Nursing Working Time And The Future Of Work Discussion

Nursing Working Time And The Future Of Work Discussion

– This is a Rebuttal assignment as a discussion board response
– This assignment is basically respond to the post (presentation) from other student and the response should be against their topic. Two presentations are attached from different students.

– 1 page per response (total two pages)(total two responses from two students presentation)(total two references)(the responses does not have to cover the hole page, if it is halfway is ok)Nursing Working Time And The Future Of Work Discussion


– one reference per response (total 2 references)
– Instructions and rubric for assignment is attached
-The two presentation from both students are attached
– If any questions please let me know, but the assignment is just a response to each presentation responding against their topic, with evidence, that’s it.

According to Messenger (2018), the average hours that full-time nursing staff is required to work stands at approximately 30 to 40 hours every week. However, considering the high rates of nurse turnover and staffing shortages that is not only experienced in the United States since it is a global phenomenon, one can clearly understand that mandatory overtime at times is beyond the nursing employee’s ability to control it. In as much as mandatory overtime poses as a form of mistreatment to the nursing staff, some situations force the healthcare employees to dictate mandatory overtime to meet the patient population’s needs. In that case, most nursing employers are guided by the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act, which dictates that employees need to work for at least 40 hours weekly, but the act does not state clearly the precise hours that amount to overtime. Hence, for nursing employers within states with no particular legislation that rules out mandatory overtime, it becomes easy to engage the employees in such actions. That means those nursing staff who may decide not to comply with the employers’ demands may face other harsh consequences, especially being fired Nursing Working Time And The Future Of Work Discussion .

Hence, as much as most stakeholders may view mandated nurse overtime as going against the nursing staff’s rights and well-being, mandatory overtime helps solve staffing shortages. The advantage of the nurses that do not have any issues working long hours is that they tend to benefit them financially since they are allocated additional overtime pay, which can boost their overall life (Messenger, 2018)Nursing Working Time And The Future Of Work Discussion . Hence, to ensure that every nurse complies with the mandatory overtime, there will always be a need to engage them in one-on-one discussions to help them understand the situation to formulate effective strategies to avoid instances where the employers overlook the nurses’ needs and well-being.

Castrol Response- Student 2

The prompt discussion question concerns the need for nurses to be provided with the freedom not to vaccinate. According to World Health Organization (2022), vaccines have been outlined by the global healthcare community as the most effective tool to protect the global population against the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, most governments have taken the initiative and mandated all healthcare workers to undergo vaccination to protect the at-risk populations. Hence, the current mandate for nurses and other frontline healthcare providers to be vaccinated is not something new since whenever such plagues occur, government tends to instruct vaccination to protect both the patient population and nurses themselves. For instance, Covid-19 brought a long deadly consequences where most people lost their lives, nurses being part of the affected individuals. Therefore, considering that nurses came into contact with the sick population, mandatory vaccination would be essential to avoid affecting other vulnerable patient populations.

Such policies are, in most cases, ethically justified since they focus on the well-being and health of the public. What matters in such a case is to ensure that the policymakers sit the nursing fraternity down and explain why mandatory vaccination is effective when all the governments worldwide are trying to find adequate solutions considering that Covid-19 has destabilized the world’s economy and patient population well-being (World Health Organization, 2022)Nursing Working Time And The Future Of Work Discussion . Therefore, considering that mandatory vaccination may be overlooking various ethical considerations like the autonomy principle, it is necessary to engage the nursing workforce in making decisions. That is because decision-making transparency may be the only way to convince the nurses of the need to be vaccinated.



Messenger, J. (2018). Working time and the future of work. ILO future of work research paper series6(8), 33-37.—dgreports/—cabinet/documents/publication/wcms_649907.pdf

World Health Organization. (2022). COVID-19 and mandatory vaccination: ethical considerations: policy brief, 30 May 2022. In COVID-19 and mandatory vaccination: ethical considerations: policy brief, 30 May 2022. Nursing Working Time And The Future Of Work Discussion