The Government Assignment Discussion Paper

The Government Assignment Discussion Paper

Answer the questions below in APA format, making sure to include in-text citations. Your answers should be of sufficient length to fully answer the questions in a clear and concise manner. Be sure to include citations when appropriate for the websites you utilized in APA 7th edition format. You should include at least 3 references. Reference the grading rubric for this assignment as well to ensure you have addressed all required components. Area to discuss is INDEPENDENCE COUNTY, ARKANSAS
Who are your state and federal representatives? Who are your state and federal senators? Are any of these individuals up for re-election? The Government Assignment Discussion Paper
Are any of your federal representatives or senators on any of the committees that relate to health care policy? What committees are they on?
In your own words, write a short description explaining the process of how a bill becomes a law.


Who are your state and federal representatives? Who are your state and federal senators? Are any of these individuals up for re-election?

John Nichols Boozman is the senior senator from Arkansas and the dean of the state’s Congressional delegation. Senator Boozman is due for re-election in November 2022. Tom Cotton serves as a junior United States senator from Arkansas. Senator Cotton will be up for re-election in 2026. Arkansas has four districts with four congressional representatives. The representatives in their successive orders of congressional districts are Eric Crawford, French Hill, Steve Womack, and Bruce Westerman. They will serve until the end of January 2023. The Government Assignment Discussion Paper

Are any of your federal representatives or senators on any of the committees that relate to health care policy?  What committees are they on?

Senior Senator Boozman is not on any committees that are related to healthcare policies. He serves as a ranking member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee and the Senate Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (MilCon-VA) Appropriations Subcommittee, respectively. He also serves as a member of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and the Helsinki Commission (John Boozman, N.D.). Senator Tom Cotton is also not on any committees that are related to healthcare policies. He is the ranking member of the Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism Subcommittee and the Intelligence Committee, respectively. Senator Cotton is also a member of the Air Land Power Subcommittee (Tom Cotton, N.D.)The Government Assignment Discussion Paper.

Representative Crawford serves as a ranking member on the Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials subcommittee and the Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counter-proliferation subcommittee, respectively. He also serves as a member of the Defense Intelligence and Warfighter Support and Highways and Transit subcommittees. Representative Hill is a ranking member of the Housing, Community Development, and Insurance subcommittee. He is a member of the Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Markets, National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy subcommittees. Representative Womack serves as a ranking member of the Financial Services and General Government subcommittee (Govtrack., N.D.). He also serves on the Defense, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies subcommittees. Representative Westerman serves as a ranking member on the House Committee on Natural Resources. He serves as a member of the Highways and Transit, Railroads, Pipelines, Hazardous Materials, Water Resources, and Environment subcommittees (Govtrack., N.D)The Government Assignment Discussion Paper.

In your own words, write a short description explaining the process of how a bill becomes a law

A bill is first introduced in either chamber of Congress by its sponsor. After introduction, it is assigned to the respective committee for research, discussion, and any changes. The bill is then presented to the chamber for voting. If it is passed in one chamber, it goes to the other chamber for research, discussion, and voting. If both chambers agree to pass the bill, it is harmonized and voted on by both chambers. If it passes, it is presented to the president. The president can either approve the bill and sign it into law or not approve it. If it is not approved, Congress has the option to override the veto and make it law The Government Assignment Discussion Paper.


Govtrack. (N.D.). Members of the congress.

John Boozman. (N.D.). About.

Tom Cotton (N.D.). About. The Government Assignment Discussion Paper