Affordable And Effective Diabetes Education In Primary Care Discussion

Affordable And Effective Diabetes Education In Primary Care Discussion

Describe a clinical question/problem to study for this course: Affordable and effective diabetes education in Primary Care. Provide rationale for this problem based on the literature. Minimum of 200 words.

Diabetes is a growing problem in the United States, and its incidence is expected to continue to rise. The cost of diabetes care is also expected to increase. One way to help control the cost of diabetes care is to provide affordable and effective diabetes education to patients (Moin et al., 2019). There is some evidence that diabetes education can help patients control their diabetes and reduce their risk of complications. However, there is also evidence that diabetes education can be ineffective and even harmful (Moreno et al., 2019)Affordable And Effective Diabetes Education In Primary Care Discussion. This problem is particularly important in primary care settings, where patients are likely to see multiple health professionals throughout their lifetime.


Primary care providers have a unique opportunity to help patients control their diabetes. However, they may not be able to provide the most effective diabetes education. This is because primary care providers are often limited by time and resources. As a result, they may not be able to provide comprehensive diabetes education. Primary care providers also have a responsibility to protect the privacy of their patients (Basu & Sharma, 2019)Affordable And Effective Diabetes Education In Primary Care Discussion. As a result, they may not be able to provide detailed information about diabetes diagnosis and treatment. This may prevent patients from receiving the most effective diabetes education.

In conclusion, there is evidence that shows that diabetes education can be effective in helping patients control their diabetes and reduce their risk of complications. However, there is also evidence that suggests that diabetes education may be ineffective and even harmful. Primary care providers have a responsibility to provide the most effective diabetes education possible. However, they may not be able to do so if they are limited by time and resources. Therefore, it would be important to work with a diabetes educator to ensure that patients receive the most effective diabetes education possible.


Basu, S., & Sharma, N. (2019). Diabetes self-care in primary health facilities in India-challenges and the way forward. World journal of diabetes10(6), 341.

Moin, T., Duru, O. K., Turk, N., Chon, J. S., Frosch, D. L., Martin, J. M., … & Mangione, C. M. (2019). Effectiveness of shared decision-making for diabetes prevention: 12-month results from the Prediabetes Informed Decision and Education (PRIDE) trial. Journal of general internal medicine34(11), 2652-2659 Affordable And Effective Diabetes Education In Primary Care Discussion

Moreno, E. G., Mateo-Abad, M., de Retana García, L. O., Vrotsou, K., del Campo Pena, E., Perez, Á. S., … & Osakidetza Active Patient Research Group. (2019). Efficacy of a self-management education program on patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care: a randomized controlled trial. Primary Care Diabetes13(2), 122-133 Affordable And Effective Diabetes Education In Primary Care Discussion