The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment

The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment

One way informatics can be especially valuable is in capturing data to inspire improvements and quality change in practice. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) collects data related to adverse events and safety concerns. If you are working within a practice setting to implement a new electronic health record (EHR) system, this is just one of the many considerations your team would need to plan for during the rollout process. The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment


In a paper of 1,500-1,750 words, discuss the following:

Consider an opportunity for tracking care improvement. What key information would be needed in the database? Example: Time lapse from medication order documented in the EHR to delivery of medication to the patient for the cardiology service.
Describe the role informatics plays in the ability to capture this data. What type of project management strategies and methodologies can be implemented to support informatics initiatives to help improve quality within the clinical practice?
Discuss which systems and staff members would need to be involved in the design and implementation process. What is the role of the advanced registered nurse in promoting evidence-based practice and leading quality and performance improvement initiatives within this setting?
Outline strategies for implementing the new EHR proposal. Consider communication changes, transitioning to the new EHR, and managing resources (human, fiscal, and health care resources)The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment.
Discuss what professional, ethical, and regulatory standards must be incorporated into the design and implementation of the system.
Describe the measures and steps you would take to evaluate the success of the EHR implementation from a staff, setting, and patient perspective to measure effectiveness and ensure continuous quality improvement in practice?
Explain what leadership skills and theories would be needed to facilitate collaboration with the interprofessional team and provide evidence-based, patient-centered care?
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

The role of informatics in modern society is undeniable. According to Nibbelink et al. (2018), informatics has helped to improve the efficiency and accuracy of information storage and, more importantly, the ability to find and use that information quickly. In addition, machine learning and analytics have allowed organizations to make more informed decisions based on data analysis (Sarker, 2021). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the implementation of new electronic health records (EHR), including essential information on the database, the role of informatics in capturing data, project management strategies, relevant systems, and staff members. The discussion also includes the strategies to ensure a smooth transition, steps to evaluate the effectiveness of EHR implementation, and leadership skills and theories that would be required to facilitate cooperation with the interprofessional team The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment.


Information Needed in the Database to Track Care Improvement

Given an opportunity to track care improvement, the critical information required in the database would include data on inpatient days, readmission rates, patient outcomes, quality measures, and cost. According to Curtis et al. (2018), informatics can effectively extract information such as disease progresses, drug reactions, and patient progress from the clinical notes. Information collected from the databases helps determine the improvement of care and quality of care offered. Such data would need to be collected over time to monitor care effectiveness and note any improvements. Additionally, the database would need to include information on who is responsible for each aspect of care so that interventions can be targeted appropriately. Finally, the database would need to be accessible by all healthcare team members to track care outcomes The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment.

Role Informatics in the Ability to Capture This Data

Informatics draws on concepts and methods from computer science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, or another field to store data and retrieve and manage it. The adoption of EHR allows care providers to capture and analyze patient data that can be used to determine the effectiveness of care (Jiang et al., 2021). Informatics has played an essential role in the development of modern information technology and is responsible for creating databases that store large amounts of data. Besides, informatics is responsible for developing search engines and software that allow care providers to find specific information quickly. In addition, informatics is responsible for developing methodologies that allow organizations to collect, capture, and use data more efficiently.

Informatics allows data collection through interfaces such as computerized patient record systems, which help collect medical information such as assessment findings, diagnoses, interventions, outcomes, medication orders, laboratory results, and others. Codes such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms) help identify diseases and support interoperability or the ability of computer systems to share and use information (Burrows et al., 2020). Clinical databases also allow data capture from hemodynamic monitoring devices, catheters, remote monitoring devices, and other technologies attached to the patient (Nibbelink et al., 2018)The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment. According to the authors, such a device is set to capture data values at a certain frequency to help care providers monitor patient progress.

Type of Project Management Strategies and Methodologies to Support Informatics Initiatives

Informatics plays an important role in improving quality within clinical practice. The project management strategies and methodologies that can be implemented to support informatics initiatives include planning that would involve creating a roadmap, milestones, and timelines for the project. Planning is important to ensure that all initiative aspects are coordinated and completed on time. Communication strategies would ensure effective communication between all stakeholders to support informatics initiatives and improve the quality of clinical practice. Communication is essential for ensuring that everyone understands the goals of the project and any changes that may occur.

Another project management strategy would be ongoing tracking or monitoring and reporting to keep track of progress throughout the project (Ross et al., 2018). Tracking the informatics implementation would help identify barriers to effective implementation, goals met, and benefits realized, among other issues. Regularly reporting progress can help identify deficiencies, which can be addressed before they cause significant problems. Quality Control and improvement would be other strategies to ensure that the data collected is of high quality and are crucial for ensuring that accurate and reliable information is available for decision-making. Healthcare professionals, especially informaticists, will use the data from the implemented technology to determine patient outcomes trends. Quality control measures such as audits can help ensure that the data meets predetermined standards The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment.

Systems and Staff Members in the Design and Implementation Process

There are many different electronic health records (EHRs) types, and each organization could have different needs and preferences for its EHR system. However, implementing the new EHR will need to involve various systems and staff members, including the project manager, lead physician, lead supper user, and nurse informaticist(s) who will train other staff members on using the new EHR. The project manager will work closely with the vendor, ensures timelines are met, and track progress. The lead physician will link users with the administrative and technical team. The lead user will configure the electronic health records software, develop workflows, and addresses issues raised by users. Nurse informaticists are individuals responsible for developing or modifying the EHR system’s software. Informaticists must be familiar with various programming languages and the principles of nurse informatics. Advanced registered nurses familiar with evidence-based practice and quality improvement initiatives will also be in the best position to promote these practices within the EHR setting. They will also be able to provide leadership and direction to other clinical team members.

Role of the Advanced Registered Nurse in Promoting EBP and Leading Quality and Performance Improvement Initiatives

The roles of the advanced registered nurse in promoting EBP and leading quality and performance improvement initiatives include ensuring that relevant EBP guidelines, clinical practice parameters, and other quality improvement initiatives are implemented. Besides, the advanced practice nurses ensure that the guidelines and quality improvement initiatives are maintained safely, effectively, and patient-centered manner as informed by current evidence from research studies. The advanced registered nurse is also responsible for ensuring that data collected from the EHR is accurate and accessible for use in decision-making. Finally, the advanced registered nurse is responsible for advocating on behalf of patients and ensuring that their rights are respected within the clinical setting.

Other staff members that will be significant in the design and implementation phases of the informatics initiative are the vendor or EHR application developers, individuals responsible for creating or modifying the applications that use the EHR system. They must be familiar with various programming languages, web development principles, and interface design. Quality assurance professionals would include nurse informaticists responsible for conducting quality assurance (QA) activities within the EHR system. They must be familiar with various QA methodologies, software development principles, and quality assurance The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment.

Strategies for Implementing the New EHR Proposal

Effective communication is essential for implementing the new electronic health record proposal. Keeping everyone involved in the process and informed about the changes and progress is vital. A communication plan must be in place to inform all stakeholders of the proposed changes to the EHR system. The plan should include strategies for informing patients, employees, physicians, other healthcare providers, and third-party vendors about the changes. Besides, the project management would require a preliminary check at the setting’s current workflows to determine hardware needs, training of supper users, staff education, and plan for supporting care providers until full adoption.

Coordinating training for employees and physicians on using the new EHR system will also be a significant task during the transition. Coordinating training for employees and physicians familiarizes them with using the new EHR system (Aguirre et al., 2019)The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment. In this case, the team should plan and coordinate training tailored to individual needs (e.g., orientation, refresher courses). Also, the team would discuss what professional, ethical, and regulatory standards require incorporation into the design and implementation of the system.

Another key strategy is to transition as smoothly as possible. It is important to minimize the number of disruptions that will occur during the transition period by planning for any potential issues and addressing them as soon as they arise. To achieve a successful transition, the teams should outline who will be responsible for implementing and using the new EHR system and develop timelines for each step of the transition process (planning, testing, implementation, operation). The team managing the implementation process would also define processes for transitioning to the new EHR system. The transition processes will include choosing data to migrate, helping the vendor execute the transfer of data into the new EHR, and testing the new system, among others. Overall, it is important to create a clear plan to help transition to the new EHR system and to communicate this plan to all stakeholders.

In addition, it is important to review and manage resources (human, fiscal, and health care resources) to ensure the transition is successful. This includes ensuring enough human resources are available to support the new EHR system, budgeting appropriately for healthcare costs, and using technology effectively to save on healthcare costs. In this case, the team should also manage resources by allocating personnel to handle system implementation and operation. Also, in collaboration with the hospital administration, the team should allocate money to cover the costs of implementing and operating the new EHR system.

Measures And Steps To Evaluate The Success Of The EHR Implementation

Aguirre et al. (2019) highlight that evaluating EHRs could involve determining their usability, functionality, cost of adoption, and utility. Usability and functionality test the route if accessed while capturing data into the system. Evaluation of EHR implementation will involve determining the utility or how wholly and accurately the system presents data such as diagnostic and therapeutic information. Another measure of evaluating the EHR implementation will be adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, access to information, and other features. Thus measures to determine the effectiveness of the EHR would involve tracking patient progress and outcomes. This can be done through various means, such as measuring adherence to prescribed treatments or recording adverse event (AE) reports. AE reporting can also help identify potential problems with the EHR system and help to address them.

From a staff perspective, some key indicators of success include improved patient care, reduced medication errors and complications, improved communication between physicians and patients, reduced time spent on paperwork and administrative tasks, and reduced costs associated with healthcare. Evaluation of the success of an EHR implementation from a staff perspective will depend on the expected benefits of the system. After identifying the benefits, measuring the EHR’s impact on patient care is important. The implementation is deemed successful if there is a significant improvement in patient care due to the EHR. If there are no discernible benefits from the EHR, it may not be worth pursuing The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment.

Evaluation of the EHR implementation success to measure its effectiveness will involve looking at the number of errors made per chart, the number of duplicate chart entries, or the number of patients seen per hour. Additionally, it is important to measure continuous quality improvement to ensure that the EHR implementation remains effective over time. Continuous quality improvement can occur by measuring how often patient data is updated, how often medication records are updated, or how well communication between physicians and nurses is functioning. It is important to have regular quality assurance (QA) audits. QA audits can help identify problems with the EHR system and measure how well the system performs. In addition, QA audits can help to improve the quality of patient care. Finally, it is essential to monitor patient satisfaction to gauge whether they are happy with their care experience and the functionality of their EHR system.

Leadership Skills and Theories to Facilitate Collaboration

Effective leadership theories and skills are required for the interprofessional team to work together and deliver evidence-based, patient-centered care. Together, these skills and theories can help leaders create a productive environment that supports the achievement of organizational goals. Leadership skills include the ability to bring people together and build consensus. The project manager will require clear and concise leadership by demonstrating flexibility and being open to colleagues’ changes or ideas. The leadership will require an understanding of the Interprofessional team, including its members and roles in care. Furthermore, it will be necessary to communicate effectively with team members so that they understand your goals and objectives.

Using relevant theories helps understand barriers and enablers, select practical implementation strategies, and replicate successful interventions (Ross et al., 2018). The theories that will facilitate collaboration include the Normalization Process Theory, which focuses on embedding the new practice as a routine and making it practically workable within the organization (Ross et al., 2018). Another theory is Systems thinking, which recommends an approach focusing on the entire system, not just individual parts (Dolansky et al., 2020)The Role Of Informatics In Modern Society Assignment. By understanding how all the parts work together, leaders can make better decisions about how to address problems. Another applicable theory will be the theory of constraints which highlights certain factors (such as resources or environmental constraints) that limit what can be done in organizations. When leaders understand these constraints, they can make more informed decisions about allocating resources, overcoming challenges, and managing projects.

In summary, implementing a new EHR will require an effective interprofessional team to ease the process of execution, transition, training, and evaluation. The implementation process requires utilizing leadership skills, theories, project management strategies, and evaluation plans. The paper includes a discussion of the implementation of new EHR, including data required to tract care improvement, the role of informatics in capturing data, relevant project management strategies, and staff members required in the process. The paper includes the measures to ensure a smooth transition to a new EHR, evaluation of EHR implementation, relevant leadership skills, and theories needed to facilitate cooperation within the interprofessional team.




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