Evidence-Based Research Assignment

Evidence-Based Research Assignment

In the final project, you will be presenting your plan for an evidence-based research project. To begin this process, you need to identify and define a problem at your organization or in your practice. The next step is to conduct a literature review to find out what information is available in the current body of knowledge and what gaps in knowledge still exist. For this discussion choose a quantitative research article (not a systematic review) from the library that relates to the problem you have identified at your organization or in your practice. After reading the article, discuss the problem, purpose, and theoretical framework used by the authors Evidence-Based Research Assignment


Discussion Post

A review of literature is done to find out the available information in the current body of knowledge and establish the existing gaps. This essay reviews a study by Gaikwad et al. (2022) titled, “A retrospective observational insight into COVID-19 exposures resulting from personal protective equipment (PPE) breaches” to establish the problem, the purpose, and the theoretical framework used. Evidence-Based Research Assignment


The problem is the COVID-19 exposures among health workers due to accidental breaches of PPE, which exposes them to infections, necessitating a need for research into the subject. Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at direct risk of acquiring infections during patient care or when handling infectious specimens from patients, such as sputum or saliva. There is a need for proper control practices to prevent occupational exposure to infections among HCWs and ensure their safety as they respond to COVID-19, a global pandemic. The World Health Organization has outlined COVID-19 infection control measures such as hand hygiene protocol and the use of personal protective equipment (PPEs), which offer considerable protection against infections when properly used. However, accidental breaches of the PPE protocol may occur due to emergencies, improper donning and doffing, and poor quality of PPE materials. When a HCW is exposed, an assessment of the breaches and management is needed, even if exposure does not always lead to infections. Evidence-Based Research Assignment


The purpose of the study is to evaluate the nature and extent of PPE breaches when caring for COVID-19 patients, to identify the specific types of PPE breaches, and examine the significance of the type of PPE breach in causing COVID-19 positivity among HCWs.

Theoretical framework

A theoretical framework provides a theory-driven approach to study and is guided by the problem statement, research questions, and literature review (Heale & Noble, 2019)Evidence-Based Research Assignment. The theoretical framework in this study will include an analysis of other research work and studies related to COVID-19 exposures resulting from PPE breaches and the identification of the knowledge gaps as a part of the literature review. At length, PPEs and their role in infection prevention will be discussed. Types of PPE breaches and their significance in increasing COVID-19 positivity and exposure will be discussed. COVID-19 pandemic spread and control among HCWs will be discussed.


Gaikwad, U. N., Bose, O., Padhi, A., Jindal, A., Nagpure, K., Bhargava, A., & Das, P. (2022). A retrospective observational insight into COVID-19 exposures resulting from personal protective equipment (PPE) breaches. PloS one17(5), e0268582. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0268582

Heale, R., & Noble, H. (2019). Integration of a theoretical framework into your research study. Evidence-Based Nursing22(2), 36-37.

Liamputtong, P. (Ed.). (2019). Handbook of research methods in health social sciences. Singapore:: Springer. Evidence-Based Research Assignment



In the final project, you will be presenting your plan for an evidence-based research project. To begin this process, you need to identify and define a problem at your organization or in your practice. The next step is to conduct a literature review to find out what information is available in the current body of knowledge and what gaps in knowledge still exist. For this discussion choose a quantitative research article (not a systematic review) from the library that relates to the problem you have identified at your organization or in your practice. After reading the article, discuss the problem, purpose, and theoretical framework used by the authors.

Please post the URL or permalink for the research article in your post

Here is the article to use

A retrospective observational insight into COVID-19 exposures resulting from personal protective equipment (PPE) breaches. (2022). PLoS One, 17(5) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0268582 Evidence-Based Research Assignment