Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment

Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment

1. Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template
2. Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Exemplar
3. Please, follow the instructions and the assignment RUBRIC

The assignment is under the section NRNP-6635-8 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC REASONING. WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT THE VIDEOS ARE UNDER LEARNING RESOURCES. CHOOSE ONE VIDEO AND WRITE ON. Please let me know if you have any questions. Please, follow the rubric. Thank you.



CC: “I often feel it is difficult for me to concentrate and be productive at work. I am also unable to organize my living space properly. I have made mistakes, and I am prone to missing deadlines very often. This signals that the current work schedules are tiring and exerting much pressure on me.”
HPI: H.B. is a 60-year-old male client who experiences problems with concentration and organization, more so after tightening his working schedules. He records many, he says, and he illustrates with examples of costly blunders he has observed at his workplace. He has frequently mentioned having issues paying attention and concentrating on certain tasks, including meetings. He says that he has been experiencing a strain from the current schedules that have been implemented. Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment

Past Psychiatric History:

  • General Statement: H.B. has never been formally evaluated for psychiatric conditions such as ADHD. He has experienced difficulty with concentration and organization since his work deadlines have become more demanding.
  • Caregivers: H.B.’s support system includes his family, particularly his mother, who previously suggested psychiatric evaluation but did not follow through with treatment.
  • Hospitalizations: None
  • Medication trials: Denies use of antipsychotic drugs.
  • Psychotherapy or Previous Psychiatric Diagnosis: No formal diagnosis and psychotherapy sessions before.

Substance Current Use and History: He sometimes drinks alcohol and cigars socially or for recreational purposes and has never been involved in substance abuse.
Family Psychiatric/Substance Use History: H.B. has no first-degree relative with a history of these.
Psychosocial History: H.B. is 60 years old, a single man, and has a younger brother currently residing in his home. He does get his fair share of nutrients, gets 7 hours of sleep every night, and he is extroverted. Their animal has a moderate level of indulgence, where they occasionally drink alcohol and smoke. H.B. reports having no past psychotherapy, she has never been treated for substance abuse, and she has no formal psychiatric illness history. Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment

Medical History:

  • Current Medications:
  • ASA 81 mg daily (for angina)
  • Cozaar 100 mg daily (for hypertension)
  • Fenofibrate 160 mg daily (for hypertriglyceridemia)
  • Tamsulosin 0.4 mg at bedtime (for BPH)
  • Valsartan 80 mg daily (for hypertension)
  • Allergies: No food and environmental allergies reported. Reports allergy to Dilaydid.
  • Reproductive Hx: H.B. is single, has never married, and has no children.


GENERAL: H.B. reports concentration issues and disorganization under pressure. No recent weight changes or fatigue.

HEENT: No vision, hearing, or throat issues reported. No headaches or sinus symptoms.

SKIN: No rashes, itching, or skin lesions noted.

CARDIOVASCULAR: Denies chest pain, palpitations, or swelling in the extremities.

RESPIRATORY: No shortness of breath, cough, or wheezing reported.

GASTROINTESTINAL: No nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or changes in bowel habits.

GENITOURINARY: No issues with urination, including frequency or pain.

NEUROLOGICAL: Reports distractibility and concentration problems. Denies headaches, dizziness, or sensory issues.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: No musculoskeletal pain, weakness, or joint issues reported.

HEMATOLOGIC: Denies bleeding, bruising, or abnormal bruising.

LYMPHATICS: No swollen lymph nodes or related symptoms were reported.

ENDOCRINOLOGIC: Uses caffeine occasionally for focus. Avoids sugar. No symptoms of thyroid issues. Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment



Physical exam:

Vital Signs:

  • Blood Pressure: 120/80 mmHg
  • Heart Rate: 76 beats per minute
  • Respiratory Rate: 16 breaths per minute
  • Temperature: 98.6°F (37°C)
  • Oxygen Saturation: 98% on room air
  • GENERAL: Patient appears slightly disheveled but is alert and oriented.
  • HEENT: The head is atraumatic, the eyes are clear, and there is no conjunctival injection or discharge. The ears and nose are unremarkable, and the throat is without redness or swelling.
  • SKIN: No rashes, lesions, or abnormalities noted. Skin is warm and dry.
  • CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart sounds regular, no murmurs or gallops. No peripheral edema.
  • RESPIRATORY: Clear breath sounds bilaterally, no wheezing or crackles.
  • GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen soft, non-tender, no masses or organomegaly. Bowel sounds normal.
  • GENITOURINARY: No abnormalities observed.
  • NEUROLOGICAL: Alert and oriented. No focal deficits. Normal gait and coordination.
  • MUSCULOSKELETAL: No joint swelling or tenderness. Full range of motion in all extremities.
  • HEMATOLOGIC: No signs of pallor or bruising.
  • LYMPHATICS: No swollen lymph nodes palpated.
  • ENDOCRINOLOGIC: No signs of thyroid enlargement or abnormality. Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment

Diagnostic results:

  • ADHD Rating Scale (Adult Version): Elevated inattention and impulsivity scores, consistent with ADHD symptoms.
  • Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS): High scores for inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, indicating significant ADHD symptoms.
  • Beck Depression Inventory (BDI): Mild depressive symptoms, suggesting some level of depression.


Mental Status Examination: H.B. is a 60-year-old male, alert and oriented to time, place, and person. He appears slightly disheveled but cooperative. The mood is described as stress, with an effect that is congruent to his mood. Speech is clear and coherent but somewhat pressured. Thought processes are logical but show significant distractibility. There are no delusions or hallucinations reported. Insight and judgment are fair, though concentration difficulties are evident. H.B. denies any suicidal or homicidal ideation. Cognitive function reveals impaired attention and organizational skills. Memory is intact, with no notable deficits in recent or remote recall. Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment

  • Differential Diagnoses:
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (ICD-10 Code: F90.9): ADHD is likely to be the cause of Harold’s symptoms, such as inattention, disorganization, and poor focus that started in childhood. The inability to avoid making errors in designs, difficulty in maintaining focus during meetings, and disorganization are some of the symptoms of ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). No worsening of these symptoms with increased stress also supports this diagnosis.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (ICD-10 Code: F41.1): GAD could account for the concentration problems Harold experiences because he is preoccupied with worry and stress, mainly when there are deadlines at his workplace. However, the symptoms he described appear more like ADHD because they are long-lasting and interfere with different spheres of his life, excluding situational anxiety (Danielson et al., 2024; Gray et al., 2024)). GAD is characterized by excessive worry across different life domains, whereas Harold mainly concerns attention and organization.
  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (ICD-10 Code: F33.1): This could imply that MDD was causing Harold to have issues with concentration and organization because of things like low energy or loss of interest in activities. However, Harold does not show other depressive symptoms like persistently low mood, loss of appetite, or sleeping difficulties (Cui et al., 2024). His problems with attention and time management are more characteristic of ADHD rather than MDD.
  • Cognitive Disorder Due to a Medical Condition (ICD-10 Code: F06.8): A cognitive disorder due to a medical condition could affect Harold’s concentration and organizational skills if the disorder were linked to a neurological or systemic condition (Townsend & Morgan, 2020)Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment. Nevertheless, Harold fails to report any medical conditions or changes in health that may have led to his poor thinking abilities. His symptoms appear to be related to ADHD because they started in childhood and are not caused by a physical illness.


Concerning the evaluation of H.B.’s case, I would have improved the initial analysis by including a more comprehensive review of his occupational stressors and their effects on his mental state. Applying more tools and performing a more extensive clinical interview might give more information about his concentration problems. Moreover, attempting to get his workplace involved in creating a supportive environment might also help (Boland et al., 2022). Structured cognitive-behavioral strategies aimed at resolving his organizational issues may also help him manage ADHD effects and improve job performance.

H.B.’s work environment and stress levels are critical social factors determining their mental health. His problems with attention and planning are compounded by high work pressure and lack of support. These external factors, such as job stress, lack of organizational support, and socioeconomic factors, should be considered to improve the results. Providing workplace accommodations, encouraging stress reduction, and providing mental health resources might enhance his quality of living and functional status Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Pearson.

Boland, R. J., Verduin, M. L., & Ruiz, P. (2022). Kaplan & sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry (12th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Cui, L., Li, S., Wang, S., Wu, X., Liu, Y., Yu, W., Wang, Y., Tang, Y., Xia, M., & Li, B. (2024). Major depressive disorder: hypothesis, mechanism, prevention and treatment. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 9(1), 1–32.

Danielson, M. L., Claussen, A. H., Bitsko, R. H., Katz, S. M., Newsome, K., Blumberg, S. J., Kogan, M. D., & Ghandour, R. (2024). ADHD Prevalence Among U.S. Children and Adolescents in 2022: Diagnosis, Severity, Co-Occurring Disorders, and Treatment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology: The Official Journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53, 1–18.


Gray, B., Asrat, B., Brohan, E., Chowdhury, N., Dua, T., & Mark van Ommeren. (2024). Management of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder in general health care settings: New WHO recommendations. World Psychiatry, 23(1), 160–161.

Townsend, M. C., & Morgan, K. I. (2020). Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing (8th ed.). F.A. Davis Company Assessing And Managing ADHD Essay Assignment