The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment

The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment

The info is on the Summary attachment.

Using the Healthcare Budget Request Template, create a brief (1- to 2-page) description of your analyses. Be sure to address the following in your summary:
What does the cost/benefit ratio or break-even point mean to the organization?
When will your organization’s investment(s) in the healthcare product or service be paid back?
What assumptions have you made in your ratio analyses?
How does the SWOT analysis inform your interpretation of the ratio analyses?
What do these analyses mean for your organization?


References (Must use these 2 references and 2 of your own from research): The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment

Ramsey, Z., Palter, J. S., Hardwick, J., Moskoff, J., Christian, E. L., & Bailitz, J. (2018). Decreased nursing staffing adversely affects emergency department throughput metrics. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health, 19(3), 496–500. doi:10.5811/westjem.2018.1.36327

Stonehouse, D. (2018). SWOT: What is it all about and how do you use it? British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 12(12), 617–619.

Pediatric Neurosurgery: Opportunities for Growth

According to Clark-Burg and Alliex (2017), decision-making is a vital component of the health system. It enables all the relevant stakeholders to choose appropriate choices promptly after going through documents such as an executive summary. Nurses must now learn to carefully draft a persuasive document to sway the management into investing in the proposed idea. Consequently, the text describes the executive summary of developing a neurosurgery program that entails the healthcare issue it would have solved, the groups impacted by the program, the groups responsible for running the program, and the proposed healthcare service. The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment

Healthcare Issue

The health issue is trying to solve the lack of a pediatric neurosurgery program in a health facility. Our healthcare facility transfers over 300 pediatric neurosurgical cases each year. These patients’ are displaced from their families and homes to other neurosurgical facilities two to three hours away because of our inability to provide the care they require. The action jeopardizes the patients’ health because it increases the economic health care costs and the risks of mortality and disability (Dewan et al., 2018)The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment. By creating a program to alleviate this issue of transfers for acute neurosurgical services of pediatric patients in the region.

Stakeholder Groups Impacted

There are various stakeholder groups that the proposed program will impact once the hospital implements it. Our executive stakeholder is our Chief Administration Officer of the Pediatric Facility. Our project owner stakeholder includes our Program Development Coordinator, System Director of Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit (PICU), System Director of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Regional Medical Chief Physician Executive Vice President of Operations & Chief Nurse Executive and Vice President of Operations. The key stakeholders involved and affected by this change include but are not limited to our Physicians, Information Technology, Outpatient Surgery Clinic, Pediatric Hospital Operating Room, Central Supply Resource, All Pediatric Hospital Inpatient Units, and Anesthesia. The program will influence these groups because it may increase or decrease the number of patients they will care for when diagnosing and managing their treatment. The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment

Stakeholders Responsible for Implementing the Program

Nilsen et. al. (2020) argues that the stakeholder groups that will be responsible for helping to address the health issue are the internal stakeholders (management executives such as the CEO and Program Development Coordinator (PDC), and the clinical staff), the external stakeholders (suppliers) and the interface stakeholders (investors). The chief nurse executive will assign the leadership and managerial role to cater to the team’s needs and solve obstacles (Clark-Burg and Alliex, 2017) to the Pediatric ICU director. The Pediatric ICU director, with assistance, will help develop the program and train the clinical staff. The clinical staff is the nursing team, the advanced providers, physicians who diagnose and treat the patients with neurosurgical needs and run the electronic medical record (EMR) that facilitates billing (Dewan et al. 2018)The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment. The suppliers will provide the hospital with the appropriate equipment and systems needed to run the program while the investors will fund the program. To effectively implement the program, the stakeholder groups need to collaborate and communicate under executive leadership, as Waxman and Massarweh (2018) suggested, to have proper communication, knowledge, leadership, and professionalism.

Proposed Healthcare Service

The inclusion of pediatric neurosurgery will address the identified health gap. The program will run for twelve months and involve collaborating with a partnering pediatric hospital that will hire two pediatric neurosurgeons. In billing times, the hospital will charge for services the patients procured. After all, it will cater to patients with neurosurgery needs decreasing transfer rates because it introduces a new service line to our neonate and pediatric population.


This executive summary will only be showing the budget request for a portion of the entire project. The portion that I will be placing my focus on is the build out of the neurosurgical cart with supplies needed.

The recent overhauling of the health industry has led nurse managers to be more vigilant in the financial decisions they make for their facilities. The managers have realized the importance of optimizing efficiency by choosing financially viable projects. Consequently, the staff must learn creative ways of persuading the managers through carefully designed documents such as the executive summary to make compelling arguments for their new ideas The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment.


Clark-Burg, K., & Alliex, S. (2017). A study of styles: How do nurse managers make decisions?. Nursing Management, 48(7), 44-49.

Dewan C., Baticulon, R. E., Rattani, A., Johnston, J. M., Warf, B. C., & Harkness, W. (2018). Pediatric neurosurgical workforce, access to care, equipment and training needs worldwide. Neurosurgical Focus, 45(4), E13.


Nilsen, E. R., Stendal, K., & Gullslett, M. K. (2020). Implementation of eHealth technology in community health care: the complexity of stakeholder involvement. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 1-13.

Waxman, K. T., & Massarweh, L. J. (2018). Talking the talk: Financial skills for nurse leaders. Nurse Leader, 16(2), 101-106. The Healthcare Budget Request Essay Assignment