The Effects Of Comfort Care For Patients Assignment

The Effects Of Comfort Care For Patients Assignment

Picot question: At end of life (population), what is the effect of comfort measures (intervention) on a hospice patient quality of life (outcome) over the last days/months of life (time frame)?

Include a rich description of the above PICOT question. this assignment is to be 3-4 paragraphs long. at least 5 SCHOLARLY APA references. reference page to be in APA 7th edition. The Effects Of Comfort Care For Patients Assignment


PICOT Question

The PICOT question sought to investigate the effects of comfort care for patients whose death is imminent in the hospital setting. Borgstrom and Pearce (2022) explained that comfort care can significantly alleviate distressing symptoms experienced by dying patients during the last few hours, days or weeks of life. Similar sentiments are shared by Binda et al. (2021) who argued that comfort care represent a form of personalized care aimed at identifying and responding to the distinct needs (spiritual, physical and psychosocial suffering) mostly experienced by the terminally-ill patients and their respective families/caregivers. Tjernberg and Bökberg (2020) indicated that the adoption of evidence-based comfort care may assist in relieving symptoms in patients with less life-threatening conditions, and hence palliative care can boost the management of distressing symptoms and complications during the last days or months of life The Effects Of Comfort Care For Patients Assignment.

Binda et al. (2021) noted that comfort care tend to place more attention on supporting the patient’s family in terms of psychosocial and bereavement support. The primary goal of comfort care is to enhance the quality of life for both patients and their family and to provide the requisite psychosocial support and aggressive palliation at the end of life. On the other hand, Bergenholtz et al. (2020) argued that comfort care may become a viable means through which healthcare providers can engage in the management of common physical symptoms including physical pain, restlessness, dyspnea, death rattle)The Effects Of Comfort Care For Patients Assignment; and provision of spiritual, psychosocial and bereavement support. This can be attained through therapeutic communication and involvement of the interdisciplinary treatment team in enabling the patient and the family to find meaning in the dying process, and to attain a sense of control whilst confronting and preparing for inevitable death.

The centrality of comfort care as an integral part of end-of-life care is based on how it can substantially assist the patients to die in comfort, peace and dignity. Thomas (2019) insisted that the growing number of patients in need  of end-of-life care calls for multi-faceted interventions aimed at supporting the adoption of comfort care for patients dying in both hospital and non-hospital settings The Effects Of Comfort Care For Patients Assignment.


Bergenholtz, H., Missel, M., & Timm, H. (2020). Talking about death and dying in a hospital setting – a qualitative study of the wishes for end-of-life conversations from the perspective of patients and spouses. BMC Palliative Care, 19(1).

Binda, F., Clari, M., Nicolò, G., Gambazza, S., Sappa, B., Bosco, P., & Laquintana, D. (2021). Quality of dying in hospital general wards: A cross-sectional study about the end of life care. BMC Palliative Care.


Borgstrom, E., & Pearce, C. (2022). End of life care and bereavement. End of Life Care and Bereavement.

Thomas, K. (2019). Can we give dying hospital patients better care? Findings from the first GSF accredited hospital wards. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care.

Tjernberg, J., & Bökberg, C. (2020). Older persons’ thoughts about death and dying and their experiences of care in end-of-life: A qualitative study. BMC Nursing. The Effects Of Comfort Care For Patients Assignment