Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper

Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper

– This is a video assignment (use Panopto video software) (its required in class)
-NOT a paper assignment (this has to be a video presentation of 4-5 minutes)
– This is an ethical issue debate
– Topic is: Mandatory drug testing by employers violates employee privacy
– You need to have a video of you giving the presentation (screen capture) with your slides on the screen. Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper


Most employers in the United States, inclusive of the federal government employers have continuously engaged in mandatory urinalysis testing that helps to establish or deter if their employees are on drug use. Such actions led to most of the employees raising concerns on the issue since they believe the urinalysis tests are more of breaching their privacy. The broadly-termed privacy right possesses different aspects, but the nondisclosure right is the most critical aspect. The nondisclosure rights protect a person’s interest, especially in keeping personal and sensitive information private. Therefore, most employees feel that mandatory drug testing needs to be termed unconstitutional. Hence, the presentation supports the motion that mandatory drug testing by employers violates employee privacy. The main assessment will be on reasons for supporting mandatory drug testing, drug testing opponents’ views, and appropriate recommendations.

Alcohol and drug abuse carries different risks within organizations in the US and globally. According to CDC (2022), drug abuse leads to the loss of millions of dollars which emanates from injuries, property damage, and lost productivity, including deaths. For instance, the Center for Disease Control provided provisional data that shows that approximately 107 622 individuals die in America due to drug overdose. These deaths increased by almost 15 percent compared to 93 655 deaths in 2020 (CDC, 2022)Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper. As a result, most states in America have started formulating effective means to eliminate these drug-related risks by engaging all their employees in drug testing programs. Currently, the main issue concerning the drug testing approach is that most employees fear privacy concerns. That makes it essential to ensure that there is a balance between safety and privacy to ensure that employees are not subjected to illegal searches which may breach their privacy.

Courts have permitted businesses to test their employees in the United States, especially when they feel compelled to do so. However, as Smith et al. (2021) state, drug testing must meet two criteria. One of the criteria is that the employers must assess if the compelling reason may subject the employees to potentially dangerous or safety-sensitive activities. Also, the employers have to assess if they can defend their reason for suspecting that the employees are abusing drugs. For instance, in the healthcare realm, the healthcare management team can defend their drug testing if patients complain that some healthcare providers are attending to them while drunk, leading to increased medical error rates Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper

However, in as much as the courts have given a permit for drug tests, there are still gaps in addressing the privacy issue raised by most employees. According to Andraka-Christou et al. (2019)Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper, the main reason these courts are hesitant is that the privacy rights exposed by the drug testing issue lack clear textual support within the American Constitution. Most opponents of drug testing in the workplace claim that any activity that deprives American citizens of the right to privacy tends to disobey the Due Process as indicated in the Fourteenth Amendment. However, the clause fails to fully protect the citizens, especially those facing technological development threats. That is because new technologies tend to give most agencies, particularly the government, greater access to individuals’ private information.

Since drug testing tends to invade individuals’ privacy, it is highly possible that it also implicates the employees’ right to disclosure. However, even with such considerations, mandatory drug testing is essential, especially for employees within the healthcare industry. That is because drug abuse may not only affect the employees since the patients and organizational reputation may be damaged. Therefore, there is a need for all stakeholders, including the employees and their employers, to come together and formulate effective ways to go about drug control. That can be through each organization adopting different change processes that fit their system, like Lewin’s change theory in nursing, to prevent resistance (Al-Tahitah et al., 2018)Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper. For instance, through effective leadership styles like the transformative leadership style, healthcare managers can implement organizational change where the employees acknowledge that drug testing is one of the requirements in the organization.


Conclusively, drug testing authorization by the United States Court is a very effective way to control drug-related issues in the country. However, employers should not overlook the privacy issue since they will be working against the 14th Amendment, which requires the protection of every American citizen. Therefore, there is a need to ensure that when creating policies on drug testing, all stakeholders need to be involved in the policy-making process. That helps ensure that all concerns of the different stakeholders are addressed to prevent undermining the rights of some stakeholders Mandatory Drug Testing Assignment Paper