Prenatal Education Healthy Pregnancy Discussion

Prenatal Education Healthy Pregnancy Discussion

Prenatal Care: Discuss how often the patient will meet with the provider during the pregnancy and explain what happens at these appointments. Discuss diagnostic procedures and labs. Explain what they are and at what point in the pregnancy they are performed.
1 point for discussing the appointments.
1 point for discussing labs and diagnostics.


Discuss proper nutrition for a healthy pregnancy. Discuss foods and vitamins/supplements to include in a well-balanced diet.

Discuss the kind of exercise allowed and what should be avoided. Include how often one should exercise in a healthy pregnancy.
1 point for discussing what exercise is allowed
1 point for discussing what exercise to avoid

Discuss appropriate weight gain for underweight, normal, overweight, and obese patients. Include the BMI with the respective amount of expected weight gain.

Discuss 3 common complaints during pregnancy. Discuss methods of relief for each of the 3 complaints.
1 point for common complaints
1 point for methods of relief Prenatal Education Healthy Pregnancy Discussion

Discuss 3 warning signs in which the patient should immediately call the provider. Discuss what each of these warning signs indicate.
1 point for discussing the warning signs
1 point for what each indicate

Learner confidently demonstrates the necessary critical thinking skills and self-reflection during the required skills video. Learner completed skills video by the following criteria for a professional nurse: • Learner presents skills with a neat and clean appearance, demonstrates good personal hygiene • Learner wears full Nightingale College regulation uniform, clothing is clean, pressed, and fits well. • Learners’ hair is pulled off shoulder and appropriate to the work environment for safety and hygiene. • Learner has provided clear designated work area appropriate for demonstration of skills • Learner ensured that skills video is clear and audible for evaluation. • Learner demonstrates skills during video without use of cues/prompts and has demonstrated skill competency by smoothly moving through skills topics without hesitation or without starting and stopping the recording. • Civility and professionalism are maintained throughout exam Prenatal Education Healthy Pregnancy Discussion.

Hello, I am here to provide you with the prenatal teaching you will require during your pregnancy and even beyond. Please do not be hesitant to ask me anything at all if you need clarification.
Expected prenatal care and diagnostic procedures
• Counting backwards from the starting day of your last menstruation, you will be pregnant for a total of 40 weeks. Your body will go through a wide range of changes during the course of the three trimesters.
• Weeks 1–12 constitute your first trimester, weeks 13–28 your second, and weeks 29–40 your third.
• Up until your 28th week, you’ll see the physician once per month. After that, we’ll check on you twice monthly. At 36 weeks, we’ll want you to visit us every week till you give birth.
• At your initial visit, we will take blood to determine your Rh factor. In addition, we will determine whether you have anemia, HIV, HepB, or any other illnesses. We can have a better understanding of what kind of treatment, if any, you may require based on the findings of your blood screening.
• Between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, you’ll get a test to look for chromosomal disorders and other potential issues. Blood will need to be drawn, and then an ultrasound will be performed to determine the thickness of the skin at the base of your child’s neck. If there are any potential dangers to the developing baby, we will learn about them through the results we get.
• There will be a glucose check between the ages of 26 and 28 weeks. The likelihood of developing gestational diabetes may be assessed using this screening.
• After 28 weeks, your doctor will do a non-stress test to check on the development of your unborn child. It can detect whether or not the fetus is experiencing problems.
• It is standard practice to do ultrasounds on pregnant women. At this point, we want to make sure the fetus is developing normally and determine its exact gestational age. There’s a chance we can also identify your child’s gender.
• The best way to ensure you receive enough of the nutrients you need is to eat a broad range of vegetables and fruits each day.
• It is also recommended that you consume 8 to 8 12 servings of whole grains a day, as well as iron-rich foods and lots of dairy products.
• Constipation is common during pregnancy; therefore, it is crucial to consume enough fluids.
• Prenatal vitamin intake should be consistent every day.
It is generally safe for pregnant women to engage in the following physical activities: Prenatal Education Healthy Pregnancy Discussion
• Walking
• Strength training
• Swimming and water workouts
• Yoga
• Riding a stationary bike
Appropriate weight gain
Your body mass index (BMI) is used to determine how much weight you should acquire during pregnancy. With a BMI of 29, you should aim to gain between 25 and 35 pounds during your pregnancy.
Common complaints during pregnancy and methods of relief
1. Nausea and vomiting: nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are fairly frequent, and they do not only happen in the morning. If you want to get some relief from your symptoms, the greatest things to do include the following:
• Rather than three big meals, try eating multiple smaller meals throughout the day to prevent hunger between meals.
• To avoid indigestion, avoid lying down immediately after a meal.
• Stick to cereal, rice, and bananas—all bland, low-fat items that won’t upset your stomach.
• To hydrate, consume water, weak tea, or clear soft beverages.
2. Fatigue: Your body is only trying to inform you that it needs more rest. If you’re experiencing this, here are some things that may help:
• Make regular bedtimes and morning rise times part of your routine.
• If you find yourself unable to obtain a full night’s rest, try napping during the day. Prenatal Education Healthy Pregnancy Discussion
• Aim for an early bedtime.
3. Constipation: In order to alleviate constipation, you may try some of the following:
• Take in eight to ten glasses of water every day.
• Do not consume any beverages with caffeine.
• Choose foods high in fiber.
Warning signs and when to call the provider


You should consider calling your provider:
• If you experience preeclampsia symptoms like fast weight gain, swelling of the hands and feet, headaches
• If you experience frequent urination and burning sensations might indicate an infection.
• If your nosebleeds happen often and do not cease after a while
• If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms
• If you experience extreme, ongoing nausea or vomiting many times a day Prenatal Education Healthy Pregnancy Discussion