The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion

The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion

Hand hygiene is important in avoiding the spread of nosocomial infections. The hands of a healthcare worker are one of the highest routes for the spread of exogenous infections, which means that hand hygiene compliance should be significant for all HCW at all levels. It has been noted that healthcare workers do not comply with hand hygiene in my organization, necessitating a need to study this issue and implement a change in practice. This essay will discuss the sampling methods; ethical considerations; plans for gathering data; and a detailed description of how evidence-based intervention will be implemented. The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion


Discuss the recruitment process and ethical considerations you must address when choosing your sample and collecting your data

The study will be designed as a descriptive cross-sectional study.This study design describes how the study affects a population and will allow the researcher to test multiple variables at the same time. Due to the study design used, this research will be an observational study and the participants will not be informed. Recruitment will be limited to the observers, and their role will remain undisclosed. The observers are deemed reliable and will observe all the hospital staff as they engage in patient contact. The census sampling method will be utilized where everyone in a population will be included (Marvasti, 2018)The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion. The study sample includes all hospital staff on each unit being observed to engage in patient contact.

Ethical considerations include approval for the study and acknowledgment of information sources. Permission for data collection from the organization will be acquired through the research department. The consent of the participants will not be sought since this is a disguised observational study (Harris et al., 2019). All the sources of information will be duly acknowledged to avoid any form of plagiarism. Ethical questions may be raised regarding the right to informed consent. According to Liamputtong (2019)The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion, disguised naturalistic observation is ethically acceptable if the participants remain anonymous and the behavior occurs in a public setting where individuals do not have an expectation of privacy. Anonymity and confidentiality will be maintained in the data collection process. Data will be stored securely and permission to use or share data will be sought from the organization’s research department.

Discuss your plan for gathering data

The researcher will develop an observation checklist which will be used by the observers to assess the participants’ practices of hand washing. The checklist will also include information on ward of observation, time of the shift, and hand hygiene action/technique. All observers will be trained before the study on how to carry out the observation and how to fill in the observation forms. Observation forms will be completed without the knowledge of the nurses. No notice of the study will be made prior to or during its conduct (Moued et al., 2021). There are two nearly identically structured facilities in the organization with the same types of units duplicated at each. Observational data will be obtained from each facility in not only nursing units and ancillary departments such as radiology where direct patient contact occurs. Data will be gathered using disguised naturalistic observation. The anonymity of the observed participants will be protected (Marvasti, 2018). Data will be collected on handwashing both before and after patient contact with care providers. Handwashing observations to document compliance will be measured. Since the study involves observation of behavior, a psychometric expert will be given the observation checklist to assess its face validity to ensure it is relevant and will measure what it ought to measure. The observers will be trained before the study to ensure the reliability of the data collected.

Provide a detailed description of how you will implement your evidence-based change in practice or intervention (if you are doing an educational intervention do not forget to add a content outline and learning objectives)The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion.

The evidence-based change in practice will be implemented through an educational intervention (Vikke et al., 2019). The standard education method for the hospital will be used. A handout will be prepared and distributed to the participants. The learning objectives will be to understand why hand-washing is important; the proper technique of hand-washing; and to identify when to wash hands. The educational intervention will be implemented among two groups in each of the two facilities. Participants in each facility will have a different education plan. One facility will be selected at random and the participants labelled group 1. Handwashing will be brought up in each care area’s staff meeting during the month following the initial observation to document baseline compliance with handouts provided to both those that will attend and those who are unable to attend.

Participants in the second facility will be labelled as group 2. They will have the same mention of handwashing at their staff meetings and handouts for those who did not attend. Additionally, they will be sent education and information via their employee email. They will also be assigned mandatory handwashing education assignments via their employee online learning program. Furthermore, signage at sanitizer dispensers, doorways, and sinks will be placed. Observational data will again be collected every two weeks after education and training have occurred in all units over a four-week period. If the post education measurement of compliance shows significant improvement, observations will again be recorded in two months to establish whether sustainable change or the need for ongoing education and training has occurred. If the multifaceted approach used for group 2 is proven to be successful as anticipated, it will be rolled out in the group 1 facility and subsequent observations will take place to compare to the initial group 1 facility findings.

Please outline the data that would be included in a general handout regarding hand hygiene.

The data that will be included in the general handout on hand hygiene will include the hand hygiene problem in the organization; statistics on infections as a result of poor hand hygiene; consequences of poor hand hygiene to patients, organizations, and healthcare workers; and hand hygiene as a critical component in infection prevention and control (Wiedenmayer et al., 2020)The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion. The handout will also include data on the important moments for hand hygiene; glove use and hand hygiene during patient care activities; and pictorial representation of the correct way to perform hand hygiene.

Make sure to address all stakeholders that may be impacted by your evidence-based change or intervention.

The stakeholders who will be affected by the evidence-based change are healthcare workers, patients, visitors, and the organization. Healthcare workers are expected to comply with the hand washing protocol at any point of patient contact. Patients will be impacted by the intervention as they will benefit from increased patient safety due to improved hygiene. Also, incidences of hospital acquired infections will reduce, a benefit to all the stakeholders. The organization will benefit from the evidence-based change as it will instill a culture of hand hygiene, reduce hospital acquired infections, and save on costs incurred treating infections due to poor hand hygiene (Fouad & Eltaher, 2020)The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion. The organization will be impacted as it will have to align its policies to accommodate the change in practice. The organization will also provide the resources required to run the evidence-based intervention.

Discuss how you will ensure by-in from the stakeholders.

Stakeholder engagement is necessary in any evidence-based intervention. Stakeholders can influence the implementation of the change in practice by supporting or opposing it. Other stakeholders may be impacted by the outcomes of the project as well. To buy in stakeholders, they will be engaged in the intervention planning phase to give them an opportunity to contribute and share their views. This involvement will help the stakeholders feel they are a part of the intervention, which will promote project acceptance (De Buck et al., 2018). The stakeholders will be engaged in the development of the goals and technical advice, which will ensure more effective outcomes. This involvement creates a sense of ownership among users and beneficiaries and helps in achieving a common understanding among all those engaged in the project. Some of the stakeholders will be given slots in the implementation team to ensure the needs of all have been considered and help in building support.


De Buck, E., Hannes, K., Cargo, M., Van Remoortel, H., Vande Veegaete, A., Mosler, H. J., … & Young, T. (2018). Engagement of stakeholders in the development of a Theory of Change for handwashing and sanitation behaviour change. International journal of environmental health research28(1), 8-22.

Fouad, M., & Eltaher, S. (2020). Hand hygiene initiative: comparative study of pre-and postintervention outcomes. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal26(2), 198-205.

Harris, D. E., Holyfield, L., Jones, L., Ellis, R., & Neal, J. (2019). Research methods. In Spiritually and Developmentally Mature Leadership (pp. 57-65). Springer, Cham.

Liamputtong, P. (Ed.). (2019). Handbook of research methods in health social sciences. Singapore:: Springer.

Marvasti, A. (2018). Research methods. The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems1(3), 23-37.

Moued, I., Haweizy, R. M., Miran, L. S., Mohammed, M. G., von Schreeb, J., & Älgå, A. (2021). Observational Study of Hand Hygiene Compliance at a Trauma Hospital in Iraqi Kurdistan. J4(4), 794-802.

Vikke, H. S., Vittinghus, S., Giebner, M., Kolmos, H. J., Smith, K., Castrén, M., & Lindström, V. (2019). Compliance with hand hygiene in emergency medical services: an international observational study. Emergency Medicine Journal36(3), 171-175.

Wiedenmayer, K., Msamba, V. S., Chilunda, F., Kiologwe, J. C., & Seni, J. (2020). Impact of hand hygiene intervention: a comparative study in health care facilities in Dodoma region, Tanzania using WHO methodology. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control9(1), 1-9. The Hand Hygiene Assignment Discussion

Assignment 3- not the final

In the final project, you will be presenting a plan for an evidence-based research project. The final project information is only a plan for research.  You will not be implementing or evaluating any part of your plan.  In assignment 1, you identified and defined a problem at your organization or in your practice. You also conducted a literature review.  In assignment 2, you chose an evidence-based change in practice or intervention that you could use to address the identified problem. You also wrote a research question, a hypothesis, and chose a theory that can be used to guide your project.

In this 3-4-page APA formatted assignment you are asked to discuss the sampling methodology, the study site, and the population from which you will be recruiting for your sample. Discuss the recruitment process and ethical considerations you must address when choosing your sample and collecting your data. Discuss your plan for gathering data (if you are planning to use a survey make sure you choose an established survey tool and discuss the reliability and validity of the survey, if you are planning a qualitative study discuss your proposed data collection questions).  Provide a detailed description of how you will implement your evidence-based change in practice or intervention (if you are doing an educational intervention do not forget to add a content outline and learning objectives). Make sure to address all stakeholders that may be impacted by your evidence-based change or intervention. Finally discuss how you will ensure by-in from the stakeholders.

Above is the course assignment. It has been broken down below with key details that need to be included in the paper.

Discuss the recruitment process and ethical considerations you must address when choosing your sample and collecting your data

recruitment would be limited to observers who are deemed reliable and would not disclose their role, the fact that they are making observations, or that any behavior is being observed. The participants would be made up of all hospital staff on each unit being observed to engage in patient contact.

Discuss your plan for gathering data

no notice of the study will be made prior to or during its conduct.

since there are two nearly identically structured facilities in the organization with the same types of units duplicated at each, observational data will be obtained from each facility in not only nursing units and ancillary departments such as radiology were direct patient contact occurs.

The data gathering method used will be disguised naturalistic observation, protecting the anonymity of those observed, of handwashing both before and after patient contact of care providers.

Handwashing observations to document compliance will be measured

Provide a detailed description of how you will implement your evidence-based change in practice or intervention (if you are doing an educational intervention do not forget to add a content outline and learning objectives).

Each facility involved will have a different educational plan. Act one randomly selected facility, the control group or group 1, handwashing will be brought up in each care area’s staff during the month following the initial observation to document baseline compliance with handouts provided to both those that attend and those who were unable to attend. The standard education method for the hospital.

Please outline the data that would be included in a general handout regarding hand hygiene.

The second facility, group 2, will have the same mention of handwashing at their staff meetings and handouts for those who did not attend. Additionally, they will be sent education and information via their employee email. They will also be assigned mandatory handwashing education assignments via their employee online learning program. Furthermore, signage at sanitizer dispensers, doorways, and sinks will be placed.

after education and training has occurred in all units over a four-week period, observational data will again be recorded in two weeks.

If the post education measurement of compliance of significant improvement, observations will again be recorded in two months to establish sustain change or the need for ongoing education and training.


The multifaceted approach used that group to is proven to be successful as anticipated, it will be rolled out in the group 1 facility and subsequent observations take place to compare to the initial group to facility findings.

Make sure to address all stakeholders that may be impacted by your evidence-based change or intervention.  Discuss how you will ensure by-in from the stakeholders.