Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 1
The aim of this law was to improve the health care system of the U.S. by widening health coverage to more Americans, and by protecting existing health insurance policy holders. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
There were several parts of the bill that had important implications for many Americans.
These relate especially to coverage for pre-existing conditions, including pregnancy, children on parental plans, and help for small businesses to have their employees insured. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
Coverage for pre-existing conditions
Beginning in 2014, insurance companies could not raise premiums for infants or children because of a pre-existing condition or disability. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
Adults who previously could not get coverage because of a pre-existing condition, and who had had no insurance for 6 months or more would now get insurance. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) was aimed at adults who could not get coverage because of a pre-existing condition, such as diabetes or cancer. From 2014, the Act made access available to them. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
As of 2018, health insurers cannot deny or cancel coverage for someone with a pre-existing condition. The insurance must also cover that condition, and insurers cannot charge someone more for having that condition. Pregnancy is still considered to be a pre-existing condition, so insurance now covers all prenatal care and the birth from day one of coverage. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
However, President Trump’s administration recently said that he would no longer support this provision in the PPACA.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, this may head to the Supreme Court for a final ruling in 2019. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
A hallmark of President Barack Obama’s administration has been the introduction of his Affordable Health Care Act. What are the main goals of the Affordable Health Care Act? Provide an argument for or against its implementation. Make sure to provide evidence to support your position. Respond to two other peers with differing opinions and identify points that you feel may sway you to reconsider your opinion. If you do not find points that may make you reconsider, describe why you disagree with the peer’s response. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit. HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 1 Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) – also known as the Affordable Care Act or ACA, and generally referred to as Obamacare – is the landmark health reform legislation passed by the 111th Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
The legislation includes a long list of health-related provisions that began taking effect in 2010. Key provisions are intended to extend coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, to implement measures that will lower health care costs and improve system efficiency, and to eliminate industry practices that include rescission and denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
The law includes premium subsidies and cost-sharing subsidies designed to reduce the costs of coverage for Americans who qualify. (Find out if you’re eligible for subsidies with this subsidy calculator.) Millions also gained coverage due to the law’s expansion of Medicaid in many states. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
Millions of American enroll in ACA-compliant health plans during an annual open enrollment period (OEP). However, many Americans can enroll outside of the OEP if they have a qualifying life event, which makes them eligible for a special enrollment period. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
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HLT 600 GC Week 8 Policy Brief Assignment Latest
HLT 600 GC Week 8 Policy Brief Assignment Latest
Details: Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
- 1) Generate a policy brief (750-1,000 words) which targets a contemporary issue in public health policy that has global implications (e.g., smoking, obesity, infant mortality, etc.). Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
- 2) Refer to the “HLT 600 Policy Brief Guide.”
- 3) While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
- 4) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
Policy Brief Guide
Legislators seldom have the time to read through all the literature related to a specific health care policy question. To make well-informed decisions, they rely on short, tightly written briefs that quickly and cogently relay the important policy facts, questions, and arguments about an issue. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
An effective policy brief will advance a persuasive argument in a concise, clearly organized fashion. A policy brief does not include a lengthy analysis or review of the literature.
Policy Brief Assignment Template Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
- Begin with a brief overview and state the health care problem.
- Include the history and social context of the public health condition.
Recommendations: Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
- Clearly state your recommendations for addressing the issue up front.
- Outline the history or background relevant to the global prevalence of the condition and health disparities related to the condition.
- Describe the population(s) most affected by the conditions.
- Describe the major agencies responsible for enforcement of public health related to this issue along with outlining their roles. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
- Constructively criticize arguments, ideologies, and the quality of current actions being taken to address the condition.
- Use evidence from literature and other sources to support your perspectives and advance your recommendations. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
- Conclude with a persuasive argument and summary statement.
- Summarize the major points and provide recommendations for the implementation of specific policies to address the health care issue. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
Adapted from the International Society for Technology in Education at…/Policy_Brief_Template.sflb.ashx Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 2 Latest
Given the policy-making process, why is the composition of Congress important, and how does it influence the creation of health care policy? Use a specific example to demonstrate your point within your answer. Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 3 Latest
How do special interest groups (SIGs) influence the generation of health care policy in the United States? Support your answer with an example of how a special interest group has influenced the generation of a specific policy. Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
areful review reveals that significant parts of the ACA are actually working. Specifically, it has allowed for significant expansion of insurance coverage and it is accelerating the move from a financing system that pays for the volume of services provided to one that rewards care providers for delivering higher-quality care. For these reasons, the Republicans should try to improve the ACA, not largely abandon it. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper
True health care reform will happen when care is redesigned around the patient, not the doctor or hospital; when the financial incentives reward better health outcomes rather than hospital beds filled; and when the consumer has access to information to make good choices. Affordable Health Care Act Assignment Paper