Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper

Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper

Select a current or proposed health care policy that is designed to provide equitable health care for a diverse population. Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing the health care policy and how it improves a specific population’s access to quality, cost-effective health care. Create speaker notes of 100-250 words for each slide. Include additional slides for the title and references.

Include the following in your presentation: Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper


Describe the policy selected.
Discuss the diverse population that will be affected by this policy.
Explain how the policy is designed to improve cost-effectiveness and health care equity for the diverse population.
Discuss why the policy is financially sound and explain how the policy incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors. Provide rationale to support your explanation.
Describe what state, federal, global health policies, or goals the policy is related to and explain the degree to which each helps achieve equitable health care for the diverse population.
Discuss advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected.
Discuss the professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective.
You are required to cite eight peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Healthcare policies are essential to address factors that shape a population’s health. The appropriate health policies of the public and allied programs are significant in interrupting the cycle of poverty, social disparities, injustice, poor health, and shorter lives by addressing the issues of inequality and inadequate social resources (Williams, Phillips & Koyama, 2018)Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper. Health policies also present plans, decisions, and strategies to facilitate the realization of healthcare goals for the public. This presentation aims to examine the policy on providing affordable health to all Americans to impact the health of a diverse population. Also included in the presentation is how the policy is financially sound and designed to facilitate the population’s access to cost-effective care by the diverse population.

The population affected by the affordable care act policy includes those who are currently uninsured, underinsured, or have insurance but are unable to afford the care they need. This population includes both individuals and families (Seo et al., 2019). The ACA affects a diverse population of Americans, including those who are low-income, have pre-existing conditions, or are members of racial or ethnic minority groups. The policy helps these people by providing them with affordable healthcare options (Crowley et al., 2019). The ACA makes it possible for these Americans to obtain health care coverage and access to treatments and services that they could not afford on their own. Thus, the policy makes it easier for them to access medical services through programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. This helps improve their overall health and quality of life.

The Affordable Care Act is a policy designed to improve cost-effectiveness by expanding insurance coverage to more Americans and providing subsidies to help make insurance more affordable (McIntyre & Song, 2019)Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper. The policies under the act also require insurance companies to cover a wide range of medical services, including preventive care and mental health services. These measures are expected to reduce the cost of healthcare for Americans overall and make insurance more affordable for those who need it most. In addition, the Affordable Care Act policy is designed to improve the quality of care by incentivizing hospitals and doctors to provide better quality care at lower costs. This measure is expected to improve patient outcomes while reducing the cost of healthcare overall.

The provisions in the Affordable Care Act includes are designed to improve equity for disadvantaged citizens who are currently unable to afford the care they need. The Affordable Care Act includes provisions that allow insurance companies to require newly insured people to maintain continuous coverage, which reduces the amount of time a person has to wait for coverage to start and increases the chances that people will be able to afford coverage (McIntyre & Song, 2019). The Affordable Care Act also includes provisions that increase the amount of money people can receive for out-of-pocket costs, such as co-payments and deductibles. It allows states to create programs that provide additional financial assistance for struggling people to pay their insurance bills. These provisions are intended to improve cost-effectiveness by expanding coverage, improving quality, and reducing costs (Seo et al., 2019). Taken together, these provisions allow diverse populations to more easily access quality care at a lower cost than they would otherwise be able to afford.

The ACA is a financially sound policy. It is designed to reduce the cost of healthcare for Americans, and it will expand the number of people who can access healthcare. The ACA is a key part of Obamacare and is responsible for many of its successes, including continuing reduction of the cost of healthcare for Americans (Buettgens, Blavin & Pan, 2021)Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper. For example, the ACA requires insurance companies to provide coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, expanding the Medicaid program to cover more people. These policies help reduce the amount of money people have to pay out-of-pocket for healthcare, which in turn reduces the amount that they have to spend on healthcare overall. The ACA also makes changes to the way that healthcare is paid for. The ACA created a system called Medicare for All, which would eventually replace the current system of Medicare. The ACA also created a system called Medicaid for All, which would eventually replace the current system of Medicaid. These changes will help reduce the amount of money people have to pay out-of-pocket for healthcare.



The ACA incorporates the nursing perspective by expanding access to quality, affordable health care and encouraging nurse training programs that will help to ensure that patients receive quality care. The ACA incorporates the nursing perspective by expanding Medicaid eligibility to include all adults with incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level to ensure all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care. The ACA also requires most private insurers to provide coverage for essential health benefits, including maternity care and mental health services. This will help to improve access to care and ensure that all Americans have equal opportunities to receive the best possible care. The ACA funds nurse training programs to help nurses provide quality care for patients suffering from chronic conditions (Cleveland, Motter & Smith, 2019)Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper. These initiatives help to improve the quality of care for patients who suffer from chronic conditions. In addition, the ACA encourages research into better ways to care for patients with chronic conditions so that we can learn more about how to provide the best possible care for all Americans.

ACA incorporates relevant ethical, legal, and political factors by providing financial assistance to individuals and families who are unable to afford health care, prohibiting insurers from denying coverage or charging higher premiums to people based on their health status, and by creating a system in which people can receive coverage through a healthcare insurance program or an individual health insurance policy. The ACA also incorporates relevant ethical, legal, and political factors by requiring healthcare providers to provide information about affordable healthcare options to their patients, by establishing standards for healthcare quality and safety, and by requiring insurers to cover several services that are currently considered to be beneficial to the overall health of their patients. Overall, the ACA incorporates relevant ethical, legal, and political factors to improve healthcare quality while reducing healthcare costs for individuals and families across the United States.

Several global health policies are related to the affordable care act. One of these is the universal health coverage policy, which ensures that all people have access to quality, affordable health care. This policy is a part of the global effort to address the world’s health challenges, such as obesity and chronic diseases. Another policy is the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), which was created as part of the Global Health Council. The global goal of reducing maternal mortality rates is also related to ACA. Improving maternal health can help reduce deaths during childbirth and save mothers and their children from poverty and illness later in life. Other global health policies are also important in achieving these goals, such as access to essential medicines and vaccines, fighting food insecurity and malnutrition, reducing environmental health risks, and increasing mental health awareness. Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper

Such global health policies help achieve equitable health care for all, regardless of socioeconomic status or race. The GHSA is a policy forum coordinating global health security efforts. The GHSA is responsible for developing global health security standards and procedures, promoting international cooperation on global health issues, and supporting federal agencies that work on global health security. The GHSA has developed a global health security agenda, which includes the following six goals: preventing and responding to infectious diseases; promoting maternal and child health. The policies have helped increase access to health care by making insurance coverage more affordable and available. The related global policies also help improve healthcare quality and increase the number of people accessing healthcare. The Affordable Care Act is a successful policy that helps to achieve equitable health care for the diverse population. Likewise, allied healthcare policies help improve health care quality for people who need it most and increase access to healthcare.

A number of advocacy strategies could be used to improve access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the people who are currently uninsured, underinsured, or have insurance but cannot afford the care they need. Some of these strategies include:

  1. Calling lawmakers to pass legislation that makes health insurance more affordable and accessible. This could include bills that would create public health insurance options, expand Medicaid coverage, or increase the subsidies available to low- and moderate-income individuals to help them pay for coverage.
  2. Working to improve the quality of care available to uninsured or underinsured people. This could include advocating for better funding for healthcare providers and hospitals and improving patient safety measures.
  3. Supporting efforts by patients and their families to take control of their own health care decisions. This could include attending medical appointments on time, being informed about possible options for care, and refusing to take treatment that is not necessary. Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper
  1. Supporting efforts by healthcare providers to provide more cost-effective care. This could include working to improve the quality of care provided at lower-cost clinics and hospitals and advocating for better reimbursement schemes from government programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
  2. Working to build public support for healthcare reform. This could include organizing protests, speaking out in favor of the proposed reforms, and educating their friends and family members about the issue. Ultimately, it is important for individuals and organizations working to improve access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the uninsured to continue advocating until all people have access to affordable health care.

Nurses have a professional and moral obligation to respect human dignity among diverse populations from a Christian perspective. This includes treating all patients with compassion and respect, providing quality care that meets their individual needs, and upholding their pledge or oath. Master’s prepared nurses should also be aware of cultural differences and refrain from making assumptions about patients’ beliefs or practices. By doing so, nurses can help ensure that everyone receives quality care. This obligation extends to all healthcare team members, including physicians and other medical professionals. In summary, respecting human dignity is an essential part of nursing professionalism. It is a cornerstone of Christian morality and crucial for providing quality patient care. Nurses must always strive to uphold this principle. Doing so is not only the right thing to do but also reflects positively on the nursing profession. Nurses who uphold human dignity are models of ethical and moral conduct, and they can help ensure that all patients receive quality care. Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper

It is important to remember that every patient is unique and must be treated respectfully. As Christian nurses, we are called to respect the dignity of every human being and to work for the common good. This means we have a professional and moral obligation to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations. This is especially important for our patients, who are the most vulnerable and deserve our utmost care. Master’s prepared Nurses have a unique opportunity to impact the health of those we serve by working with other healthcare professionals. By promoting communication and collaboration between different groups within the medical community, we can work toward better understanding and preventing disease. We can also work to provide support for individuals during illness or trauma. To fulfill our professional and moral obligations, we must always strive to be knowledgeable on social, cultural, and religious factors that influence the population’s health. Master’s prepared nurse must be willing to also advocate for right social policies to ensure health equity to diverse populations (Williams et al., 2018)Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper. According to Oruche & Zapolski (2020), nurses should be open to patients’ new ideas and never hesitate to provide quality care that meets the needs of the population.


MSN-prepared nurses have a professional and moral obligation to advance the common good by working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective. This is based on the belief that every individual has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nurses have a unique opportunity and responsibility to collaborate with other health professionals to help achieve these goals (Cleveland et al., 2019). Nurses play an important role in promoting health and preventing disease by working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals. This collaborative effort is essential for ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to live healthy lives full of liberty and happiness. To fulfill this professional and moral obligation, MSN-prepared nurses must work to build relationships with their patients, colleagues, and the community. To promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations, MSN-prepared nurses must remain open-minded and willing to learn. They must also be willing to constantly evaluate their practice to improve the quality of care they provide. By working towards these goals, MSN-prepared nurses can help ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to live full and healthy lives. Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Paper