Medication And Treatment Of A Patient With Depression And Anxiety Assignment

Medication And Treatment Of A Patient With Depression And Anxiety Assignment

Concept Map Assignment Instructions

Review all instructions here, and grading rubric below, thoroughly.
identify a concept from your HESI Dashboard, to apply to this concept map assignment.
The nursing concept must be chosen from the ‘Weak Performance Areas.’Refamiliarize yourself with this concept; review it in your third (3rd) edition Gidden’s e-book Concepts for Nursing Practice.
. Identify a patient case to build this concept map for. You may use a current patient, or a patient situation from a previous encounter.

If you do not have access to a current/live patient experience to complete your concept map on, you may access a simulated patient experience

Gather the patient data, and organize the information on the Nursing Process Template.


. Link and connect the relationships of patient information and concept application on the Concept Map Template. Medication And Treatment Of A Patient With Depression And Anxiety Assignment

Concept Mapping Criteria

. Disease Process/Pathophysiology Risk Factors
5 pts
Thorough review of the disease process pathophysiology; identifies risk factors.

. Recognizing Cues

5 pts
Identifies at least four (4) critical cues that are relevant and could impact patient condition.

. Analyzing Cues
5 pts
Able to make three (3) – four (4) supporting connections between the cues and patient conditions, supporting a particular patient condition. Able to identify two (2) cues of concern to patient outcome.

Prioritizing Hypotheses
5 pts
Able to determine the order of three (3) hypotheses critical to positive patient outcomes listing them in order.

. Generating Solutions
List five (5) solutions/outcomes with appropriate interventions that will positively impact patient outcome and are appropriate to the care of the patient. Listing one (1) avoiding outcome that will negatively impact patient can also be listed in this category. Clearly identifying the negative outcome(s) and what shouldn’t be carried out and why. All outcomes/goals are SMART format.

. Take Actions
5 pts
Describing how each of the five (5) interventions will be carried out, performed, administered, communicated, taught, etc. Priority interventions are identified correctly. Medication And Treatment Of A Patient With Depression And Anxiety Assignment

. Evaluating Outcomes
5 pts
Describe how the five (5) interventions were effective, improved patient outcome, and why. OR Describe what interventions didn’t work and what should be done instead in the future. What would you do differently? How would the intervention adversely affect the patient outcome or care?

Concept Map Assignment – Medication Administration

Patient Case:

JM is a 38-year-old female with a history of depression and anxiety and she presents to the emergency room complaining of feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. JM further reports that she has been feeling this way for about a week now and has been having difficulty sleeping and eating. Further, the patient reports that she has been having thoughts of harming herself. During her visit to the clinic and upon being interviewed, the patient is assessed to be at risk for suicide and is placed on a psychiatric hold. She is started on IV fluids and is given a loading dose of antipsychotic medication and is later transferred to the inpatient psychiatric unit. Medication And Treatment Of A Patient With Depression And Anxiety Assignment


Topic: Medication and Treatment of a Patient with Depression and Anxiety

Assessment (Recognizing Cues)

Which patient information is relevant?

What patient data is most important?

Which patient infoprmation is of immediate concern?

Consider signs and symptoms, lab work, patient statements, H & P, and others.


The information relevant to the case is the patient’s history of depression and anxiety, her current symptoms, and her thoughts of harming herself. The most important patient data, in this case, is the severity of the patient’s symptoms and her thoughts of harming herself (Bennett et al., 2022). The information of immediate concern, in this case, is the patient’s suicidal thoughts and her need for psychiatric treatment.


Analysis (Analyzing Cues)

Which patient conditions are consistent with the cues?

Do the cues support a particular patient condition?

What cues are a cause for concern?

What other information would help to establish the significance of a cue?


The patient’s history of depression and anxiety, her current symptoms, and her thoughts of harming herself are all consistent with the cues. The cues support the patient’s need for psychiatric treatment.

What’s more, the cues that are a cause for concern are the patient’s suicidal thoughts and her need for psychiatric treatment. Based on these, other information that would help to establish the significance of a cue is the patient’s history of mental health treatment and her current level of functioning.


Analysis (Prioritizing Hypotheses)

What explanations are most likely?

What is the most serious explanation?

What is the priority order for safe and effective care?


Possible explanations for a patient that has depression and anxiety could include a chemical imbalance in the brain, a traumatic event, or genetics. A chemical imbalance in the brain can cause a person to feel depressed and anxious. This can be due to a lack of certain chemicals, such as serotonin, or an excess of others, such as cortisol. A traumatic event can also cause a person to feel depressed and anxious. This could be something like a car accident, a natural disaster, or the death of a loved one. Genetics can also play a role in depression and anxiety. If a person has a family member who suffers from these disorders, they may be more likely to develop them as well.


Other possible explanations are;

1. Genetic disposition can also play a role in depression and anxiety. If a person has a family history of mental illness, they may be more likely to experience these conditions themselves.

2. Stressful life events, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or job loss, can also trigger depression and anxiety.

3. Certain medical conditions can also cause or contribute to depression and anxiety. These conditions include thyroid problems, heart disease, cancer, and chronic pain.


The priority order for safe and effective care is to first assess the patient’s safety and then to address the patient’s medical needs.

Planning (Generate Solutions)

What are the desirable outcomes?

What interventions can achieve these outcomes?

What should be avoided? (SMART Planning- specific, measurable, attainable, realistic/relevant, time-restricted- Goal setting)


The desired outcomes for JM would be to improve their mood, reduce their anxiety levels, and help them to cope with their condition. In order for these to be achieved, various interventions such as therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes are needed. It is important to avoid any interventions that could worsen the condition or cause further distress.


The therapy for the patient would involve two suggested SMART goals;

The first would be to reduce the number of days per week that the person experiences depression symptoms by 50% within two months. The second goal would be to increase the number of hours per week that the person engages in activities that they enjoy by 30% within six weeks. A third one would be to attend therapy sessions twice a week for the next month or to go on a walk for 30 minutes every day for the next week.


Therapy can help the patient to understand and manage their condition, medication such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) or tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) can help to improve the patient’s mood and reduce her anxiety levels, lifestyle changes can help them to cope with their condition (Kirsch, 2019).


The interventions that should be avoided for a patient with a history of depression and anxiety include any that could worsen the condition or cause further distress. This includes any interventions that are not evidence-based or that have not been recommended by a qualified healthcare professional.


Implementation (Take actions)

How should the intervention or combination of interventions be performed, requested, communicated, taught, etc.? What are the priority interventions? (Mark with asterisk)Medication And Treatment Of A Patient With Depression And Anxiety Assignment


1. Psychotherapy- This can help the patient talk through their feelings and learn how to better cope with them.

2. Antidepressant medication- This can help to stabilize the patient’s mood and improve their overall functioning.

3. Exercise- Exercise has been shown to be beneficial for both depression and anxiety, and can help the patient to feel better both physically and mentally.

4. Relaxation techniques- This can help the patient to reduce their overall stress levels and hopefully improve their mood.

Evaluation (Evaluating Outcomes)

What signs point to improving/declining/unchanged status? What interventions were effective? Are there other interventions that could be more effective? Did the patient’s care outlook or status improve?



Signs of improvement were pointed to by a decline in depression and suicidal ideation. Medication and therapy recommended were expected to lead to positive outcomes and they actually did. While the two interventions of therapy and the use of antidepressants yielded positive improvements in the patient, therapy appeared to have far-reaching improvements. Interpersonal therapy is an alternative intervention commonly used in the treatment of patients with anxiety and depression.



Bennett, M. P., Knight, R., Patel, S., So, T., Dunning, D., Barnhofer, T., … & Dalgleish, T. (2021). Decentering as a core component in the psychological treatment and prevention of youth anxiety and depression: a narrative review and insight report. Translational psychiatry11(1), 1-14.

Kirsch, I. (2019). Placebo effect in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Frontiers in Psychiatry10, 407. Medication And Treatment Of A Patient With Depression And Anxiety Assignment