Disseminating Evidence-Based Change Discussion Paper

Disseminating Evidence-Based Change Discussion Paper

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your change proposal to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group? Disseminating Evidence-Based Change Discussion Paper


Dissemination of evidence-based change is important as it allows for the passage of best practices and the implementation of evidence-based interventions. Internal methods for dissemination may include hospital boards, which can provide a forum for discussion and decision-making around change, as well as professional nursing organizations, which can provide a support system for nurses implementing change. In this case, I would choose hospital boards as the internal method of disseminating evidence-based change as they are a more formal setting and can provide a platform for discussion and decision-making around change. External methods for dissemination may include journal publications, conferences, and social media platforms. I Would choose journal publications as the external method of disseminating evidence-based change, as journals have been found to be an effective way for scholars to disseminate their work to the larger academic community. This means that my communication strategies would change depending on the type of dissemination method I am using. For journal publications, I would send an email to my colleagues with a link to the article and discuss how it can be used in our practice. For the hospital’s boards, I would provide a presentation on the article and discuss how it can be used in our practice. Disseminating Evidence-Based Change Discussion Paper

It is important to disseminate evidence-based change to both internal and external stakeholders of the project because they have different types of knowledge and can help to promote the change in a variety of ways. Internal stakeholders include hospital board members who are responsible for approving or disapproving changes to the hospital’s policies and procedures. External stakeholders include patients, families, and the general public, who may be impacted by changes to the hospital’s policies and procedures. My communication strategies will change based on each of the two groups by engaging with different types of communication methods. With hospital board members, I would reach out to them directly and provide a presentation on the article. For patients, families, and the general public, I would distribute the article through various channels such as social media, patient advocacy groups, and local newspapers. Disseminating Evidence-Based Change Discussion Paper



Barnes‐Daly, M. A., Pun, B. T., Harmon, L. A., Byrum, D. G., Kumar, V. K., Devlin, J. W., … & Balas, M. C. (2018). Improving health care for critically ill patients using an evidence‐based collaborative approach to ABCDEF bundle dissemination and implementation. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing15(3), 206-216.

Chambers, C. T. (2018). From evidence to influence: dissemination and implementation of scientific knowledge for improved pain research and management. Pain159, S56-S64. Disseminating Evidence-Based Change Discussion Paper