The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion

The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion

The purpose of this assignment is to create a poster that will present the visual and graphic presentation of the capstone project. Poster presentation should clearly articulate what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and what it contributes to your field and the larger field of human knowledge. This assignment is due in week seven and must be presented by the student. The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion


Create your poster per guidance and approval from your capstone course faculty (template provided above). Follow the poster template as outlined and review the recommended resources in creating your poster.

What goals should you keep in mind to construct a poster?

Clarity of content. Decide on a small number of key points that you want your viewers to take away from your presentation, and articulate those ideas clearly and concisely.
Visual interest and accessibility. The viewers should notice and take interest in your poster so that they will pause to learn more about your project, and you will need the poster’s design to present your research in a way that is easy for those viewers to make easy sense of it.

From the capstone project, students will create an effective poster with the following information: The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion

Title: Project Title

Authors: Your name, faculty advisor’s name


Purpose or Aims of the Study


Expected Results/Outcomes

Anticipated Conclusions

Potential Implications to Practice


Contact person: include email address

Aims of the Study
• The study aims at achieving short-term goals, which is reducing the number of adults diagnosed with metabolic syndrome at the clinic setting.
• Additionally, the study aims at achieving long term goals, which is reducing the risk of various illnesses, including
 Type 2 diabetes,
 Different cancer forms, and
 Cardiovascular diseases (Farmanfarma et al., 2020)The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion.
 Peer-reviewed journal articles support quantitative research methodology, which was used to gather data during the capstone project.
 According to Zujko et al. (2021) diet modification and increasing physical activities effectively prevent metabolic syndrome.
Proposed Interventions
• I would determine the outcomes of the proposed capstone by reviewing previous studies on the subject matter.
• A study by Zujko et al. (2021) indicated that diet modification and increasing physical activities are effective interventions for preventing metabolic syndrome.
Expected Results/Outcomes
Combining dietary modification and increasing physical activity is anticipated to reduce metabolic syndrome incidence in the clinical setting.
Anticipated Conclusions
The project results indicated that combining dietary modification and increasing physical activity reduce metabolic syndrome incidence.


• Farmanfarma, K. K., Kaykhaei, M. A., Mohammadi, M., Adineh, H. A., & Ansari-Moghaddam, A. (2020). The prevalence and trend of metabolic syndrome in the South-East of Iran. Journal of medicine and life, 13(4), 587.
• Hirode, G., & Wong, R. J. (2020). Trends in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the United States, 2011-2016. Jama, 323(24), 2526-2528. The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion
• Zujko, M. E., Rożniata, M., & Zujko, K. (2021). Individual diet modification reduces the metabolic syndrome in patients before pharmacological treatment. Nutrients, 13(6), 2102.   Primary Prevention in Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome (Mets) includes several metabolic disorders, including abdominal obesity, insulin, lipid disorders, and hypertension (Farmanfarma et al., 2020).
• The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has increased dramatically in the United States.
• The disorder is diagnosed in 33% of U.S. adults (Hirode & Wong, 2020).
• The prevalence is relatively higher among Americans aged 60 years and above.
• Metabolic syndrome raises the risk of various chronic illnesses, including
 Type 2 diabetes,
 Different cancers, and
 Cardiovascular diseases.
• The dramatic increase in Mets in our clinical setting necessitates implementation of preventive measures.
Primary Prevention
• Primary prevention approaches focuses on hindering development of this disorder.
• Prevention strategies include
 Dietary modification,
 Increasing physical activity, and
 Weight reduction
PICOT Question
“Among adults in the clinical setting (P), does a combination of dietary modification and increasing physical activity (I) compared to increasing physical activities alone (C) reduce metabolic syndrome incidence (O) within six months (T)?”
Potential Implication
A combination of dietary modification and increasing physical activity should be adopted as an evidence-based intervention for reducing metabolic syndrome incidence. The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion

Metabolic Syndrome Prevention
A Handout for adults at risk of this disorder


Poster Title – USU Logo
Your name
Significance/Background: Briefly describe the problem you have identified.  Include current statistics, relevant to the problem, peer reviewed articles supporting the problem. Explain if this problem has been occurring  at your clinical setting
PICO-t: Describe problem, population, intervention, comparison, and expected outcomes and time that you would like to measure the results post intervention. Expand on your answer using support from evidence.
Aims of the Study – What are you planning to achieve with your study, short term and long term goals.
Design/Methods: Your peer reviewed articles support the design and methodology of your project
Proposed Interventions
How would you determine the effectiveness of the proposed interventions/treatments with the identified capstone problem?


Expected Results/Outcomes
Specify the expected outcomes that will result from the interventions that you will implement to solve the problem. The results or outcomes should be supported with the evidence based information from the peer reviewed articles that you have read


Anticipated Conclusions
Include what you have learned in the implementation of this project and will your project benefit your clinical setting/population


Potential Implications to Practice
The effect of your capstone project to the nursing profession and practice and humanities
References and contact information


Template below (page 2)

 Template for Poster

Create your poster using either PowerPoint or Google Slides. Below is an example of how to format your poster. In week 8, you will be required to add your poster to your final oral presentation. You can create this slide, or use the template below:

To download the template for your own editing use, you can do the following (you must be logged into your USU email account when accessing this document):

Click here to open the Google slide template: Google Slide Poster Template


Using Google Slides

If you want to use Google Slides to create your poster, open the template above. Click on File on the top menu bar, then click “Make a Copy”. Rename your copy then click Ok. To submit your poster, download your slide as a PowerPoint, then upload to the assignment submission drop box.

To convert to PowerPoint for submission: Click on File, then click “Download As”, then click “Microsoft PowerPoint.” This will open the slide in PowerPoint. The Primary Prevention In Metabolic Syndrome Discussion