The Shadow Health Assignment Paper

The Shadow Health Assignment Paper

The purpose of this Shadow Health Concept Lab reflection assignment is to help you achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
CLO 1: Apply concepts of pathophysiology at the cellular and systems levels for individuals and populations across the lifespan (PLO 1, 7 & 8)
CLO 2: Examine the impact of genetics and epigenetics on lifestyle and selected pathologies across the lifespan (PLO 1, 7 & 8)
CLO 3: Examine concepts of inflammation and immunity (PLO 1, 7 & 8) The Shadow Health Assignment Paper
CLO 4: Describe common microorganisms and resulting infectious processes (PLO 1, 7 & 8)


CLO 5: Examine relevant issues with regard to cancer biology and cancer epidemiology across the lifespan (PLO 1, 7 & 8)
CLO 6: Analyze the etiology and advanced pathophysiological alterations of selected body systems for common primary care diagnoses across the lifespan (PLO 1, 7 & 8)
Module 2 – The Neurologic System
After completing Module 2 in Shadow Health, discuss two key neurologic alterations (such as hypertonia or multiple sclerosis – there are several mentioned in the Shadow Health module) and how the pathophysiologic changes will affect daily life for these patients. This will need to include a brief discussion of the pathophysiology leading to the effects on daily life.
Include a summary of what you found helpful in this module or what was not helpful. The Shadow Health Assignment Paper
The assignment should be at least 2 pages
The paper should be in APA format and include:
Title page
Appropriate citations
Reference page
Include at least one scholarly reference (this is a peer reviewed research article) to support the assignment
Provide references in APA format following your summary
Submit to the assignment link

During the shadow health assignment lab, I learned how to perform clinical assessments and orientations for patients who are newly admitted to the hospital. During the clinical assessments and orientations, I learned how to interview patients, gather information about their health history, and perform physical examinations. Additionally, I learned about various aspects of patient care and how to interact with patients and their families during visits, as well as the hospital’s financial and administrative systems. Lastly, I learned how to create patient records and discharge plans. Overall, I enjoyed the shadow health assignment lab because it allowed me to gain a better understanding of how hospital patients are treated and what responsibilities I have as a healthcare provider The Shadow Health Assignment Paper.

To complete this assignment, I used the electronic health record (EHR) to document my clinical assessments and orientations. The EHR also helped me to track the patient’s health status and record any changes in their condition. In addition, I created discharge summaries for each patient and uploaded them to the EHR. This enabled me to provide a detailed record of the patient’s hospital stay and to provide family members with a summary of their loved ones’ medical history (Hossain et al., 2019)The Shadow Health Assignment Paper. Most importantly, during this shadow health assignment lab, I learned how to handle patients with neurological problems by providing them with appropriate care and communicating with their families.

The Neurologic System and Common Alterations

The neurologic system is responsible for the body’s nervous system. This includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Problems with the neurologic system can lead to problems with movement, sensation, and thinking. The brain is the centre of the neurologic system. It controls movement, sensation, and thinking. Damage to the brain can lead to a number of problems, including neurologic dysfunction, brain injury, and dementia (Ford & Simmons, 2022). The spinal cord is a long tube that runs from the brain to the rest of the body. The spinal cord helps control movement and sensation below the neck. Damage to the spinal cord can lead to a number of problems, including paralysis and neurologic dysfunction. The nerves are tiny tubes that carry information between the brain and other parts of the body. Problems with the nerves can lead to a number of problems, including paralysis and neurologic dysfunction (Juster-Switlyk & Johnson, 2018)The Shadow Health Assignment Paper. The neurologic system is important for overall health and well-being. If someone is experiencing any symptoms that suggest a problem with the neurologic system, it is important to see a doctor. The doctor can evaluate their symptoms and recommend appropriate treatments.

The two key neurologic alterations that I found most helpful in this module were hypertonia and multiple sclerosis. Hypertonia is a condition in which there is increased muscle tone, which can lead to difficulty moving or even paralysis (Juster-Switlyk & Johnson, 2018). Multiple sclerosis is a condition in which the brain and spinal cord are damaged, leading to symptoms such as vision problems, memory problems, and weakness (Bohmwald et al., 2018). Both of these conditions can have a significant impact on daily life for the patients who suffer from them, as they can struggle with basic tasks such as walking and speaking. The pathophysiology underlying these effects on daily life is complex and involves both the neurologic alterations and the pathophysiologic changes that lead to them.

The pathophysiology of hypertonia and multiple sclerosis are both caused by a combination of factors, including genetics and environmental factors. Hypertonia is typically due to a deficiency in the enzyme that breaks down muscle protein, while multiple sclerosis is often caused by the presence of a virus or another foreign object in the brain (Juster-Switlyk & Johnson, 2018)The Shadow Health Assignment Paper. Therefore, both conditions can be treated with a variety of therapies, including medications and physical therapy. However, due to the complex and multifactorial pathophysiology underlying these conditions, there is no one treatment that is guaranteed to be effective for every patient. Accordingly, it is important for patients and their families to have access to a variety of resources and therapies that can help them cope with the effects of these conditions.

In summary, I found this module helpful in providing a better understanding of the effects on the daily life of these neurologic alterations. However, there were a few areas that I found less helpful, such as the discussion of the treatment options available for these conditions. I would have liked to see more information on the current treatments available and how they are effective, as this would have been helpful in understanding the impact these conditions have on daily life The Shadow Health Assignment Paper.


Bohmwald, K., Gálvez, N. M., Ríos, M., & Kalergis, A. M. (2018). Neurologic alterations due to respiratory virus infections. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience12, 386.

Ford, V. E., & Simmons, V. C. (2022). Clinical Monitoring III: Neurologic System. Nurse Anesthesia-E-Book, 324.


Hossain, A., Quaresma, R., & Rahman, H. (2019). Investigating factors influencing the physicians’ adoption of electronic health record (EHR) in the healthcare system of Bangladesh: An empirical study. International Journal of Information Management44, 76-87.

Juster-Switlyk, K., & Johnson, N. (2018). Neurologic Immune-related Adverse Events Associated with Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Case Study and Systematic Review of the Literature (P4. 161)The Shadow Health Assignment Paper