The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper
The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper
Azotaemia is a condition that is characterized by accumulation of creatinine, nitrogenous products blood and other secondary waste products within the blood according Tyagi & Aeddula, (2022)The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper. Prerenal causes involve those that result from injury before the kidney. They include; dehydration, hypovolemia, hypo perfusion of the kidney, congestive heart failure and liver failure.
Renal causes are as a result of kidney structure damage that consists of renal tubules, glomeruli, renal vasculature and interstitium. The causes include; infections such as glomerulonephritis, drugs such as aminoglycosides, NSAIDs, toxins, vasculitis and hypo perfusion (Tyagi & Aeddula, 2022)The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper. Post-renal causes involve the bladder and ureters. They comprise of; nephrolithiasis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, recurrent UTIs and hydronephrosis
Diagnostic measures
Prerenal Azotaemia
- Urine osmolality 500 mOsm/kg
- Fractional excretion of sodium <1, fractional excretion of urea <35%
- Urinalysis shows hyaline casts
- BUN: Cr ratio is>20:1
Intra-renal Azotaemia
- Urine osmolality<300mOsm/kg
- BUN: Cr ratio is <20:1
- Urinalysis shows eosinophils, +proteinuria, cellular debris, red casts and muddy brown casts.
- FeNa is >2, FeUr is >50% The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper
Post-renal Azotaemia
- Urinalysis reveals white blood cell casts
- BUN: Cr ratio is <20:1
- Urine osmolality is <300mOsm/kg
- Fractional excretion is >2
- Imaging studies show findings of nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis and bladder mass.
Urological condition in paediatric population
Posterior urethral valve is a prevalent cause of urinary tract obstruction in the paediatric age group exclusive to male patients. It results from membranous folds in the lumen of the posterior part of the urethra (Bingham & Rentea, 2022)The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper. They are classified into three types based on the orientation of the valves within the urethra which include; type 1, type 11 and type 111. Obstruction can result in bladder wall hypertrophy and detrusor muscle. Changes to the bladder wall can affect compliance and bladder filling as well as lead to elevated intravesical pressure. High bladder pressure can be transmitted into the ureters leading to vesicoureteric reflux which causes incontinence, infection and progressively impaired renal function.
Bingham, G., & Rentea, R. M. (2022, May 8). Posterior Urethral Valve.; StatPearls Publishing.
Tyagi, A., & Aeddula, N. R. (2022, May 8). Azotemia.; StatPearls Publishing.
Discussion Forum Sample
Discussion questions in NUR-631 are presented with a range of options.
Read the questions carefully and follow directions regarding whether to select one, two or answer multiple questions for the response. Present responses using the sample format provided below and include at least two citations from peer-reviewed journals published within the last 5 years or from the textbooks. References must be in proper APA format. A substantive responses must be at least 150 words in length and pertain to the topic as it relates to pathophysiology. The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper
Sample DQ
Select one of the following discussion questions for your discussion response.
1. What did Mark Twain mean when he said, “the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug”? Demonstrate your answer by providing an example from your own life when “almost the right word” created confusion, misunderstanding, or adversity.
2. How can knowing your fellow students and fostering a sense of community benefit your educational experience?
3. Part of effective communication involves knowing how to respond rather than react to something someone has said or written. In the online classroom format, why is it important to read a classmate’s post and assess that person’s intended message before you offer a response? How can this skill of responding help you in your career?
Sample Student DQ Response Format The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper
What did Mark Twain mean when he said, “the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug”? Demonstrate your answer by providing an example from your own life when “almost the right word” created confusion, misunderstanding, or adversity.
It is very important to use the right words when communicating. If you do not select your words carefully you can end up not getting your point across or miss a great opportunity. Using the right word makes sure you are understood correctly. If you are not careful about the words you use, it is easier for people to misinterpret them. This can have a negative impact in the medical field, as miscommunication affects “patients’ quality of care, health outcomes, adherence to treatment and satisfaction” and is also cited as the “most common reason for patient medical complaints” (Morgan, 2013, p. 123)The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper.
I have experienced what the difference between the “right word” and the “almost right word” can do. A couple years ago I was having a tough time. I was really busy with a lot of different things and my family could tell it was wearing me down. One day my daughter came up and handed me a picture she drew of the two of us. I was in the middle of something and just took it and said, “Oh, that’s nice, thanks.” Later, I could see she was sad. I felt terrible and thought about how much work she put into the picture for me, and how she was trying so hard to make me happy. I used almost the right words, but not the right words. We both felt much better after I took the time to express how I really felt.
Morgan, S. (2013). Miscommunication between patients and general practitioners: Implications
for clinical practice. Journal of Primary Health Care, 5(2), 123-128.
1. Explain the concept of azotemia (including prerenal, renal, and postrenal), causes, and diagnostic measures used to identify each.
2. Identify and discuss the pathophysiology underlying one pediatric urological disorder. The Concept Of Azotemia Discussion Paper