Advanced Nursing Practice In Reproductive Health Assignment

Advanced Nursing Practice In Reproductive Health Assignment

On any given day, a nurse can play a pivotal role in someone’s life. Experienced nurses often share stories of previous experiences and draw upon these experiences when circumstances warrant.

Hence, reflection can be a valuable tool. It serves as a tool for not only recalling experiences but also for applying lessons learned from those experiences. Keeping a nursing journal provides these benefits and more.

Photo Credit: [Photography by Angela – TGTG]/[Moment]/Getty Images


To prepare: Advanced Nursing Practice In Reproductive Health Assignment

Refer to the current Clinical Guidelines found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider how these guidelines inform your clinical experience.
Refer to your FNP or AGPCNP Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form you submitted in Week 1, and consider how your self-assessment might inform your Assignment.
Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek and reflect on Weeks 1–5 of your clinical experience. Consider your observations and experiences with patients during this time.
Journal Entry #1 (450–500 words):
In your journal entry, answer the following questions:

Learning from Experiences

Reflect on the 3 most challenging patient encounters and discuss what was most challenging for each.
What did you learn from this experience?
What resources did you have available?
What evidence-based practice did you use for this patient?
What new skills are you learning?
What would you do differently?
How are you managing patient flow and volume?
Communicating and Feedback
Respond to the following reflective questions:

How might I improve on my skills and knowledge, and how to communicate that back to my Preceptor?
How am I doing? What is missing?
What type of feedback am I receiving from my Preceptor?
By Day 7
Submit your Journal Entry Assignment.

Journal Entry #1 – Reproductive Health

The three most challenging patient encounters I have had were with patients who were experiencing fertility issues had complicated pregnancies or were seeking abortions. Each case was challenging in its own way, but the common thread was the emotional toll that these issues took on the patients. It was difficult to see patients struggling with such personal issues, and even more difficult to know that there was often little I could do to help them. What I learned from these experiences is the importance of being a good listener and of providing support even when there is no easy solution. It is also important to be familiar with the resources available to patients so that you can direct them to someone who can help. In terms of evidence-based practice, it is important to be up-to-date on the latest research so that you can provide patients with accurate information. Advanced Nursing Practice In Reproductive Health Assignment

As far as new skills, I am constantly learning new things about reproductive health. One of the most important skills is being able to effectively communicate with patients. This includes being able to explain complicated medical concepts in layman’s terms and being able to provide emotional support. Another important skill is being able to manage patient flow and volume. This can be a challenge in a busy clinic, but it is important to be able to see patients in a timely manner. The resources I had available were the patient’s medical records, the patient’s history, and my clinical experience. I was able to use these resources to make a plan of care for the patient. Reflecting on my time in clinical practice, the evidence-based practice I used for patients was to provide them with information about their options and to make sure that they had all the information they needed to make a decision about their care. If I could do anything differently, I would have more time to spend with the patient, and would also make sure that I had more information about the patient’s history before I saw them. I am managing patient flow and volume by making sure that I see patients in a timely manner and by keeping track of how many patients I see in a day. I am communicating with the patient by making sure that I explain their options and by giving them feedback about their care. Advanced Nursing Practice In Reproductive Health Assignment


Continuous improvement is important in clinical work. In view of this, I think I could improve my skills and knowledge by reading more about reproductive health and communicating that back to my preceptor. I could also ask more questions and get more clarification on things that I am unsure about. However, I must submit that I am doing okay at the moment, but there are always areas that can be improved. I think I could improve my knowledge by reading more about reproductive health and communicating that back to my preceptor. I could also ask more questions and get more clarification on things that I am unsure about. On feedback, I am receiving positive feedback from my preceptor who is always willing to answer questions and help me out when I am unsure about something. Advanced Nursing Practice In Reproductive Health Assignment