The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment

The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment

Case : Rapid Strep Test in Adults

A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare.
What is its purpose?
How is it conducted?
What information does it gather?
Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting. The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment



In the healthcare system, a conceptual framework illustrates the diagnostic process to establish the patient’s health problem. The framework enables professionals to gather Information and clinical reasoning when developing a treatment plan. Diagnosis involves patient physical examination, diagnostic testing, laboratory medicine, medical imaging, and consultation (Bolboacă, 2019). The diagnostic testing phase is crucial as it helps identify a health condition before it is clinically perceptible. Therefore, early intervention and therapies are recommended for patients, which helps prevent severe health outcomes and improve patient health. A rapid strep test is an example of a diagnostic test used in diagnosing pharyngitis. This paper aims to discuss a rapid swap test in diagnosis, its purpose, how its conducted, and its validity and reliability. The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment

Description of how the Rapid Strep Test is Used in Healthcare

A rapid strep test is used to detect pharyngitis in adults. Pharyngitis is characterized by acute inflammation of the tonsils or the pharynx. A common sore throat is a symptom associated with pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is perceived as a viral condition, but the most frequently identified cause of the problem is the Streptococcus pyogenes bacterium (GAS) (Arnold & Nizet, 2018). In the United States, approximately 13 million patients who visit healthcare facilities are diagnosed with pharyngitis. GAS accounts for about 5% to 15% of cases of pharyngitis conditions in adult populations. Infection with group A streptococcus may also result in acute rheumatic fever. The condition causes severe damage to the heart valves resulting in detrimental health outcomes. A rapid antigen test aims to detect group A streptococcal (GAS) infection. The tests provide immediate detection of the presence or absence of pharyngitis. Based on the results from the trial, the physician can treat patients with a positive rapid test and withhold antibiotics for patients whose test is negative The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment.

The Purpose of the Rapid Strep Test in Adults

The primary purpose of the rapid strep test is to identify the group A streptococcus (GAS). The prevalence rate of pharyngitis in adults is approximately 5% to 15%, accompanied by other infectious and non-infectious complications. Such complications might include acute rheumatic fever, heart disease, and post-streptococcal nephritis, mainly in patients who do not receive timely treatment for pharyngitis. The prevalence of GAD causes significant burdens as it is estimated that 663,000 cases are 163,000 deaths are reported annually (Kim et al., 2019). Thus, the rapid strep test to detect GAS helps in early intervention treatment, reducing medical costs. Additionally, early intervention helps in preventing the development of other complications associated with pharyngitis.

How the Test is Conducted and the Information it Gathers

The GAD testing begins with a physical examination where the physician looks inside the throat. This is done to identify any signs and symptoms of strep throat, including redness, swelling, and yellow or white spots on the tonsils. After reviewing the patient’s physical signs and symptoms, the doctor might order a rapid strep test (rapid antigen test) to confirm the diagnosis (Banerjee & Ford 2018)The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment. The test involves testing for bacteria from the tonsils and the throat. The physician inserts a long, sterile cotton swab inside the mouth and rubs the back of the throat and tonsil to collect a sample. The process of swabbing is fast but can be uncomfortable for a patient. The sample is then taken to the laboratory and tested for the presence or absence of the group A streptococcal infection.

The Information gathered during a rapid strep test is either presence or absence of antigens to strep A. The test identifies the group A streptococcal from the sample collected from the throat swab. The process is quick as the results are established within seconds. With the Information gathered, providers can make an early diagnosis and recommend appropriate therapy. Consequently, this reduced the illness duration, prevented severe complications, and improved general health outcomes.

The Validity and Reliability of the Rapid Strep Test

The reliability of a test is established by assessing whether a tool can produce the same results every time it is used in the same setting and with the same subject. Reliability measures the consistency and dependability of the results. Test reliability is measured by assessing if the same results are produced each time, assuming no interval changes. Test validity is defined as the accuracy of the test. When establishing the validity and reliability of a rapid strep test, the sensitivity and specificity of the results are assessed. The sensitivity of the quick strep test ranges between 86-95%, while the specificity content is above 96% in adult patients (Thamlikitkul et al. 2018)The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment. Thus, the validity and reliability of the strep test are significantly high.


In summary, a rapid strep test in adults helps detect group A streptococcus infection. The GAS is a causal agent for several diseases, including disease conditions and other severe complications. Therefore, accurate, rapid strep tests are crucial for preventing life-threatening conditions. Early diagnosing the situation enables the physician to provide antibiotics that helps in relieving the state. Therefore, patients should always seek medical attention to prevent life-threatening conditions resulting from pharyngitis.


Arnold, J., & Nizet, V. (2018). Pharyngitis. Principles And Practice Of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 202-208.e2.

Banerjee S, Ford C. Rapid Tests for the Diagnosis of Group A Streptococcal Infection: A Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy, Clinical Utility, Safety, and Cost-Effectiveness [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2018 May 31. Available from:

Bolboacă, S. (2019). Medical Diagnostic Tests: A Review of Test Anatomy, Phases, and Statistical Treatment of Data. Computational And Mathematical Methods In Medicine2019, 1-22.


Kim, H., Kim, J., Jang, W., Nam, J., & Lim, C. (2019). Performance evaluation of three rapid antigen tests for the diagnosis of group AStreptococci. BMJ Open9(8), e025438.

Thamlikitkul V, Rachata T, Popum S, Chinswangwatanakul P, Srisomnuek A, Seenama C, et al. Accuracy and utility of rapid antigen detection tests for group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus on ambulatory adult patients with sore throat associated with acute respiratory infections at Siriraj Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai 2018;101:441-9. The Rapid Strep Test in Adults Assignment