Adaptive Strategies Research Paper

Adaptive Strategies Research Paper

1. Why should program evaluation be used for public health and not-for-profit institutions in the development of adaptive strategies?
2. Explain the strategic position and action evaluation (SPACE) matrix. How many adaptive strategic alternatives be developed using SPACE?Adaptive Strategies Research Paper

Resources must be within the last five years.



According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), program evaluation can be useful if introduced to evaluate public health initiatives. The CDC defines it to refer to the process of systematically gathering information based on the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of the program for the enhancement of its effectiveness, making appropriate judgments concerning the program, and informing the decision-making process, particularly for implementing future programs (Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, 2017). The essential steps that should be taken into consideration during the evaluation of public health initiatives include engaging the stakeholders, describing the program, determining the goals, and planning the mode of evaluation. The evaluation process of public health programs cannot be effectively attained when those involved in the initiative are not adequately involved. Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, (2017) highlight that the description of the program is essential to enable all the stakeholders to agree on the intentions of the initiative and thus remain focused on the key objectives to be attained during the process as well as determining what should be explicitly evaluated. The paper serves to explore the reasons for program evaluation that should be utilized by the public and non-profit organizations during the establishment of adaptive strategies and the use of the SPACE matrix to develop adaptive strategies.

The Use of Program Evaluation in the Development of Adaptive Strategies

The ultimate objective of using the program evaluation includes utilizing the information to gather the information that is useful in enhancing the program that is being considered. The findings obtained during the assessment are useful since it is employed the illustration of the efficacy of the initiative thus suggesting the areas that require improvement, demonstrating accountability, adjusting the program design, and justifying the financial support that is needed in the initiative (Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, 2017)Adaptive Strategies Research Paper. The focus of public program evaluation is to determine the goals of the program and determine its relevance and usefulness in the current situation such as a change in government policy. Thus, the evaluation program seeks to determine its suitability and the approach that can be used to accomplish the stated program results or objectives (Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, 2017). For instance, public health institutions should develop major goals through the evaluation of viable interventions and analyze them to determine their quality. The process of evaluating the initiatives is useful especially when proving their accountability to the stakeholders.

Monitoring and evaluation programs are useful strategies that can be incorporated into the collection and analysis of information to scrutinize the effectiveness of policies, initiatives, and programs used in public institutions (Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, 2017). The monitoring or evaluation program can determine what is working from what is not workable hence crucial for providing data that supports the rationale behind something that works from that which does not. For instance, some of the initiatives which may not be effective include those that did not involve the collection and maintenance of current and high-quality health-related information in the public healthcare organization. In such cases, Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, (2017) delineate that the illnesses and the distribution patterns will not be effectively understood leading to inappropriate disbursement of funds and other healthcare resources such as personnel. Therefore, such public programs are likely to fail because the targeted interventions will not be able to attain the desired outcomes due to the shortcomings associated with the improper evaluation of programs Adaptive Strategies Research Paper.


Findings from a study by Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, (2017) demonstrate that the evaluation program in public or not-for-profit organizations can be used in assessing the activities that are carried out in the planned initiative. Additionally, it is resourceful in the identification of the flaws, strengths, and areas that require improvement. For instance, the therapy programs may be beneficial for the individuals who are able to accomplish it although the numbers of participants who can reach the target are minimal. Therefore, the evaluation program is a useful tool for managers who need to enhance the effectiveness or quality of their services as well as the outcomes for the target population to whom they provide services to them (Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, 2017). The assessment process offers suitable solutions and fundamental answers to critical questions on the effectiveness of given initiatives and the information that was gathered in the evaluation process that was used in the enhancement of the service program. The evaluation program should be utilized by both public healthcare facilities as well as not-for-profit organizations compared to for-profit companies because of their market share, competitive advantage, and service strengths that may not be a major focus in later organizations (Schneeweiss, 2018). However, the companies should aspire to develop clear plans and properly analyze their adaptive strategies including the available choices so that they can maximize the existing opportunities to offer more chances for attaining success.

The evaluation program is usually relevant in most organizations especially public health institutions since they are used to developing and using adaptive strategies. The programs are beneficial to be used in the assessment phase when the market share, competitive strategy, and sector strengths need to be considered critically (Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, 2017)Adaptive Strategies Research Paper. Public healthcare institutions should use the above approaches to increase their outcomes for easy stimulation of the economy. The application of the program assessment is beneficial in expanding the profit margins, increasing company strengths, and promoting a comparable strategy. Consequently, Bernal, Cummins, & Gasparrini, (2017) discuss that public health organizations are required to establish adaptive strategies to permit them to assess the efficacy of intended programs, inspire confidence, determine the inadequacies, and recognize the areas that require improvements.

The proper illustration of the above arguments is on rehabilitation programs that may be great to the participants who utilize them although the proportion of patients who uses them may be scarce in a transformed society (Schneeweiss, 2018). The above inadequacy may hinder service delivery in not-for-profit organizations as well as public companies when evaluations are not properly conducted. The program evaluations should aspire to examine the action, the project itself, and the activities or goals that are to be accomplished through a rigorous assessment to determine their need and the degree of attaining them (Schneeweiss, 2018). Therefore, in the project or given program, the evaluation process will be useful in establishing what can be performed well as well as the activities which can be improved or modified to attain the desired outcomes. The reviews for given programs are also crucial in demonstrating the financial performance of given programs to assist in determining their effectiveness (Schneeweiss, 2018)Adaptive Strategies Research Paper. The formative assessments are usually conducted during the development as well as the implementation phase of the program to determine the need of adjusting the goals of the program. The summative evaluation is also conducted following the implementation of the program when they are successfully implemented as it can give information on the effectiveness of accomplished programs.

The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) matrix

Erlangga, (2022) discusses that the SPACE matrix refers to the technique that is used in determining the optional strategies for some business organizations and their subsidiary entities. The SPACE matrix is mainly used in the analysis of 4 fundamental elements that have a two-dimensional portfolio. These fundamental elements are a competitive advantage, financial stability, industrial capability, and environmental sustainability of the organization. Erlangga, (2022) adds that it provides the avenue to establish effective strategies that can be used by the company to maneuver their unique businesses. The SPACE matrix is the strategic management approach that focuses on the development of their plans including the competitive position of the company and their action. The use of the above approach offers the company an avenue to make decisions on the appropriate strategies that should be utilized in the management process. Erlangga, (2022) emphasizes that the approach can be utilized as the foundation in the analysis of various management modes such as the SWOT and industrial analyses as well as the evaluation of BCG and IE matrix models Adaptive Strategies Research Paper.

The Space Matrix has greatly surfaced the important tools used in the formulation of alternative approaches. The four quadrants used in the matrix include internal features such as competitive advantage and financial stability as well as external qualities such as industrial capability and environmental sustainability (Erlangga, 2022). The above elements are useful features that drive the general strategies of the organization to attain a suitable performance position. The use of the SPACE matrix can be crucial in the identification of the strategic position of the company as the external dimensions can external features can be used in the assessment of the industry’s strategic position. The SPACE Matrix Study is commonly used in the professional analysis of the market dynamics of the corporation (Erlangga, 2022). The assessment of the internal and external aspects of the company is essential in attaining a strategic position. The alternative approaches can be incorporated to determine the capacity of the company by exploring the existing opportunities the company and expanding the market shares that can be easily reflected in the aggressive stance.

According to Erlangga, (2022), the SPACE matrix is commonly viewed as a strategic planning tool although it may have several disadvantages. For instance, the approach is forced to coerce to comply with a given strategy that has the basis of binary logic. The strategic actions which can be generated from the planning phase are either non-aggressive or aggressive ones without the gray zone in between them. Thus, the space analysis makes the work of senior management simpler as the choices and decisions can be easily agreed upon thus the development of plans or strategies is more amicable (Erlangga, 2022)Adaptive Strategies Research Paper. However, the inadequacies like imperfect financial strength, the volatile environment of business operation, and the avenues that offer a competitive advantage in their desired market are some of the things that make it necessary for the enhancement and conservation of useful values by the company through producing distinguished and upgraded products. One of the alternatives is the conservative stance that describes the farm as well as its competitive advantage through operating in less attractive sectors that may be endowed with stable financial operations and a good working environment (Erlangga, 2022). The features of the defensive stance entail a lack of financial strength and less competitive advantage from the organization leading to reduced productivity.


In summary, business entities including healthcare organizations develop their business strategies because this helps in understanding all the requirements of the company that influences decision-making and achievement of its goals and objectives. Additionally, the development of realistic plans helps organizations to achieve their transformational strategic plan and improve their operational standards. In so doing, businesses like healthcare organizations are able to improve the quality of care and achieve improved patient outcomes.



Bernal, J. L., Cummins, S., & Gasparrini, A. (2017). Interrupted time series regression for the evaluation of public health interventions: a tutorial. International journal of epidemiology, 46(1), 348-355.

Erlangga, H. (2022). Micro Financial Sharia Non-bank Strategic Analysis: a Study at BMT Beringharjo, Yogyakarta. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 4(2), 1677-1686. Adaptive Strategies Research Paper

Schneeweiss, S. (2018). Automated data-adaptive analytics for electronic healthcare data to study causal treatment effects. Clinical epidemiology, 10, 771. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S166545 Adaptive Strategies Research Paper