The Pulmonary Pharmacology Assignment Paper

The Pulmonary Pharmacology Assignment Paper

Reflection Response Instructions: Submit a 1 page reflection response to the questions below. Please use APA format and include one scholarly reference.
What resources/guidelines will you use to help identify, diagnose, and treat asthma? Give brief overview of how this will apply to your NP practice. The Pulmonary Pharmacology Assignment Paper


Guidelines for identifying, diagnosing, and treating asthma

  1. Identifying asthma

According to Rothe et al. (2018), identifying asthma includes checking the following signs and symptoms;

  1. Breath shortness
  2. Pain in the chest
  • Wheezing when breathing out
  1. Coughing and trouble sleeping especially children
  2. Diagnosis of asthma

A physician will discuss the medical history with the patient to diagnose asthma. They will also conduct a physical exam. The physician will then conduct a lung function test (also referred to as a pulmonary function test) that can be easily performed in the hospital. Other essential tests include sinus X-rays, blood tests, and chest (Huang et al. 2019)The Pulmonary Pharmacology Assignment Paper. The diagnosis of asthma is based on various factors, which include;

  1. Medical history
  2. Physical exam: Done to rule out possible conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or respiratory infections.
  • Overall health and test results: lung tests, Spirometry, and Exhaled nitric oxide test.
  1. Treatment of asthma

Long-term control and prevention and are essential for preventing asthma attacks. Treatment typically entails learning to realize risk factors, taking precautions to avoid possible causes, and monitoring the patient’s breathing to ensure that their prescription drugs are controlling their symptoms. In an asthma attack, a quick-relief inhaler may be required (Ramsahai et al., 2019)The Pulmonary Pharmacology Assignment Paper.


  1. Use of anti-inflammatory
  2. Quick-relief inhalers (rescue inhalers)
  • Inhaled corticosteroids (long-term medication)
  1. Inhaled long-acting beta-agonists

Overview of how this will apply to your NP practice

As a nurse practitioner, I will first begin by identifying the illness by checking the signs and symptoms. The provided guideline will help in the identification stage. The second procedure will be diagnosing the diseases. This test will include lung function and other tests like sinus X-rays and blood tests. I will inquire about the medical history and conduct a physical examination and health test. I will then use the guideline to offer prescription drugs for the patient The Pulmonary Pharmacology Assignment Paper.


Huang, K., Yang, T., Xu, J., Yang, L., Zhao, J., Zhang, X., & Group, C. P. H. C. S. (2019). Prevalence, risk factors, and management of asthma in China: a national cross-sectional study. The Lancet, 394(10196), 407-418.


Ramsahai, J. M., Hansbro, P. M., & Wark, P. A. (2019). Mechanisms and management of asthma exacerbations. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 199(4), 423-432.

Rothe, T., Spagnolo, P., Bridevaux, P. O., Clarenbach, C., Eich-Wanger, C., Meyer, F., & Leuppi, J. D. (2018). Diagnosis and management of asthma–the Swiss Guidelines. Respiration95(5), 364-380 The Pulmonary Pharmacology Assignment Paper