Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment

Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment

Practicum and Scholarly Article

Within this paper, I will expound on underlining the clinical professional transformation that I have undergone in my practicum specialty as a Nurse Informaticist. The context will be backed by the use of two peer-reviewed journals. The peer-reviewed journals will help offer evidence-based proof of trends in healthcare technology that have improved the provision of real-time and remote forms of healthcare (Gibson et al., 2022)Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment. Nursing informatics entails the specialty which amalgamates evidence-based nursing care practice with extensive healthcare big data coupled with analytical-founded scientific elements.


Nursing informatics is significant for effectively determining, describing, and communicating healthcare data in real-time and remotely. As a result, there is an improved aptitude for improving multidisciplinary collaboration between healthcare teams. Also, there is the heightened advantage of involving patients, their family members, and community members in the care process. As a nurse leader who is a specialized nurse informaticist, I have been able to continually undertake specific evidence-based accountabilities that help improve the attainability of IHI Quadruple Aim goals (Gibson et al., 2022)Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment. The goals are for improving clinical performance within the healthcare organization where I practice, while also improving my professional clinical practice and professional career.

My nursing informaticist role involves offering in-depth explanations of patient electronic data configuration with clinical practice when collaborating with other clinical teams. The context is on the significance of accurately documenting clinical observations, diagnostics, and interventions. As opined by Skiba & Honey, (2021), nurse informatics has been at the center of utilizing digitalized healthcare literacy inspiration frameworks for driving community involvement within their healthcare. The framework acts as a form of consumer input for elevating the sharing of ideologies between collaborating care teams and patients and patient groups.

A specific example within the article is the utilization of Whatsapp Messenger. The social communication framework within the healthcare process enabled effective communication between collaborating care teams and adolescent mothers within the Dominican Republic (Skiba & Honey, 2021). Another example is the role played by nurse leaders in facilitating ongoing training for nurses on how to effectively oversee the use of telehealth within Taiwan (Skiba & Honey, 2021). As a result, there is the generated aptitude of promoting continued access to cost-effective, quality evidence-based care that also elevates patients’ and providers’ satisfaction rates.

Another basis that I have been able to extend in my nurse informaticist role is the enactment of creative technological trend processes. An example is telehealth that facilitates the provision of a remote form of healthcare through incorporating various forms of healthcare technologies such as social media use. As evidenced by Wu, (2021)Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment, the COVID-19 pandemic called for more endeavors to help minimize direct contact between patients and patients, and patient and healthcare providers. In this regard, there was the need for using telehealth to facilitate the offering and handling of a remote form of healthcare for patients and patient groups away from the care settings.

Also, the context helps motivate healthy behaviors within the community settings through collaborations with community members in driving health literacy plans. Also, telehealth helped stem a robust healthcare support framework that would easily be managed remotely by collaborating with multidisciplinary healthcare teams through the use of digital media Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment.

Further evidence by Wu, (2021) highlights the role of nurse informaticists in using telehealth to remotely communicate with patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. An example was the use of telephone and video conversations by care providers to offer healthcare literacy to patients on the baseline threats of spreading the coronavirus. Increasingly, nurse informaticist leaders set up support frameworks for continually educating nursing and clinical teams on how to effectively ensure safe, confidential, and remote clinical consultations. Another example involved the overseeing of remote safe, secure and confidential patients’ physical examinations, and making the necessary clinical decision-making (Wu, 2021).


Gibson, J., Jerde, M. J., & Shivers, N. (2022). Leveraging Big Data in Nursing Practice. Nurse Leader, 20(5), 461–464. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mnl.2022.06.004

Skiba, D., & Honey, M. (2021). Nursing Informatics: Consumer-Centred Digital Health. Informatics, 8(4), 67. https://doi.org/ https://doi.org/10.3390/informatics8040067

Wu, Y. (2021). Utilization of telehealth and the advancement of nursing informatics during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8(4), 367–369. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnss.2021.09.004 Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment

Practicum experience

Throughout my telehealth informatics project, I have learned much practical experience and gained experience in outpatient nursing care. This field helped me gain knowledge on the technological part of nursing, the informatics part that is very helpful when dealing with the electronic records of the patients, both in and outpatient. It is a field that helps make the work of a nurse easier by allowing easy access to a patient’s health history and other helpful information necessary before diagnosing (Gibson et al., 2020). I learnt a lot of things practically, supplementing the theory I had learnt. It also increased my morale and ten desire to be a good nurse to serve the community members out there well to the best of my ability. During the time I have been undergoing my practicum experience, I learnt more benefits of nursing informatics, particularly telehealth. They included its ability to reduce the strain experienced in most healthcare systems by allowing orderly scheduling of appointments with specialists and physicians and helping those patients without the ability to move much due to body issues or transport challenges.

The preceptor to whom I was assigned was very friendly and supportive. He was determined to ensure that I gained all the necessary experience before completing my practicum project in telehealth support. He demonstrated his broad knowledge in the field to help gain maximum benefit (Aboshaiqah et al., 2018). He made sure that every question I asked him was answered clearly and more precisely and was ready to listen and accept any conflicting idea I had different from his. His guidance enabled me to remain on track always and clarified the class theory practically. With his guidance, I conducted more research on outpatient care and the full benefits of technology deployment in healthcare, including evidence-based practice (Aboshaiqah et al., 2018)Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment. I came up with a suggestion for introducing a communication system that would ensure there is no confusion experienced between the healthcare providers regarding care delivery. The system would allow the nurses on the next shift to easily pick up and continue where their colleagues left off without consulting. I also recommended several projects upon review of the literature on telehealth technology.

How the preceptor facilitates his role as a mentor and site supervisor

At the site, I was supervised by a preceptor who, in my opinion, was qualified, supportive, and skilled. I dedicate myself to the preceptor and follow in his footsteps to ensure that I attain the best by the end of the practicum. Since the preceptor was so understanding, he played a crucial role in assisting me in achieving my goals and objectives. He assessed every bit of my work, and his friendly nature made me ask him several essential questions concerning my field. His mode of supervision and communication was excellent; through this, he helped translate the theories I learned in school into a practical aspect. The preceptor was ever honest and straightforward in correcting mistakes and providing feedback as required. His work ethic was unbelievable; thus, I adored how he engaged with fellow staff and me. I grabbed several work ethics, skills and qualities which I believe will help me in my next journey as a professional, thanks to the preceptor Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment.

Evaluation of the goals and objectives for the practicum experience

The site, outpatient clinic- OB/GYN, will play an essential role in supporting my goals and objectives. I had set three objectives for my project related to my topic, Telehealth support -Informatics. My first objective was to analyze telehealth’s role in improving patient outcomes. Secondly, I had to determine the extent to which telehealth enhances patient engagement. The last objective was to identify how telehealth support reduces the cost of care. The site has competent and skilled staff that offered to help me in achieving my goals. The location made it easier to carry out practical lessons by providing the necessary equipment. Using the equipment, I was taught practical lessons matching my objectives and goals. The experience from the site will also play a significant role in my future goals and objectives. Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment

Challenges and accomplishments met to improve health outcomes

Like every other occupation, I observed accomplishments and challenges met to improve health outcomes. Not every patient was conversant with the complexity brought by the various telehealth technology. It was, therefore, crucial for the site to provide interpretation and translation services to such patients. Another challenge was employees working with the technology to offer care services and information (Cahill & Matsui, 2021). However, the site managed to accomplish several projects related to telehealth which aided in improving health outcomes.



Aboshaiqah, A., & Qasim, A. (2018). Nursing interns’ perception of clinical competence upon completion of preceptorship experience in Saudi Arabia. Nurse education today, 68, 53-60.

Cahill, A., & Matsui, E. C. (2021). Telehealth in the Post Pandemic Era. Telehealth and Medicine Today.

Gibson, N., Arends, R., Voss, J., Marckstadt, S., & Nissen, M. K. (2020). Reinforcing telehealth competence through nurse practitioner student clinical experiences. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(7), 413-417 Evidence-Based Nursing Care Practice Assignment