Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion

Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion

Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.
Consider your organization or specialty area and how you utilize statistical knowledge. Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.
Three peer-reviewed, scholarly or professional references are required.


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion

Statistical Application in Health Care

Statistical application in health care refers to the use of statistics to identify specific data patterns. It involves providing and analyzing data to define and determine unique needs. Through identifying statistical trails and trends, health care stakeholders are able to monitor conditions and compare performance against other trends, such as international, national and state trends. In this case, health statistics presents empirical data that is subjected to statistical analysis that correlates the data and develops prediction models. This helps in decision making, such as making policy decisions, assisting in allocation of funds and determines focus of research efforts (Suresh, 2018). Whether considering medical devices, treatments, drugs, mortality, malpractice, hospital fees, cure rates, accidents, or disease incidence, it is clear that every interaction is an opportunity to collect data that would then be analyzed to get a better understanding of the interactions (Aggarwal, 2018)Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion. This analysis discusses the significance of statistical application in health care.

Statistics has a significant role in health care, particularly used in measuring performance success or failure. Through establishing standard of excellence or benchmarks, a comparison can be made against the collected data to determine level of success or failure. This is especially useful in quality improvement where statistics is used to measure future outcomes, with statistical analysis able to map the overall improvement using the statistical data. In fact, statistics guides health care decision makers, making use of the numerical data collected from observations and measurements to describe the characteristics of the individual or population. This makes statistics useful for measuring performance outcomes. This is seen in the increasing implementation of data-driven, continuous quality improvement efforts targeted at maximizing efficiency (Grove & Gray, 2022)Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion.

In addition to quality improvement, statistics is used in safety and health promotion. Statistical information is used to gauge the overall wellbeing and health of populations. Researchers employ statistics to better understanding populations. The whole health care industry uses statistics to better understand the populations they serve, knowing their unique characteristics to include disabilities, income, race, sex and age. These are demographic statistics that can predict the health care services that the population will be using, and at what costs/prices and level of care the services would be affordable to them (Davis, 2020).

Besides that, health care facilities and pharmaceutical companies are striving to produce effective services and goods efficiently. They are making use to statistics to measure their performance success or failure, making use of statistical analysis to map overall growth and viability of their programs. This makes it clear that statistics presents invaluable information for determining the combination of goods and services that can be produced, the right resources to allocate in producing the goods and services, and to which population to offer them. Making use of reliable statistical information helps in minimizing the risk of health care trade-offs (Huber & Joseph, 2022)Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion.

Furthermore, statistics is used in leadership. In this case, the right data presented at the right time in the right format to the right hands can help in achieving leadership goals. Health care definitely need data to perform their leadership and management functions. For instance, nurse leaders can use statistics to make staffing decisions, such as how many nurses should be in a unit or how to match patient acuity with nurse qualifications (Murray, 2022).

Examples of statistical application abound in the health care industry. An example of statistical application in health care can be seen in medicine development, a process that begins and ends with statistical analysis. Once medicine is developed, it is subjected to clinical trials where data is collected, subjected to statistical analysis and carefully reported to weight the benefits against the risks of the new medicine. Another example can be seen in a medical facility deciding on whether or not to close down a non-performing unit or open up a new unit. In such a case, statistical analysis can help the organization determine if the unit is highly competitive and worth investing in. yet another example can be seen in the use of statistical to influence health care service pricing by describing public demand for the service in measurable units (Suresh, 2018)Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion.

It is notable that improvement in health care is a science of process management that is guided by statistical application. It is only through measuring performance and comparing it against benchmarks that targeted improvements can be made. For instance, improving workplace safety using safety procedures shown to have positive results, or routine immunization of children to reduce disease incidence, or improving health and wellness through lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier foods. The implication is that if something cannot be measured, then it would be impossible to achieve consistent improvements. Meaningfully, any improvement must be data driven. The promise that statistical application beings to health care lies in its ability to transform health care into a truly data-driven culture that provides information about cause and effect (Murray, 2022).

One must accept that statistics is a vital measurement and analytical tool. Statistics presents a data-driven and objective focus that helps in measuring, analyzing and summarizing different health care indicators, such as quality improvement, resource allocation, costs and efficiency. Health care practitioners can use statistics to provide competent practice/care, engage in research and implement various interventions. Overall, statistics presents tools for improving and developing health care at all levels. Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion



Aggarwal, R. (2018). Statistical Literacy for Healthcare Professionals: Why is It Important? Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia, 24(4), 349-350.

Davis, N. (2020). Foundations of Health Information Management (5th ed.). Elsevier, Inc.

Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2022). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). Elsevier Inc.

Huber, D. L., & Joseph, M. L. (2022). Leadership and Nursing Care Management (7th ed.). Elsevier, Inc.

Murray, E. (2022). Nursing Leadership and Management for Patient Safety and Quality Care (2nd ed.). F.A. Davis Company.

Suresh, S. (2018). Nursing Research and Statistics (3rd ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences. Statistical Application In Healthcare Essay Discussion