The Reflection On Family Therapy Discussion

The Reflection On Family Therapy Discussion

The most crucial notion in family therapy is the ability to detach one’s feelings and thoughts from oneself. All three videos refer to a person’s ability to separate his or her intellectual and emotional functioning from the family. When people cannot separate their thinking from their emotions, they cannot make rational decisions. They also find it difficult to distinguish their sentiments from others because their families significantly impact their thoughts, feelings, and interpretations of the world around them The Reflection On Family Therapy Discussion.


According to Bowen, undifferentiation impacts the emotional workings of a particular generational family. When two people merge their relationships, he believes this causes triangles to form, which in turn triggers various signs and symptoms, the most common of which are disagreements between the two people in the relationship or the extension of a problem to one or more children. Continuing the initial idea, this shows that a family member with a “problem” is triangulated and tries to stabilize a duo in the family. The parents may come closer together if their son rejects their mother’s advice as they try to find a solution to their dilemma The Reflection On Family Therapy Discussion.

The three videos focus on family therapy sessions emphasizing anxiety’s importance as a central concept. Every individual on Earth is subject to a constant state of anxiety. Anxiety is not very harmful as long as it stays at a low level, but when anxiety spikes, especially suddenly, it can send shockwaves through the body. I utilize the concepts from the videos to help individuals in society maintain emotional well-being by effectively providing such therapy sessions against anxiety The Reflection On Family Therapy Discussion.


Video:  Family Systems Therapy:

Video: Structural Family Therapy:

Video:  Bowenian Family Therapy The Reflection On Family Therapy Discussion

Video: Family Systems Therapy:

Video: Structural Family Therapy:

Video: Bowenian Family Therapy

View the above videos.
Develop a minimum of a 1-page overview of your thoughts/reflections on these three videos.
What resonated with you?
What techniques would you employ for family therapy?

Rubric requirements:
1-page overview of 3 videos

Thoughts/reflections and techniques discussed
family techniques discussed, the rationale for use in own practice
reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of each video topic
discusses scenarios where specific techniques would apply to others The Reflection On Family Therapy Discussion