The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion

The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion

Patient Education #2 Precautions

Discuss specific foods that should be avoided during pregnancy and why.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discuss OTC medications and supplements that can be used while pregnant and those that should be avoided while pregnant and why. Do not simply state to check with the provider.
0.5 points for discussing OTC mediations that can be used
0.5 points for discussing medications to avoid
0.5 points for discussing supplements
0.5 points for explanation The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion
2 pts


Discuss at least 4 environmental exposures to avoid while pregnant and why.
0.5 points for each environmental exposure to avoid that is discussed
2 pts

Discuss alcohol, tobacco, and substance use while pregnant and the associated risks to the fetus.
1 point for discussing risks of alcohol, tobacco, and substance use for pregnant woman.
1 point for discussing risks of alcohol, tobacco, and substance use for the fetus.
2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discuss travel precautions while pregnant. Include timing of safest travel, preparation for travel, places to avoid while traveling, and when it is not safe to travel. Discuss the risk of sitting for prolonged periods of time during travel and what measures can be taken to prevent complications.
1 point for discussing travelling precautions
1 point for discussing risks of travelling
2 pts

Discuss the best time during a pregnancy to visit the dentist. Include whether it is ok to have dental procedures or dental x-rays while pregnant. Discuss common dental issues that occur while pregnant.
1 pts The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion


Learner confidently demonstrates the necessary critical thinking skills and self-reflection during the required skills video. Learner completed skills video by the following criteria for a professional nurse: • Learner presents skills with a neat and clean appearance, demonstrates good personal hygiene • Learner wears full Nightingale College regulation uniform, clothing is clean, pressed, and fits well. • Learners’ hair is pulled off shoulder and appropriate to the work environment for safety and hygiene. • Learner has provided clear designated work area appropriate for demonstration of skills • Learner ensured that skills video is clear and audible for evaluation. • Learner demonstrates skills during video without use of cues/prompts and has demonstrated skill competency by smoothly moving through skills topics without hesitation or without starting and stopping the recording. • Civility and professionalism are maintained throughout exam.

The grading criteria of ‘Professionalism’ is either pass or fail. You must demonstrate all components listed to achieve a “pass” on professionalism
Before, or by the due date, you must submit a video of yourself performing the skill(s); do not use another person (i.e., model, volunteer, etc.) in your demonstration. Your skills video should only include yourself

Please refer to the following websites for information on Pregnancy Precaution Education that would be important for a newly pregnant patient (Links to an external site.) The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion (Links to an external site.)

Patient Education

 Discuss specific foods that should be avoided during pregnancy and why.

There are many OTC medications and supplements that can be used while pregnant. Some of these include Prenatal vitamins, iron supplements, and folic acid supplements. The prenatal vitamins are essential as they help to provide the fetus with important nutrients, such as vitamins A, B6, and D (Venter et al., 2020). Iron supplements are particularly important as they help to ensure that the mother’s blood is not anemic during pregnancy. Lastly, folic acid supplements are also vital because they help to prevent birth defects in the baby’s brain and spine (Venter et al., 2020). It is important to be aware of the potential side effects of these medications and supplements while pregnant. For example, iron supplements can lead to anemia in the mother, which can be dangerous during pregnancy. Therefore, mothers need to be well informed about the OTC medications before they start taking them and be sure to discuss any potential side effects with their doctor. Mothers must also be aware of OTC medications and supplements they should avoid during pregnancy.

While many OTC medications and supplements are safe to use while pregnant, a few should be avoided. For example, the anti-inflammatory medication ibuprofen should not be taken while pregnant as it can lead to birth defects in the baby’s brain and spine. Additionally, the over-the-counter sleep aids zolpidem and melatonin should not be taken while pregnant as they can lead to birth defects in the baby’s heart and spine (Venter et al., 2020)The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion. Finally, the anti-malaria medication mefloquine should also be avoided during pregnancy as it can lead to birth defects in the baby’s brain, heart, and spine by causing a microcephaly risk.

Discuss at least four environmental exposures to avoid while pregnant and why.

The four environmental exposures to avoid while pregnant include pesticides, radiation, alcohol, and heavy metals. Pesticides can harm the developing fetus through their chemical properties or affect the mother’s health while pregnant. Radiations can cause cancer in both mothers and children, as well as birth defects. Alcohol is a known teratogen (harming agent) that can damage the baby’s developing brain and nervous system (Hertz-Picciotto et al., 2018)The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion. Heavy metals can accumulate in a pregnant woman’s body and harm her baby’s development by interfering with crucial biological processes. These exposures can cause serious health problems for both the mother and child.

Discuss alcohol, tobacco, and substance use while pregnant and the associated risks to the fetus.

Many risks are associated with alcohol, tobacco, and substance use while pregnant. For the pregnant woman, alcohol and substance use can lead to health complications, including but not limited to: premature labor, low birth weight, birth defects, and stillbirth. Tobacco use during pregnancy has also been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm labor, low birth weight, and major birth defects. For the developing fetus, alcohol and tobacco use can lead to developmental problems, including brain damage and behavioral issues. Finally, substance abuse during pregnancy has also been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and premature labor.

Discuss travel precautions while pregnant. Include timing of safest travel, preparation for travel, places to avoid while traveling, and when it is not safe to travel. Discuss the risk of sitting for prolonged periods during travel and what measures can be taken to prevent complications.

It is generally safe to travel while pregnant, but there are a few things to keep in mind. The safest time to travel is during the second trimester when the risk of miscarriage is lower. It is also important to ensure you are healthy before traveling, as pregnancy can make you more susceptible to illness. The places for a pregnant woman to avoid while traveling are those with high radiation levels, such as Chornobyl or Fukushima. There are also risks associated with sitting for prolonged periods during travel. According to Jones & Kostopoulos (2021))The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion, sitting for prolonged periods while traveling for pregnant women can lead to lower back pain, sciatica, and even miscarriage. There are many ways to avoid these risks while traveling. For example, pregnant women can try to sit in positions that do not put pressure on the lower back and take breaks every hour or so. Pregnant women should speak with their doctor about other options, such as staying home if traveling to a place where it is not safe to travel.

Discuss the best time during pregnancy to visit the dentist. Include whether it is okay to have dental procedures or x-rays while pregnant. Discuss common dental issues that occur while pregnant.

Pregnancy is a time when many women experience changes in their oral health. Some of these changes are due to the increased levels of hormones in the body, which can lead to gingivitis and other oral health issues. According to Lida (2017), the best time to visit a dentist during pregnancy is the woman’s first prenatal check-up. If a pregnant woman has dental problems, her dentist may be able to recommend treatments and procedures that are safe for her and her baby. Many dental professionals believe it is safe to have dental procedures or dental x-rays during pregnancy, as long as the procedures are performed by a qualified practitioner (Lida, 2017). The most common dental issues during pregnancy include tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. Tooth decay during pregnancy occurs when the acidity of the pregnant woman’s mouth increases, which can cause tooth decay. Gum disease is a condition in which plaque builds up on the teeth and gums, resulting in toothache and other oral problems. Oral cancer is a type of cancer that can occur in the mouth and is the most common cancer in women (Lida, 2017)The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion. It is important for pregnant women to get regular dental check-ups, as dental problems can be difficult to treat and may lead to more serious health issues.


Hertz-Picciotto, I., Sass, J. B., Engel, S., Bennett, D. H., Bradman, A., Eskenazi, B. & Whyatt, R. (2018). Organophosphate exposures during pregnancy and child neurodevelopment: recommendations for essential policy reforms. PLoS medicine15(10), e1002671.

Iida, H. (2017). Oral health interventions during pregnancy. Dental Clinics61(3), 467-481.

Jones, B. L., & Kostopoulos, A. (2021). Travel and pregnancy. InnovAiT14(4), 227-233.

Venter, C., Agostoni, C., Arshad, S. H., Ben‐Abdallah, M., Du Toit, G., Fleischer, D. M., … & O’Mahony, L. (2020). Dietary factors during pregnancy and atopic outcomes in childhood: A systematic review from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology31(8), 889-912.

Due Date: The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion
Skill: Prenatal Education 2
Estimated completion time (mins): _5_–_10_
Additional Information: Keep all your supplies until you have received a “Complete” and grade for your skills video. Pre-Video Submission Recording Requirements:
0 Reviewed prebrief instructional video and learner has practiced skill
0 Required materials ready
0 College approved uniform and visible College issued ID badge MUST be worn
0 Screencast-O-Matic MUST be used for video recording
0 Demonstration area should be free and clear of distractions
Criteria • 80% successful completion (79% or lower requires remediation)
• Failure to perform ANY bolded criteria requires remediation and learner MUST complete assigned remediation for the ability to pass the course.
• Skill video steps MUST be performed in the order listed below.
• Read and follow the grading rubric.
• Wear a Nightingale College uniform. This includes the correct color of scrub top and scrub pants, as well as your shoes and name tag. If you have long hair, it should be tied back.
• Make sure to face your camera, state your name, and be sure you can be seen on the video. Test the microphone and turn it up all the way up so it will capture your voice. Speak clearly and be sure that you are not reading any papers on or off camera. To be signed off on this skill, you must demonstrate competency through the education you know.

• Supplies not required for this skill video. No model needed.
1. Learner MUST be in uniform and in a professional environment free of distractions. Stated name on camera. Demonstrated education from memory.

2. Discuss specific foods that should be avoided during pregnancy and why.

3. Discuss OTC medications and supplements that can be used while pregnant and those that should be avoided while pregnant and why. Do not simply state to check with the provider.


4. Discuss at least 3 environmental exposures to avoid while pregnant and why.

5. Discuss alcohol, tobacco, and substance use while pregnant and the associated risks of each to the fetus.

6. Discuss travel precautions while pregnant. Include timing of safest travel, preparation for travel, places to avoid while traveling, and when it is not safe to travel. Discuss the risk of sitting for prolonged periods of time during travel and what measures can be taken to prevent complications.

7. Discuss the best time during a pregnancy to visit the dentist. Include whether it is ok to have dental procedures or dental x-rays while pregnant. Discuss common dental issues that occur while pregnant The Prenatal Education Precautions Discussion