly states group’s Research Question as your group formulated



Followed APA format for paper, in-text citation, references.

Purpose of Study


· Describe the purpose of the study as the author stated in the article.

· Do NOT change or modify the statement on the article



· Identify study variables from the above stated Purpose of Study

· Quantitative Study: Dependent & Independent variables


· Descriptive, Qualitative Study: Variables of Interest





· Enrollment: How did they recruit eligible participants in the study?

· Eligibility: Describe Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria

· Numbers: Total numbers of participants in the study

Part II (45)

Intervention Procedures

Obtaining Information Procedures


Quantitative Study:

· Intervention Group: Describe the detailed Intervention contents, procedures, and person who provided Intervention for Intervention group.

· Control Group: Describe the detailed contents, procedures, and person who provided contents for Control group


Descriptive Study:

· Describe the detailed procedure for obtaining information/data (i.e. made appointment to meet each participant, visited home/met clinical……etc)



Followed APA format for paper and in-text citations

Part III (40)

Data Collection

Measurement Tools



· Describe ALL data collection methods in detail (i.e. survey, interview, observation)

· Describe each measurement tool/instrument used to measure study outcomes in detail.



· Followed APA format for paper and in-text citations

Part IV (50)

Participant Characteristics/Sociodemographic Findings

All other Results/Findings



· Must be descriptive and comprehensive

· Describe participant characteristics or sociodemographic findings

· Describe the findings of Tables/Figures to provide comprehensive information about participant characteristics as article provided

· Describe ALL Other Results/Findings besides above participant characteristics in the article in detail for each Result item

· Each Result item must include Headings/Subheadings of Results as the article provided.

· Do NOT simply saying “pain level was decreased,” “adherence was increased”

· Do NOT include contents from Discussion and/or Conclusion in the article.



· Followed APA format for paper and in-text citations

Part V (20)

Synthesis of Findings


· Describe the Rationale for how/why Finding of each intervention/factor helps your Research Question (i.e. how/what mechanism does music therapy help pain, how does sucking stimulation increase oral intake for pre-term infants)

· Should NOT repeat same contents you had on Findings section and/or article

· Should have citation of analyzed article(s)

· May include citations from other sources for above described rationale and mechanism (i.e. textbooks, CDC…etc)

Nursing Implication


· How the nurses can implement the research findings into nursing practice?



· Followed APA format for paper, in-text citation, references.

Part VI (25)

Article Summary Table (Group)


· Describe article on Research Article Summary Table

· Use bullet points for each review content

· Submit Table as separate document

Total Points: 220 Points