The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion
The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion
Risk management in healthcare involves assessing practices and processes to identify risk factors, enabling the management teams to establish and implement procedures that mitigate the risks. Risk management is essential as it helps reduce healthcare costs, morbidity, and mortality rates which consequently impact patient safety and quality care The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion.
Social media in healthcare is essential as it provides a communication platform between the providers and patients. The type of social media risks includes information security risks and reputational risks. For example, a consumer might post a comment that can ruin an organization’s reputation. Therefore, organizations must control communication on their social media platforms (Petersen & Lehmann, 2018)The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion. This can be achieved by restricting members allowed to publish posts. For example, in my organization, only administrative members can publish posts.
Patient information is private and confidential, and risks associated with information privacy include data breaches. Organizations may implement administrative or technical approaches to mitigate data breaches for patient information. For example, in my organization, encrypting and decrypting codes have been integrated into electronic health systems to ensure the security of patient information The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion.
There are various risk management steps that organizations can implement to ensure the security of patient information. Organizations may install firewalls in their patient information systems whereby they secure the organization’s networks internally and externally. There are different types of firewalls, and establishing the most appropriate requires that an organization assess its security risks (Anwar et al., 2021). An organization can also conduct regular system audits to monitor who, how, when, and what patient information was assessed at a specific time. This ensures that all staff members are accountable for patient information privacy. Lastly, organizations can implement administrative approaches whereby one must get administration authority to access patient information. An organization’s risk determines the most appropriate intervention The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion.
Anwar, R., Abdullah, T., & Pastore, F. (2021). Firewall Best Practices for Securing Smart Healthcare Environment: A Review. Applied Sciences, 11(19), 9183.
Petersen, C., & Lehmann, C. (2018). Social Media in Health Care: Time for Transparent Privacy Policies and Consent for Data Use and Disclosure. Applied Clinical Informatics, 09(04), 856-859. The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion
Briefly describe how the risk management program at the organization where you work (or at that of a typical health care organization) addresses social media and patient information privacy. Provide three examples of risk management steps your health care organization (or another health care organization) could take to further protect patient information. Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference The Risk Management In Healthcare Essay Discussion