Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion

Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion

Initial post should be 400 words with at least two current, scholarly references to support discussion.

For your initial post, post your course subject (from discussion 3). Select 4-5 topics/concepts you intend to address in your course (your course will contain more topics/concepts but for the sake of this assignment we will only list 4-5), and 4 goals/outcomes (related to topics/concepts) for the course you selected in module 4. Think about what you want your students to be able to do once the course is complete. The goals or outcomes should use Bloom’s taxonomy and reflect the level of the student. For example, senior level nursing students should have goals or outcomes that require higher Bloom’s cognitive levels such as apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. Also the goals or outcomes should be specific and measurable. In your cross posts/responses, offer some substantial feedback and suggestions to improve your classmate’s work Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion


The following is my post from discussion #3.

Discussion 3
My area of expertise for which I will design a course is medical surgical, so affectionately known as med-surg. I enjoy med-surg nursing as we care for patients from adolescence through the end of life with an array of conditions, ranging from hypertension, hyperglycemia, COVID-19, immunocompromised patients, gastrointestinal issues, and psychiatric patients, as well as patients who require or have undergone surgical procedures such as arthroplasty, amputations, appendectomy, or incision and drainages to name a few Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion

Change Theory Overview

The change theory that I have selected to aid in the curriculum development process is Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovative (DOI) Theory. With Rogers’ DOI theory, there are five components that characterize how and at what rate new ideas are spread and adopted. The five phases of this change are 1) knowledge, 2) persuasion, 3) decision, 4) implementation, and 5) confirmation. In the knowledge phase, staff is presented with communications that brings light to the change. Persuasion is used by those who are in favor of the change to arouse interest by those that may be resistant, which leads to the decision phase. In the decision phase, staff determine if they are accepting of the change or resistant to it. Once this is determined, the proposed changes are put into practice during implementation and staff can then confirm the benefits from the change and carry on with using the new process (Barrow et al., 2021)Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion.

Problems Arise

A possible problem that could arise is the staff not being on board or giving resistance to the change. In life, I have learned that change is one thing that is guaranteed, which occurs pre, throughout, and post change (Barrow et al., 2021). In the pre-change stage, the staff’s readiness for change is assessed. The innovator is the person(s) who desires the change, so of course they are already on board. The next who needs to accept the change to make this a smooth process is the early adopter, which is a person who is well-respected and therefore influenceable. If you can get them on board, everyone will likely follow suite, as evident by the early majority who are inclined to accompany the early adopter. Unlike the early majority, the late majority are more skeptical but in due time will fold upon departmental pressure. These are the easy ones so to say. The laggards are highly skeptical and are verbal to their resistance. The early adopters are vital! During the change, it is important to review facilitators of change as well as any barriers that may be in place. This will assist with making any adjustments as needed and assessing these changes. This is termed a force field analysis in which open communication is vital as it aids in strengthening those who are embracing the change via recognition and incentives. In the post-change stage, feedback from staff is important as it helps identify if the change is effective as well as obtain opinions and ideas from staff. The DOI theory can overcome this resistance by determining who the early adopters are and using them ot persuade the early majority and so on (Scott & McGuire,2017).


Barrow, J.M., Annamaraju, P., & Toney-Butler, T.J. (2021). Change management. StatPearls Publishing.

Soctt, S. & McGuire, J. (2017). Using diffusion of innovation theory to promote universally designed college instruction. International Journal of Teaching and learning in Higher Education, 29(1), 119-128.

Med-surge nurses provide care for acutely ill patients and those recovering from surgeries. They focus on a myriad of topics, given the broad specialty of the course. Specifically, the 4 topics I intend to address within the Med-surge curriculum are patient restraints, clotting disorders, UTIs and complication prevention Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion.


Consequently, I intend to achieve the following outcomes from the four topics. On patient restraint concept, I aim to determine the best restraint methods that are non-provocative, effective, and efficient for a particular activity. Although restraints are offered as last resort options to patients, they keep a patient in proper position during surgery and prevent them from harming themselves and others. As such, the restraint order should only be applied after the senior and experienced med surge nurse actively assesses, implements, and evaluates the selected emergency measure (Wang et al., 2021).

Regarding clotting disorders, my aim is to identify the best prevention and treatment method for hyper-coagulation. Such is possible by examining the causes of blood clotting disorders and formulating best prevention practices. Although one can’t prevent genetic blood clotting disorder, he can reduce its acquired risk factors by adopting effective practices such as quitting smoking and doing physical exercises Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion.

            Regarding UTI treatment topic, I aim to reduce the likelihood of renal damage and eradicate the infection and urosepsis. This will be possible by acknowledging the importance of prophylaxis therapy and extensively studying its contexts (Byrnes, 2021). As such, students will likely understand when and how to administer the therapy.

Lastly, my goal on complication prevention is to recognize, manage, and prevent postoperative complications. As such, we will focus and examine basic nursing care principles such as proper hand-washing, hydration, and early ambulation to prevent complications (Byrnes, 2021)Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion.


Byrnes T. (2021). Impact of Delirium Education on Medical-Surgical Nurses’ Knowledge. Journal of nursing care quality36(4), 291–293.

Wang, L., Lin, C., Han, C., Huang, Y., Hsiao, P., & Chen, L. (2021). Undergraduate nursing student academic resilience during medical surgical clinical practicum: A constructivist analysis of Taiwanese experience. Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing37(3), 521–528. Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion





25 points


20 points

Below Expectations

15 points


0 points


Initial Posting

Initial post is well developed, factually correct, reflective, and substantive contributions to the discussion; fully addresses and develops all aspects of the assignment.

Initial post is submitted on or before the due date for initial post

Initial post is factually correct and addresses all aspects of the assignment but lacks full development of all concepts. Initial post is submitted on or before the due date for initial post Initial post is factually correct with superficial thought and preparation; does not address all aspects of the assignment. Initial post is submitted on or before the due date for initial post Information in initial post is inaccurate, off topic, or irrelevant; no initial posting submitted; or initial post is submitted after the due date for initial post



Peer Responses and Follow-up Postings



Reponses are factually correct and demonstrate analysis of others’ posts; extend meaningful discussion by building on previous posts. Responds at least 2 times through the week on at least 2 different days. Responses submitted on or before the due date for responses Responses are factually correct and extend meaningful discussion by building on previous posts. Responds 2 times through the week on the same day. Responses submitted on or before the due date for responses


Responses are shallow contributions to the discussion (e.g., agrees or disagrees) and do not enrich discussion. Responds 1 time. Responses submitted on or before the due date for responses Information in responses is inaccurate, off topic, or irrelevant; no responses submitted; or responses submitted past the due date for responses

References & Supporting Evidence*




Uses 2 or more current, scholarly references to support initial posting; uses 1 or more current, scholarly references to support responses Uses 1 current, scholarly references to support initial posting; uses 1 or no current, scholarly references to support responses Uses 1 reference to support initial posting; uses no current, scholarly references to support responses Uses no references to support postings

Clarity & Mechanics




Initial post and responses are grammatically correct with no misspelled words; support clarity of thoughts and ease of readability through appropriate phrasing and sentence structure; use rules of formal writing, follow rules of APA 7th edition and posts adhere to word limit; communicates in a collegial, constructive, and courteous manner Initial post and responses are largely grammatically correct with a few misspelled words; some sentence structure, formal writing, and APA errors are present but do not impede clarity and readability; posts adhere to word limit; communicates in a collegial, constructive, and courteous manner


Initial post and responses have several grammatical and spelling errors; several sentence structure, formal writing, and APA errors are present and impede clarity and readability; posts do not adhere to word limit; communicates in a collegial, constructive, and courteous manner


Initial post and responses are not grammatically correct and with frequent misspelled words, and incorrect phrasing and sentence structure. Errors impede clarity and readability; postings do not support clear presentation of thoughts; posts do not follow rules of APA 7th edition and do not adhere to word limit; communicates in a rude and unprofessional manner that does not promote collegiality


Please refer to discussion instructions provided

*References should be current (within 5 years) peer reviewed/ refereed sources. May use classic references older than five years.

Medical-Surgical Course Curriculum Essay Discussion