The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper

The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper

You will critically appraise a research design

Content Requirements:
You will select one research report with a qualitative design and one with quantitative design and answer the following questions regarding the following categories: The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper

Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research
Briefly, describe the characteristics of qualitative research and identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a qualitative research approach.


Compare and contrast three different qualitative research methodologies.
Briefly, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research evidence for informing nursing practice.
Communicate how this research design used in research.

The study, sampling, data collection, analysis, rigor, findings and limitations
Identify the purpose of the study.
Briefly, describe the design of the study and explain why you think it is either appropriate or inappropriate to meet the purpose.
Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
Identify the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
Discuss whether sampling and recruitment were appropriate to the aims of the research.
Identify the data collection method(s) and discuss whether the method(s) is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
Identify how the data was analyzed and discuss whether the method(s) of analysis is/are appropriate to the aims of the study. The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper
Identify four (4) criteria by which the rigor of a qualitative project can be judged.
Discuss the rigor of this study using the four criteria.
Briefly, describe the findings of the study and identify any limitations.
Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion any implications for the discipline of nursing.

Discuss what you understand by the term Quantitative Research – Use the following dot points to guide your discussion (give reasons for your argument and support with references):
Describe the characteristics of quantitative research.
Identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a quantitative research approach
Differentiate between observational and interventional research designs and also between experimental and quasi-experimental designs.
Briefly, outline the difference between inferential and descriptive statistics and their relationship to levels of measurement.
Communicate how this research design used in research.

Critique the Quantitative Research Report – Use the following headings to guide your critique (in all discussions and explanations give reasons for your argument and support with references):The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper
The study
Identify the purpose and design of the study.
Explain what is meant by ‘blinding’ and ‘randomization’ and discuss how these were addressed in the design of the study.
Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
Explain the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
Discuss how the sample size was determined – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
Data collection
Briefly, outline how the data was collected and identify any data collection instrument(s).
Define the terms validity and reliability and discuss how the validity & reliability of the instruments were/were not addressed in this study and why this is important.
Data analysis
Outline how the data were analyzed.
Identify the statistics used and the level of measurement of the data described by each statistical test – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
Findings and limitations
Briefly, outline the findings and identify any limitations of the study The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper
Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to briefly discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion an explanation of the term statistical significance and name the tests of statistical significance used in this study.

Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper should be formatted per current APA and 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
Attention: Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Friday.
Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.

Critical Research Appraisal Assignment

Article #1: Qualitative Research

The selected article for qualitative research is;

Mousazadeh, S., Yektatalab, S., Momennasab, M., & Parvizy, S. (2019). Job satisfaction challenges of nurses in the intensive care unit: A qualitative study. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy12, 233. doi: 10.2147/RMHP.S218112 The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper


Meaning of Qualitative research and its Characteristics

Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data that helps the researcher understand concepts, experiences, and opinions Kyngäs, 2020). The main characteristic of qualitative research is that the study incorporates first-hand information using observations, questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups, with the data collected mainly non-numerical. As a result, Mousazadeh et al. (2019) qualitative research involved a focus group, field notes, and interviews.

Qualitative Research Methodologies Comparison and Contrast

The main qualitative research methodologies used in healthcare include phenomenological research, ethnography, and grounded theory (Kyngäs, 2020)The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper. The main comparison is that all qualitative research methodologies are descriptive and communicative as they try to evaluate the cause of a certain problem in a healthcare setting. However, these methodologies contrast in that phenomenological research involves the researchers investigating a phenomenon through identifying and interpreting the research participants’ life experiences. On the other hand, ethnography is essential in understanding patient population culture, while grounded theory helps researchers develop clinical theories inductively on their selected topic.

Qualitative Research Evidence Strengths and Weaknesses in Nursing Practice

The main strength is that the data collected is cost-efficient and engages a variety of methods in collecting data on sensitive factors like cultural norms (Kyngäs, 2020)The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper. However, its main weakness is that the data is too complex to understand and time-consuming. However, it is the most effective since it helps explore cultures, organizations, and situations facing patient populations.

The Study Purpose

Through the qualitative study, Mousazadeh et al. (2019) aimed to identify the challenges or experiences that nurses within the intensive care unit face that influence their job satisfaction.

Study Design and Its Evaluation

Mousazadeh et al. (2019) qualitative research design was the conventional content analysis approach that involved a focus group, field notes, and interviews. I believe it is an appropriate approach since it helps describe the emotional reactions of nurses’ challenges when working in an intensive care unit.

The study Ethical Issues

Mousazadeh et al. (2019) addressed the ethical issues appropriately. For instance, they engaged the participants in explaining to them the research and obtained written informed consent. Also, the participants would withdraw from the research to avoid complicating the research process.

Sampling Method and Recruitment Strategy and their Appropriateness

Mousazadeh et al. (2019) used purposive sampling to gain knowledge from well-informed nurses on intensive care challenges. The researchers engaged nurses that worked in the neurology ICU, unlike the surgery ICU, due to its work environment and the patient conditions. The sampling and recruitment strategies were crucial since they would add to the reliability and credibility of the project The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper.

Data Collection Methods and their Appropriateness

The qualitative design data collection involved a descriptive exploratory using a content analysis approach by Mousazadeh et al. (2019). The method was appropriate since the researchers managed to break down data collection using time triangulation, persons, and data gathering techniques, thus enabling them to compare different nurses’ experiences.

Data Analysis and its Appropriateness

The researcher involved Graneheim and Lundman’s method that helps in analyzing the texts’ latent and explicit content. The method was appropriate since the method helped the researchers to engage in critical clinical thinking about the research problem.

Criteria for Judging Qualitative Research

The main ways to judge qualitative research include transferability, dependability, credibility, and confirmability. Hence, Mousazadeh et al. (2019) employed Lincoln and Guba’s criterion where the research dependability and credibility engaged use of semi-structured interviews, confirmability involving the participants’ narratives, and transferability can be seen where the findings can be used in any intensive care unit despite the research involving neurology ICU participants The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper.

Study Finding and Limitation

The Mousazadeh et al. (2019) findings found that the main challenges nurses face are based on their interactions with healthcare human resource management, thus requiring such management to evaluate issues that might affect nurses’ job satisfaction. However, the researcher has not stated their research limitation.

Study Critique

Mousazadeh et al. (2019) article provide crucial details on factors that affect job satisfaction levels for nurses within the intensive care unit. The research can inform future research on hospital management and how they work toward job satisfaction levels of nurses within the intensive care unit.

Article #2: Quantitative Research

The selected article for the quantitative research is;

Amarneh, S., Raza, A., Matloob, S., Alharbi, R. K., & Abbasi, M. A. (2021). The influence of person-environment fit on the turnover intention of nurses in Jordan: The moderating effect of psychological empowerment. Nursing research and practice2021. The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper

Quantitative Research and its Characteristics

Quantitative research involves data collection and analyses of numerical data (Bloomfield & Fisher, 2019). The main characteristics of quantitative research are that it has measurable variables that are essential in finding averages and patterns that are essential in testing causal relationships and generalizing wider population research.

Quantitative Research Approach Nursing Issue

Armaneh et al. (2021) were pushed towards carrying out quantitative research due to the current nursing shortage in the world, specifically in Jordan.

Research Design Differentiation

The main differentiation between observational and interventional studies from a clinical perspective is that observational designs assess potential causation and are retrospective, thus mainly aiming at influencing controls or preventive methods of a medical situation (Bloomfield & Fisher, 2019)The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper. On the other hand, interventional studies are mainly tailored toward evaluating the direct or prospective impact a preventative measure may have on a medical issue.

For the experimental study, the researchers used treatment and control groups, with these groups being randomly assigned, thus engaging in highly controlled conditions. In quasi-experimental studies, the participants are not randomly assigned to the control or treatment groups to find comparison more cost-effective (Bloomfield & Fisher, 2019).

Inferential and Descriptive Statistics Differences

Inferential statistics help researchers test hypotheses to determine if the data can be generalized toward a broader population, like socioeconomic factors influence a disease prevalence. In contrast, descriptive statistics summarize data set characteristics which can be through the use of graphs or charts The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper.

Study Purpose and Design

         The study aimed to investigate the cause of high nurse turnover rates and job satisfaction for registered nurses. The study design was a cross-section research design through self-administered structured questionnaires.

Blinding and Randomization

Blinding and randomization in quantitative research design help researchers obtain high-quality clinical trial outcomes, especially by ensuring no subjective bias, thus making the research findings more valid. The Armaneh et al. (2021) research blinding and randomization use involved average variance extracted and composite reliability to test reliability and heterotrait-monotrait ratio to test research validity.

The Study’s Ethical Issue

The research adheres to all ethical considerations considering that the Jordan Ministry of Health approved the research as evidenced through MOH/REC/2019/192 as the approval code.

                    Sampling and Recruitment Strategy and Sample Size Determination

Armaneh et al. (2021) research involved purposive sampling while the participants had to read the research consent form before recruitment. These strategies were essential to ensure that the research involved interested parties that would fulfill the research goals. On the other hand, the sample size determination involved Jordan private hospitals The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper.

Data Collection

Armaneh et al. (2021) used a survey technique, with the main data collection tool being the self-administered structured questionnaire.

Reliability and Validity

Validity is the research measures accuracy, while reliability is the measured consistency. In that regard, Armaneh et al. (2021) research reliability and validity were measured through the Structural equation model (SEM) for effective finding deductions.

Data Analysis

Armaneh et al. (2021) research study used Smart Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for data analysis.

Statistics and Level of Measurement

The research involved 383 nurses, and the level of measurement was based on person-supervisor, job satisfaction, and person-job fit.

Findings and Limitations

Armaneh et al. (2021) found that Psychological empowerment weakens nurses’ turnover intentions and job satisfaction. Hence, nurses must improve psychological empowerment to reduce turnover intentions. The study’s main limitation was the engagement of a cross-section study design since it conflicts with causality. I believe the study is credible and reliable since the researchers have also provided policies that healthcare can implement to reduce nurse turnovers and increase job satisfaction, like evaluating shift duty timings The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper.


Amarneh, S., Raza, A., Matloob, S., Alharbi, R. K., & Abbasi, M. A. (2021). The influence of person-environment fit on the turnover intention of nurses in Jordan: The moderating effect of psychological empowerment. Nursing research and practice2021.

Bloomfield, J., & Fisher, M. J. (2019). Quantitative research design. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association22(2), 27-30.


Kyngäs, H. (2020). Qualitative research and content analysis. In The application of content analysis in nursing science research (pp. 3-11). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30199-6_1

Mousazadeh, S., Yektatalab, S., Momennasab, M., & Parvizy, S. (2019). Job satisfaction challenges of nurses in the intensive care unit: A qualitative study. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy12, 233. doi: 10.2147/RMHP.S218112 The Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Paper