Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper

Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper

Capstone topic: In hospitalized patients on a medical-surgical floor, does bedside reporting compared to reporting at the nursing station enhance patients’ safety and satisfaction after the first week of admission?

write a 3-4-page paper in APA format with a minimum of 3 references.

This paper should address the objectives of your project, the strategies you plan to use for your project and a discussion of the issue.


Take time to describe the clinical topic in depth. Include a narrative statement of the clinical nursing problem, including setting and population.

Provide rationale as to why this clinical problem is important in a clinical setting. Describe background and significance of the clinical problem. Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper

Clearly and logically argue for the need to explore this clinical problem and possible innovation.

State the significance of the clinical problem in terms of incidence and prevalence, morbidity and mortality, cost, etc. Support with citations.


Care provided by nurses after receiving a report at the nursing station has been compared to that provided after receiving a report at the bedside in several studies. Research shows that nurses’ dissatisfaction with their work is exacerbated by spending most of their shifts at the desk, where they are subject to distractions and occasionally overlook important details (Faloon, Hampe  & Cline, 2018). Does the location of the shift change report—at the nursing station or the patient’s bedside—have any bearing on the quality of care provided from both the patient’s and the nurse’s perspectives? To begin, practical communication skills are reflected in bedside report shifts which are satisfactory for the nurses and the patients. Compared to reporting at the nursing station, reporting at the bedside is related to higher patient satisfaction and decreased risks. The goal of bedside reporting (BSD) is to boost nursing staff morale by enhancing communication and patient care quality Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper.

Bedside Reporting

Literature synthesis shows that BSR is associated with reduced fall rates in surgical patients. It is hardly unexpected that a single environmental scan performed at shift change did not prevent all slips and falls, given the various factors at play. One nurse discovered a patient attempting to get out of bed during BSR, and her quick thinking and action likely prevented the patient from falling (Bury et al., 2019). Future research or projects should consider the visual assessment of the patient and their surroundings as a possible outcome measure in BSR. BSR increased positive feedback from patients. There is no discrepancy between this evidence, and that found elsewhere. There was a rising trend in the surgery and orthopaedic units HCAHPS ratings throughout the project. While increases in patient satisfaction may not have statistical significance, they have clinical importance as value-based indicators that directly impact payment. Patients pleased with their care are more likely to share their positive experiences with others, refer their friends and family, and return to the hospital for additional care.

Despite some nurses having to wait longer than usual to report for their shift changes, overall, the time it takes to report for work did not increase when BSR was implemented. Fewer nurses reported having enough time to give and receive feedback in satisfaction surveys conducted among nurses. Patient requests during BSR have been noted as the top concern of one nurse and might be time-consuming. Some nurses may have complained about the added time spent on the report, but those familiar with the benefits of BSR to patient care likely agree that the effort is well worth it. Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper


On the staff satisfaction survey, nurses spoke well of BSR but also noted a reduction in the consistency between the first assessment and the assessment presented in the report. Inaccuracies in the initial assessment can manifest in various ways, such as the discovery of empty intravenous bags or an IV site that had been changed throughout the shift but was not adequately documented. The patient’s deteriorating health between the time the outgoing nurse was present and the time of the initial assessment by BSR is another factor that may have led to misunderstandings. Clearly conveying relevant information is a major benefit of bedside reporting. Vital patient updates are reported appropriately and concisely in bedside reports ((Dorvil, 2018). The most common reason for a sentinel proceeding in the United States is a failure in shift report communication. Nurse-to-doctor, caregiver-to-family, caregiver-to-patient, and caregiver-to-caregiver are all possible communication partners. Healthcare communication is not limited to physicians and hospitals but can also occur between nurses and other professionals. Patients also want a say in how their care is organized and delivered.

The patient’s safety is also affected by the documentation done at the bedside. Having this discussion is how this is accomplished. Therefore, the handing-off caregivers have extensive knowledge of the patient and can provide peculiar and particular details about the patient. Because the nurse’s judgments and evaluations might affect the patient’s fate, this is of the utmost importance from a professional standpoint. Patient confidence in the staff’s ability to work together is bolstered by reports from the bedside. As a result, everyone receiving care is on the same page. Patients can also provide any extra information or ask queries. Because of this, patients are less anxious and more open to the doctors’ recommendations. They encourage patients to get help sooner and participate more actively in their treatment. Patients who feel their needs are being met this way are more likely to remain loyal to their healthcare provider. Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper


Bedside reports also help nurses since the arriving caregiver can quickly form a mental picture of the patient. Because of this, nurses can relax during their shifts. Bedside reporting also helps nurses and aides be better prepared to answer questions from doctors. They can also work effectively with care partners to emphasize care practices (Elue et al., 2019). Furthermore, shifts in perspective and experimental knowledge coincide. Therefore, the patients, the nurses, and the administration all benefit from using this strategy. Although adopting BSR requires adjustments and a  change in nursing practice culture, it has been linked to increased patient safety and higher satisfaction levels among patients and nurses (McAllen et al., 2018). Even though this project’s evidence-based quality improvement strategy limits the extrapolation of its results, some of the lessons learned may be applied in similar contexts. Improving patient safety can be further described by implementing a system to record, quantify, and assess the many problems and mistakes discovered through BSR. Medication error reporting, for instance, was not included in the project’s result measurements but was identified as a problem resolved because of BSR. There were no serious consequences for any mistakes, but they were the blunders that frequently happen in hospitals but are rarely disclosed. Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper

In conclusion, implementing bedside reporting in healthcare institutions can directly tackle the problems of minimum interaction between nurses and patients and the problem of insufficient change-of-shift reports. Although nurses have favourable attitudes toward using bedside reports in practice, and most nurses use them regularly, the results can be further enhanced by providing nurses with additional educational intervention explaining the benefits of the procedure and the aspects of its implementation. Because this reporting strategy can reduce the number of possible errors and provide nurses with concise and relevant information that can be checked with the help of communication with patients, bedside reports can potentially advance the procedure of exchanging data between nurses. Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper


Bury, C., DeChicco, R., Nowak, D., Lopez, R., He, L., Jacob, S., … & Cresci, G. (2021). Use of bedside ultrasound to assess muscle changes in the critically ill surgical patient. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 45(2), 394-402.

Dorvil, B. (2018). The secrets to successful nurse bedside shift report implementation and sustainability. Nursing Management, 49(6), 20.

Elue, R., Simonovich, S. D., Tariman, J. D., Newkirk, E. A., & Neerhof, M. (2019). Bedside shift report enhances patient satisfaction for Hispanic and public insurance patients and improves the visibility of leadership in obstetric and postpartum settings. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications & Reviews of Research, 9(2), 4-11.


Faloon, D. N., Hampe, H., & Cline, T. (2018). Effects of multimethod intervention on bedside report compliance and patient satisfaction. Critical care nursing quarterly, 41(2), 129-141.

McAllen, E. R., Stephens, K., Swanson-Bierman, B., Kerr, K., & Whiteman, K. (2018). Moving shift report to the bedside: An evidence-based quality improvement project. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(2) Implementing Bedside Reporting In Healthcare Essay Paper