The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper

The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper

– Instructions for paper are attached
– You can use this website below to check your bill…You want the 117th Congress and legislation that is active in the House or Senate. If the President (or Governor if you chose a state bill) has signed it – it is not an active bill. If it is from the 116th Congress or earlier…it is not active. It has to be introduced after January 3, 2021. The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper


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A bill refers to the legislative proposal presented to Congress. Bills from every house are tagged with a number in the order they are presented, starting with the initial Congress’s first and second sessions. Public bills mainly tend to address issues that impact the general public or groups of common people, whereas private bills address issues that affect organizations and individuals, such as claims against the government (Schaeffer & Haebler, 2019)The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper. In that case, the paper aims to identify an active bill that influences professional nursing practice, whether at the state or federal level. The major evaluation will be on discussing the Bill’s major provision, discussion of any appropriate history, pertinent votes and issues stalling the legislation, identification of key opponents and proponents, exploring the key stakeholders’ position, a discussion of how the Bill will influence nurses ability to offer quality and safe care and the most appropriate actions nurses can take to aid the legislation’s passage or defeat.

The Bill’s Major Provision

The active Bill is the Reproductive Health Care Accessibility Act, bill number H.R.9040. The Bill was introduced to the House of Representatives on 29th September 2022 (Congress.Gov, n.d). The main Bill H.R.9040 provision concerns the amendment of the Public Health Service Act to enhance individuals with disabilities’ reproductive health care services.

Discussion Background and Facts and any Appropriate History

The main trigger for the Bill is that in the United States, one will find that one individual has a disability in every four citizens. However, in every ten individuals with disabilities, one individual presents a higher chance of becoming pregnant, leading to the current number of approximately 4,100,000 parents with disabilities (Congress.Gov, n.d)The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper. The main aim of H.R.9040 for these individuals with disabilities is to ensure that they gain similar rights to other American citizens concerning ways to choose the right time to raise or start their families. Such rights will complement the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II and III, the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, section 504, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, section 1557, which draws similar conclusions towards enabling people with disabilities to access healthcare services equitably (Congress.Gov, n.d).

Generally, disabled individuals face many barriers when seeking reproductive healthcare services. Some of these challenges equate to medical diagnostic equipment, healthcare facility, and travel means inaccessibility. Such issues may delay these individuals’ chances to receive ample healthcare services, including reproductive healthcare services. Therefore, bypassing the H.R 9040 bill, people with disability will be advantaged since even healthcare providers will be given enough training to transition to catering to the reproductive healthcare needs of people with disability.

H.R. 9040 Key Proponents and Opponents

The Bill’s main proponent is Representative Cori Bush, who introduced the Bill to the House, Energy, and Commerce committee (Congress.Gov, n.d)The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper. The viability of the Bill can be recognized by the 21 representatives who have availed themselves as cosponsors of the Bill. However, there is no opponent so far preventing the Bill from moving forward. The main reason the H.R. 9040 bill has many opponents is that the sponsors and cosponsors realize the need to cater to people with disabilities and reproductive healthcare concerns to improve their overall well-being.

Explore the Key Stakeholders’ Position

From the Bill, it is clear that the main stakeholders to be affected by the Bill are the people with disabilities and the healthcare providers. In that regard, the healthcare providers will need to be indulged in an education or training program though they will have to follow a diverse recruiting procedure (Congress.Gov, n.d). That is to ensure that they will meet the needs of the diverse patient population. People with disabilities will tend to receive training to comprehend their reproductive and sexual healthcare needs.

The Bill’s Influence on Nursing Staff

The Bill is essential to the nursing workforce since it will help them establish and sustain an effective competition model that includes nurses with disabilities. That is because the Bill encourages more nurses with disabilities; these nurses will also pursue sexual and reproductive healthcare careers that will be essential to advise people with similar issues, thus making it easy to reach out to all target patient populations (Congress.Gov, n.d)The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper. Also, the collaboration between nurses with disabilities and other nurses will enhance the nursing staff’s perspective on people with disability, thus enhancing how they handle patients with a disability which will also increase the patient population’s healthcare satisfaction and preferences.

Specific Actions Nurses can Take Toward the Legislation Passing

Overall, the H.R. 9040 bill should be passed by Congress unopposed since it touches on the plight of individuals with disabilities concerning their reproductive concerns. In that case, nurses, through their professional nursing organizations like American Nurses Association, can participate in policy-making by providing evidence-based information on why the reproduction status of people with disabilities matters (Schaeffer &Haebler, 2019)The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper. Also, nurses need to embrace diversity in the workplace, like other nurses with disabilities, to promote the improvement of healthcare services when attending to patients with disabilities.


The paper has evaluated the H.R. 9040, Reproductive Health Care Accessibility Act, which Representative Cori Bush has initiated. The Bill has not been opposed and under review since it was introduced to the House of Representatives on 29th September 2022.



Congress.Gov. (n.d) H.R.9040 – Reproductive Health Care Accessibility Act.

Schaeffer, R., & Haebler, J. (2019). Nurse leaders: extending your policy influence. Nurse Leader17(4), 340-343. The Review Of A Bill Assignment Paper