Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment

Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment

Week3 assignmemt


This assignment is worth 175 points.


  1. Read over each of the following directions.
  2. You must read the Assignment Practice Scenario below before completing the PPE Worksheet.
  3. Download and use the requiredPPE Worksheet (Links to an external site.).
  4. Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles here(Links to an external site.).
  5. Review the information provided in our library of how to locate and copy a journal permalink(Links to an external site.)Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment.


  6. You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at http://my.chamberlain.edu(Links to an external site.). Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
  7. Complete each section of the Problem/PICOT/Evidence (PPE) Worksheet. For the Clinical PICOT Question,use the NR439 Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples(Links to an external site.)Use one of the templates/guides to write your Clinical PICOT Question using all of the PICOT elements. Be sure to include the PICOT letters in your question.
  8. Be sure to use the rubric to make certain you are meeting all grading criteria of the PPE Worksheet.
  9. Submit the completed PPE Worksheet on the Week 3 Assignment page.
  10. Students, A short tutorial with tips for completing the Week 3 Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) worksheet assignment may be viewed here. Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment

Assignment Overview Transcript

Assignment Practice Scenario

Your Chief Nurse Executive (CNE) recognizes you are pursuing your BSN and has asked you to be a member of the nursing evidence-based practice (NEBP) committee. She has advised the members that the purpose is to conduct nursing research studies involving clinical practice problems. Increasing nurses’ awareness of quality and safety concerns will help develop an attitude of inquiry and asking questions (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). Baccalaureate nurses “collaborate in problem identification, participate in the process of search, retrieval, and documentation of evidence, and integrate evidence using credible databases and internet resources” (AACN, 2008, pp. 16-17)Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment.

The CNE has advised all members of the following areas of quality and safety clinical practice that each committee member needs to consider and choose only one as a priority area for conducting a research study. Sources of research problems come from nursing clinical practice (Houser, 2018):

Quality Safety
·         Patient satisfaction

·         Patient education

·         Falls
·         Non-pharmacological pain management Errors. Examples include:

·         Medication

·         Patient identification

·         Communication

·         Readmissions

·         Length of stay

·         Costs

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).
Examples include:·         Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)

·         Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)

·         Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)

·         Surgical Site Infections (SSI)

·         Sepsis (Screening or Prevention)

·         Discharge Teaching/Coaching

·         Transitions of Care/Level of Care

·         Pressure Ulcers

·         Skin Integrity

Your CNE has requested that you select ONLY one topic area and complete the PPE Worksheet using only one topic area. The committee will collaborate and decide as a team which nursing clinical problem area will be the priority focus of their next research study. Thank you for your valuable contributions to this important NEBP committee.

Best Practices

  • For questions about this assignment, please contact your instructor.
  • Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
  • Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.
  • Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment

Scholarly Sources and Citations

  • Use APA format in citations and references.

Cite the book from this week reading and outside sources

Week 3: Assigned Readings


Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett.

  • Chapter 1: The Importance of Research as Evidence in Nursing, pp. 24-26 (WOs 4, 5)
  • Chapter 5: The Successful Literature Review (WOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Peterson, M. H., Barnason, S., Donnelly, B., Hill, K., Miley, H., Riggs, L., & Whiteman, K. (2014). Choosing the best evidence to guide clinical practice: Application of AACN levels of evidence (Links to an external site.). Critical Care Nurse, 34(2), 58-68. https://doi.org/10.4037/ccn2014411. (WOs 1, 2, 5)

Stillwell, S., Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B., & Williamson, K. (2010). Evidence-based practice. Step by step searching for evidence: Strategies to help you conduct a successful search (Links to an external site.). American Journal of Nursing, 110(5), 41-47. (WOs 3, 4)Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment


American Association of Colleges of Nurses. (2008). Executive summary: The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. http://www.aacnnursing.org/Education-Resources/AACN-Essentials


Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett.

Sherwood, G., & Barnsteiner, J. (2017). Quality and safety in nursing: A competency approach to improving outcomes (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell.

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. (2018). QSEN knowledge, skills, and attitude competencies. http://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/


NR439 PPE Worksheet Rubric

NR439 PPE Worksheet Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical Nursing Practice Problem

Select and identify only one quality or safety clinical priority area from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Summarize why you believe the nursing practice problem/issue is the most important. Summarize your rationale (why) for choosing the problem.

50 pts

Selects and identifies one quality or safety clinical priority practice problem from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Thoroughly summarizes why you believe the nursing practice problem/issueis the most important. Thoroughly summarizes the rationale (why) the problem was chosen. Provides details.

46 pts

Criteria from the first column are mostly summarized or one criteria lacks details or is missing.

40 pts

Criteria from the first column are minimally summarized or two criteria lack details or are not present.

19 pts

Criteria from the first column are poorly summarized.

0 pts

Criteria are not discussed.

50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical Nursing PICOT Question

Clinical Nursing PICOT Question

Using the NR439 Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples located in the assignment guidelines, write out your PICOT question. Include each letter of the PICOT in your question.

15 pts

PICOT question has 5 elements correct. Question is nursing related.

13 pts

PICOT question has 4 elements correct or question is not nursing related.

12 pts

PICOT question has 3 elements correct.

6 pts

PICOT has 1-2 elements correct.

0 pts

PICOT question with no elements correct or no PICOT question present.

15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefine PICOT Elements

Define each of the elements from your above clinical PICOT question.

15 pts

5 PICOT elements are correctly defined.

13 pts

4 PICOT elements are correctly defined.

12 pts

3 PICOT elements are correctly defined.

6 pts

1-2 PICOT elements are correctly defined.

0 pts

PICOT elements are not correctly defined or elements are not present.

15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence Retrieval Process and Summary

Using only the Chamberlain College of Nursing library:
(1) Locate evidence that is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem. Explain how you believe the evidence is relevant to your chosen clinical nursing problem/issue. (2) Explain why you chose the evidence.
(3) Provide a complete APA reference to the evidence (must include authors, year, title of the evidence, title of the resource).
(4) Evidence must be published within the last 10 years.
(5) Provide the permalink.

20 pts

All of the 5 criteria are present. (1) Locates evidence relevant to chosen nursing practice problem. Explains how the evidence is relevant to your chosen clinical nursing problem/issue. (2) Explains why the evidence was chosen. (3) Provides a complete APA reference to the evidence (includes authors, year, title of the evidence, title of the resource). (4) Evidence must be published within the last 10 years. (5) Provides the permalink. Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment

18 pts

Missing 1 criteria or 1 criteria lacks details.

16 pts

Missing 2 criteria or 2 of the criteria lacks details.

8 pts

Missing 3-4 of the criteria.

0 pts

Missing all five criteria from the A column or none of the criteria are present.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImplications of the Evidence

Summarize what you learned from the evidence.
Summarize why you believe the nursing evidence-based practice committee should focus their next research study on this practice problem.

40 pts

Thoroughly summarizes what was learned from the evidence. Thoroughly summarizes why you believe the nursing evidence-based practice committee should focus their next research study on this practice problem. Excellent details provided.

35 pts

Mostly summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria lacks details.

32 pts

Fairly summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria is missing. Fair details are provided.

15 pts

Poorly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Poor details are provided.

0 pts

Criteria are not summarized or is missing.

40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence Search Terms

Identifies 4 (or more) relevant searchable terms you used for your search for evidence.

10 pts

Identifies 4 (or more) relevant searchable terms used for the search for evidence.

9 pts

Identifies 3 relevant searchable terms used for the search for evidence.

8 pts

Identifies 2 relevant searchable terms used for the search for evidence.

5 pts

Identifies 1 relevant searchable term used for the search for literature.

0 pts

No terms identified or terms are not present.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence Search Strategies

Identifies 4 (or more) relevant search strategies you used to narrow/limit your search for evidence.

10 pts

Identifies 4 (or more) relevant strategies used to narrow/limit the search for evidence.

9 pts

Identifies 3 relevant strategies used to narrow/limit the search for evidence.

8 pts

Identifies 2 relevant strategies used to narrow/limit the search for evidence.

4 pts

Identifies 1 relevant searchable term used for the search for evidence.

0 pts

No strategies identified or strategies are not present.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Writing, Mechanics, Organization, Spelling, Sentence Structure, Grammar
8 pts

Excellent writing, mechanics, organization, spelling, sentence structure, grammar. 1-2 errors noted.

6 pts

Good writing, mechanics, organization, spelling, sentence structure, grammar. A few errors noted.

3 pts

Fair writing, mechanics, organization, spelling, sentence structure, grammar. Some errors noted.

2 pts

Poor writing, mechanics, organization, spelling, sentence structure, grammar. Many errors noted.

0 pts

Very poor writing, mechanics, organization, spelling, sentence structure, grammar. Errors throughout are noted. Writing is difficult to understand or follow.

8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA In-Text Formatting for Cited Sentences
7 pts

Excellent APA formatting. Uses APA in-text citation formatting with no errors.

6 pts

Good APA formatting. Uses APA in-text citation formatting with 1-2 errors noted.

4 pts

Fair APA formatting. Uses APA in-text citation formatting with some errors noted or does not use in-text citation formatting.

3 pts

Poor APA formatting with many errors noted.

0 pts

Very poor APA with errors noted throughout.

7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssigned PPE Worksheet Used
0 pts

0 points deducted

Assigned PPE Worksheet used for this assignment.

0 pts

17.5 points deducted (10%)

Assigned PPE Worksheet NOT used for this assignment results in deduction.

0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate deduction
0 pts

0 points deducted

Submitted on time

0 pts

Not submitted on time – Points deducted

1 day late=8.75 deduction; 2 day late =17.5 deduction; 3 day late=26.25 deduction; 4 day=35 deduction; 5 day=43.75 deduction; 6 day =52.5 deduction; 7 day =61.25 deduction; Score of 0 if more than 7 days late

0 pts
Total Points: 175


Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) Worksheet
Criteria One of the most common hospital-acquired infections is urinary tract infections secondary to indwelling catheters. As a result, catheter-associated urinary tract infections contribute to prolonged hospital stays and increase the cost of treatment. In addition to this, CAUTI contributes to multi-drug resistance. Moreover, it has been reported that CAUTI contributes to developing septicemia and sepsis and eventually causes death (Sun, Ren, & Long, 2020). Sun, Ren, & Long  (2020) stated that about 70% of CAUTI can be prevented through infection-control strategies. Hence, for the above-stated reasons, CAUTI prevention measures must be evaluated to avoid prolonged hospital stays by decreasing its prevalence, especially in geriatric patients.


Clinical Nursing Practice Problem

Select and identify ONLY one quality or safety clinical priority area from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Summarize why you believe the nursing practice problem/issue is the most important.  Summarize your rationale (why) for choosing the problem.


Clinical Nursing

PICOT Question


Using the NR439 Guide for Writing PICOT Questions and Examples located in the assignment guidelines, write out your PICOT question. Include the PICOT letters in your question.


In geriatric patients (P), does the use of coated urinary catheters (I) compared to the uncoated urinary (C) catheters minimize the incidence of urinary tract infections (O)  after 14 days of insertion (T)?


Define PICOT Elements


Define each of the PICOT elements from your question above.


P– (Patient population/patients of interest):   Geriatrics patients.

I– (Intervention): The implementation of urinary catheters coated with gold,silver or pallidum.

C– (Comparison): The standard use of non-coated urinary catheters.

O– (Measurable outcome): To reduce the prevalence of CAUTI in geriatric patients

T– (Time frame in months): Assess for signs of infection after 14 days of urinary catheter insertion.

Evidence Retrieval Process and Summary


Using only the Chamberlain College of Nursing library:

(1) Locate evidence that is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem.  Explain how you believe the evidence is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem.

(2) Explain why you chose the evidence

(3) Provides a complete APA reference to the evidence (must include authors, year, title of the evidence, title of the resource)

(4) Evidence must be published within the last 10 years

(5) Provides the permalink


While undertaking this assignment, three articles were selected using the Chamberlain College of Nursing Library. The selection of the three articles entailed answering the PICOT question that had been developed. Likewise, the articles were selected because they were peer-reviewed and had been published in the last ten years.

Panchisin, T. L. (2016). Improving outcomes with the ANA CAUTI prevention tool. Nursing, 46(3), 55-59. https://chamberlain.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CUCON_INST/f6kb8f/cdi_proquest_miscellaneous_1802731932

Sun, Y., Ren, P., & Long, X. (2020). Role of noble metal-coated catheters for short-term urinary catheterization of adults: A meta-analysis. PLOS ONE15(6), e0233215. https://chamberlain.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CUCON_INST/f6kb8f/cdi_plos_journals_2411517891

Wald, H. L., Bandle, B., Richard, A. A., Min, S., & Capezuti, E. (2014). Implementation of electronic surveillance of catheter use and catheter-associated urinary tract infection at nurses improving care for Healthsystem elders (NICHE) hospitals. American Journal of Infection Control, 42(10), S242-S249.https://chamberlain.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CUCON_INST/f6kb8f/cdi_pascalfrancis_primary_28891937



Implications of the Evidence

Summarize what you learned from the evidence. Summarize why you believe the nursing evidence-based practice committee should focus their next research project on the nursing practice problem.

Using urinary catheters is essential and cannot be done away with; thus, measures should be developed to do away with it. Sun, Ren, & Long, (2020) undertook a meta-analysis that showed that using coated urinary catheters such as silver, gold and palladium decreases the rate of CAUTI in the short term. Research is essential to evaluate the safety of using these catheters in patients who are already asymptomatic UTIs. Wald et al. (2014) highlighted the importance of electronic surveillance for indwelling catheters and CAUTI. Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment
Evidence Search Terms

Identify 4 (or more) relevant searchable terms you used for your search for evidence.


The search terms used were related to the chosen topic: “catheter-associated urinary tract infections, ‘urinary tract infections, ‘CAUTI,’ ‘nosocomial infections,’ ‘coated catheters,’ and ‘geriatrics


Evidence Search



Select 4 (or more) relevant search strategies you used to narrow/limit your search for


___*_   Full text

___*_   Boolean Operators/Phrase

___*_   Selected publication dates within last 10 years

____   Subject, title, or author search box

____   Truncation (used an asterisk * at the beginning or end of a word)

__*__   Academic or scholarly (Peer Reviewed) journals

____   Quotation marks for key words

___*_   Selected key terms from PICOT question

____   Others: (list below): ____________________________________________



Panchisin, T. L. (2016). Improving outcomes with the ANA CAUTI prevention tool. Nursing, 46(3), 55-59. https://chamberlain.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CUCON_INST/f6kb8f/cdi_proquest_miscellaneous_1802731932

Sun, Y., Ren, P., & Long, X. (2020). Role of noble metal-coated catheters for short-term urinary catheterization of adults: A meta-analysis. PLOS ONE15(6), e0233215. https://chamberlain.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CUCON_INST/f6kb8f/cdi_plos_journals_2411517891


Wald, H. L., Bandle, B., Richard, A. A., Min, S., & Capezuti, E. (2014). Implementation of electronic surveillance of catheter use and catheter-associated urinary tract infection at nurses improving care for Healthsystem elders (NICHE) hospitals. American Journal of Infection Control, 42(10), S242-S249. https://chamberlain.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CUCON_INST/f6kb8f/cdi_pascalfrancis_primary_28891937

Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) Worksheet

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem

Select and identify ONLY one quality or safety clini-cal priority area from the assignment guidelines prac-tice scenario. Summarize why you believe the nursing practice problem/issue is the most important. Summa-rize your rationale (why) for choosing the problem.

Clinical Nursing
PICOT Question

Using the NR439 Guide for Writing PICOT Questions and Examples located in the assignment guidelines, write out your PICOT ques-tion. Include the PICOT letters in your question.

Define PICOT Elements

Define each of the PICOT elements from your ques-tion above.
P- (patient population/patients of interest):

I- (Intervention):

C- (Comparison):

O- (Measurable outcome):

T- (Time frame in months):
Evidence Retrieval Pro-cess and Summary

Using only the Chamberlain College of Nursing library:
(1) Locate evidence that is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem. Explain how you believe the evidence is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem.
(2) Explain why you chose the evidence
(3) Provides a complete APA reference to the evi-dence (must include au-thors, year, title of the evi-dence, title of the resource)
(4) Evidence must be pub-lished within the last 10 years
(5) Provides the permalink

Implications of the Evi-dence
Summarize what you learned from the evidence. Summarize why you believe the nursing evidence-based practice committee should focus their next research project on the nursing prac-tice problem.
Evidence Search Terms
Identify 4 (or more) rele-vant searchable terms you used for your search for evidence.

Evidence Search

Select 4 (or more) relevant search strategies you used to narrow/limit your search for
____ Full text
____ Boolean Operators/Phrase
____ Selected publication dates within last 10 years
____ Subject, title, or author search box
____ Truncation (used an asterisk * at the beginning or end of a word)
____ Academic or scholarly (Peer Reviewed) journals
____ Quotation marks for key words
____ Selected key terms from PICOT question
____ Others: (list below): ____________________________________________


Week3 assignmemt
This assignment is worth 175 points.
1. Read over each of the following directions.
2. You must read the Assignment Practice Scenario below before completing the PPE Worksheet.
3. Download and use the required PPE Worksheet (Links to an external site.).
4. Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles here (Links to an external site.).
5. Review the information provided in our library of how to locate and copy a journal permalink (Links to an external site.).
6. You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at http://my.chamberlain.edu (Links to an external site.). Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
7. Complete each section of the Problem/PICOT/Evidence (PPE) Worksheet. For the Clinical PICOT Question,use the NR439 Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples (Links to an external site.). Use one of the templates/guides to write your Clinical PICOT Question using all of the PICOT elements. Be sure to include the PICOT letters in your question.
8. Be sure to use the rubric to make certain you are meeting all grading criteria of the PPE Worksheet.
9. Submit the completed PPE Worksheet on the Week 3 Assignment page.
10. Students, A short tutorial with tips for completing the Week 3 Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) worksheet assignment may be viewed here.

Assignment Overview Transcript
Assignment Practice Scenario
Your Chief Nurse Executive (CNE) recognizes you are pursuing your BSN and has asked you to be a member of the nursing evidence-based practice (NEBP) committee. She has advised the members that the purpose is to conduct nursing research studies involving clinical practice problems. Increasing nurses’ awareness of quality and safety concerns will help develop an attitude of inquiry and asking questions (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). Baccalaureate nurses “collaborate in problem identification, participate in the process of search, retrieval, and documentation of evidence, and integrate evidence using credible databases and internet resources” (AACN, 2008, pp. 16-17).
The CNE has advised all members of the following areas of quality and safety clinical practice that each committee member needs to consider and choose only one as a priority area for conducting a research study. Sources of research problems come from nursing clinical practice (Houser, 2018):

Quality Safety
• Patient satisfaction
• Patient education • Falls
• Non-pharmacological pain management Errors. Examples include:
• Medication
• Patient identification
• Communication
• Readmissions
• Length of stay
• Costs Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).
Examples include:
• Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)
• Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
• Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
• Surgical Site Infections (SSI)
• Sepsis (Screening or Prevention)
• Discharge Teaching/Coaching
• Transitions of Care/Level of Care • Pressure Ulcers
• Skin Integrity
Your CNE has requested that you select ONLY one topic area and complete the PPE Worksheet using only one topic area. The committee will collaborate and decide as a team which nursing clinical problem area will be the priority focus of their next research study. Thank you for your valuable contributions to this important NEBP committee

Evidence Based Practice Problem Assignment