The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment

The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment

Please follow the rubric in your syllabus as you work on this assignment.
Research your assigned topic and discuss its impact on nursing now and moving forward. Also include your own reflection on the assigned topic.
Length of paper: 3 pages, not including the cover page & reference page.
Cited references need to be current (within last 5 years & from scholarly sources/and or nursing journals)The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment.


Must use APA format, 7th edition.
Keep in mind, spelling, grammar, punctuation & sentence structure.
Excellent place to start your research:
EBSCO Nursing Reference Center Plus
Click on Management Topics and take it from there. I chose your topics within this database. Feel free to also utilize your textbook and OER online resources. A minimum of 3 references is required for this assignment. Our librarians on site are also excellent resources, Sarah Levy being one of them. She loves working with nursing students.
If you have trouble accessing this link, please reach out to one of our staff librarians.
Feel free to use the attached APA guide which was developed by Empire State College: All credit is given to ESC as I was not involved in the development of this deck of slides/nor do I take ownership of any of its content. You may use this ppt slide deck simply as a guide as you prepare your paper.

Healthcare is a demanding and noble profession that plays an important role in society. Traditionally, men have been underrepresented in healthcare professions, but this is gradually changing especially in the US market as different states have seen a rise in the number of male nurses recruited into the healthcare profession. Palmer, Stuart and Fleig-Palmer (2022) have explained that there are many reasons why men may be interested in healthcare careers with one being that healthcare offers opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives, to work with cutting-edge technology, and to advance their careers. Healthcare is arguably a stable and growing industry, with many job openings expected in the coming years. As a man considering a career in healthcare, there are many ways to get started. First, one could volunteer in a healthcare setting, take courses related to healthcare, or shadow a healthcare professional to learn more about the field. Second, there are many professional organizations in the US that offer support and networking opportunities. According to Kronsberg, Bouret and Brett (2018), healthcare is a rewarding career choice for men, as it is for women, who are interested in making a difference in the lives of others. With many job openings expected in the coming years, healthcare is a stable and growing industry that offers opportunities for career advancement.

 Impact On Nursing Now and Moving Forward

The recruitment of men as healthcare personnel helps improve the quality of care that patients receive. A study conducted by Blackley, Morda and Gill (2019) revealed that patients tend to receive better quality care when there is a diverse healthcare workforce; one that comprises both male and female nurses. The justification for this is that different perspectives lead to improved patient care. Kronsberg, Bouret and Brett (2018) opined that men are often able to relate to patients in a different way than women, which ultimately helps in trust building and rapport. What’s more, men and women often communicate differently making it beneficial for patients because they are able to build trust with the practitioners. For example, men may be more likely to listen to patients and understand their concerns relative to their female counterparts leading to improved patient care. Research has shown that men tend to have a different perspective on health and illness than women making it beneficial for patients as their situations and conditions are better understood. For instance, men may be more likely to talk about the physical aspects of an illness, while women may be more likely to focus on the emotional aspects. This diversity of care ultimately helps patients get a well-rounded view of their condition and how to best manage it The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment.

In their research study, Palmer, Stuart and Fleig-Palmer (2022) stated that the recruitment of men can help to promote gender equity in the healthcare workforce. Evidently, the healthcare workforce in the US has typically been a preserve for women. In view of this, the recruitment of men can help promote gender equity by increasing the number of men in the healthcare workforce. In addition to this, the inclusion of men into the healthcare workforce helps create diversity in the healthcare workforce. Blackley, Morda and Gill (2019) wrote that diversity in the healthcare workforce leads to improved patient care because different perspectives lead to improved patient care The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment.

Personal Reflection

I am currently a nursing student and I have had the opportunity to work with both male and female nurses and have found that the majority of nurses are female, with only a small percentage being male nurses. I think that the reason for this is that nursing has traditionally been a female-dominated profession. Perhaps the reason for this is that nursing has for many years been perceived as a caring and nurturing profession, and these are qualities that have traditionally been associated with women. On reflection, I think that the reason for this is that nursing is seen as a caring and nurturing profession, and these are qualities that have traditionally been associated with women. I think that the reason for this is that nursing is seen as a caring and nurturing profession, and these are qualities that have traditionally been associated with women The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment.

On reflection of the experiences I have had in practice and from literature, there are a few reasons why the recruitment of men in nursing care is important. First, nursing is a profession that is traditionally female-dominated, so recruiting men can help bring some much-needed diversity to the field. Second, men can offer a unique perspective on patient care, which can be beneficial for both male and female patients. Third, men tend to be underrepresented in the nursing profession, so recruiting them can help to address this imbalance. Suffice it to say, with the reputation of men working as healthcare personnel improving over time, it is likely that the demand for nursing practice will increase and will ultimately help address the persistent shortage of nurses in the country The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment.



Blackley, L. S., Morda, R., & Gill, P. R. (2019, October). Stressors and rewards experienced by men in nursing: A qualitative study. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 690-697).

Kronsberg, S., Bouret, J. R., & Brett, A. L. (2018). Lived experiences of male nurses: Dire consequences for the nursing profession. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice8(1), 46-53.

Palmer, D. K., Stuart, N., & Fleig-Palmer, M. (2022). Men in Nursing: Implications for the Profession and Broader Workforce Trends.

APA topics w/assigned students: Due date: 12-7-22/Grade 10% class grade

Please follow the rubric in your syllabus as you work on this assignment The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment.


Research your assigned topic and discuss its impact on nursing now and moving forward. Also include your own reflection on the assigned topic.

Length of paper: 3 pages, not including the cover page & reference page.

Cited references need to be current (within last 5 years & from scholarly sources/and or nursing journals).

Must use APA format, 7th edition.

Keep in mind, spelling, grammar, punctuation & sentence structure.

Excellent place to start your research:

EBSCO Nursing Reference Center Plus

Click on Management Topics and take it from there.  I chose your topics within this database.  Feel free to also utilize your textbook and OER online resources.  A minimum of 3 references is required for this assignment. Our librarians on site are also excellent resources, Sarah Levy being one of them. She loves working with nursing students.

If you have trouble accessing this link, please reach out to one of our staff librarians.

Feel free to use the attached APA guide which was developed by Empire State College: All credit is given to ESC as I was not involved in the development of this deck of slides/nor do I take ownership of any of its content.  You may use this ppt slide deck simply as a guide as you prepare your paper The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment.

Day class

  • : Nursing workforce: Generational differences – Joanna N
  • : Infection control strategies in preventing HAIs – Kim A
  • : The ongoing nursing shortage – Autumn C
  • : Training and onboarding new nurses – Clara C
  • : Incivility & bullying – Francesca C
  • : Soft skills that improve patient interaction (therapeutic touch & communication) – Chana C
  • : Stress reduction in nurses (Nurse burnout/moral distress) – Emmanuel C
  • : Impact of healthcare technology & patient outcomes – Barbara C
  • : Impact of travel and agency nursing during a pandemic – Frank G
  • : Professional identity and social media (ANA’s statement) – Nechama H
  • : Effects of nurse staffing & patient safety – Cindy H
  • : Bedside reporting & nurse/patient outcomes – Jeffrey J
  • : Alarm fatigue & TJC – Doris J
  • : Magnet hospitals: Patient outcomes – Chaya W
  • : Nursing informatics in healthcare – Craig K
  • : Self-care during the COVID – 19 pandemic – Anastasia L
  • : Hourly rounding: an effective patient safety strategy – Alicia L
  • : Stress management practice for night shifts – Elicia O
  • : Evaluating ethics of nursing uniform code rules – Blank
  • : Effective strategies to maintain emotional health for nurses
  • : Ethical use of physical restraints in elderly patients – Alexander S
  • : Examining the digital effect on nursing and it’s future – Blank
  • : Empowerment & job satisfaction in nursing -Kristen W
  • : Delegation of authority: Delegating tasks to Healthcare Assistive Personnel – Lenora W
  • : Conflict management: Managing conflict between nurses – Fab V
  • : Harmful Stress: Physical, Mental, & Behavioral Manifestations – Blank
  • : Substance use disorder in nursing – Blank
  • : Transformational leadership in nursing – Brian V
  • : Disaster nursing & emergency preparedness – Blank


Night class

  • : Recruitment of healthcare personnel: Men in Nursing – Chevelle A
  • : Magnet Hospitals: Patient outcomes – Helen M
  • : Do’s & don’t’s of nurse job interviewing – Anna C
  • : Importance of Preceptorship/mentoring – Carly C
  • : Technology & it’s use to improve patient care – Ana V
  • : When a nurse makes a grave mistake at work – Ezekiel D
  • : Nursing leadership & the future of nursing – Blank
  • : HCAHPS and its importance – Jenai F
  • : Impaired nurses: managing & monitoring – Blank
  • : Effective time management skills – Charity M
  • : Job stress & nurse burnout – Jessica G
  • : Nurse retention strategies – Joanna G
  • : Nurses crossing boundary lines – Jeanette G
  • : Strategies to prevent medication errors – Deanna L The Recruitment Of Healthcare Personnel Assignment