Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool Discussion Paper

Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool Discussion Paper

Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project – Part Four NEW

Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool: Design a data collection tool that can be used with your aggregate population. Make sure the tool contains the following:  Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool Discussion Paper



  • Demographics—name, birth date, ethnicity, sex, education level, and so forth
  • The questions that you came up with in Part One and any others that you feel would apply
  • Two additional questions that would be consistent with the goals of Healthy People 2020
  • Data from reliable sources that answers each of the questions you asked
  • Include data points with two levels of data for each— if you cannot find two points, a data gap exists.  Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool Discussion Paper
  • Include your data in Part Four of the Weekly Guide.
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Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool: Design a data collection tool that can be used with your aggregate population. Make sure the tool contains the following:  Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool Discussion Paper

  • Demographics—name, birth date, ethnicity, sex, education level, and so forth
  • The questions that you came up with in Part One and any others that you feel would apply
  • Two additional questions that would be consistent with the goals of Healthy People 2020
  • Data from reliable sources that answers each of the questions you asked
  • Include data points with two levels of data for each— if you cannot find two points, a data gap exists.  Aggregate Population Data Collection Tool Discussion Paper
  • Include your data in Part Four of the Weekly Guide.
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