Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology

Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.
To Prepare:
• Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
• Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.
The Assignment: (2-3 pages not including the title and reference page) Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology
In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:
• Planning and requirements definition
• Analysis
• Design of the new system
• Implementation
• Post-implementation support
• Use APA format and include a title page and reference page.
• Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.


Involvement of a Nurse Leader in the Implementation Team for Health Information Technology

The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a methodology for designing and implementing information technology systems (Mohan, 2022)Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology . The SDLC methodology consists of several stages, tasks, and activities to successfully implement an information system. If a nurse leader participates on an implementation team, the system will more likely be usable and acceptable and meet users’ expectations.

Planning and Requirements Definition

This stage involves identifying what needs to be done, defining who will do it, and deciding where to do it. In this case, the nurse leader will need to identify what needs to be done by developing a plan based on their understanding of their role as a nurse leader in this process. Their role includes participating in this planning by helping others understand how they can use the new system effectively to meet their goals as a team. They would also define who will do what by helping others understand what tasks must be completed during each implementation stage so that everyone can work together as one unit.

The nurse leader’s role on an implementation team for implementing a new nursing documentation system is to provide advice and recommendations to the implementation team regarding how to best meet the needs of nurses (Drexler, 2020). The nurse leader must have expertise in nursing documentation systems and clinical documentation practices.

The nurse leader should be involved in planning and requirements definition and help ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the impacted nurses (Drexler, 2020)Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology . The role description will include a description of the tasks that need to be completed by this individual, with consideration given to his/her expertise in nursing documentation systems, clinical documentation practices, and staff development best practices. The nurse leader should also participate in training sessions with other implementation team members so that they are aware of any changes that need to be made to ensure consistency across units throughout an organization or school.


The nurse leader’s role on a health information technology (HIT) implementation team is critical for ensuring that an effective system is established and maintained. The nurse leader’s participation in the analysis stage helps to ensure that the HIT will meet the needs of all stakeholders (McKay & Vanaskie, 2018)Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology . It can be done by determining what needs are not being met, developing a plan for meeting those needs, and implementing it. In addition, the nurse leader’s participation in the design stage ensures that all existing systems and processes are included in the new system so that it can be used properly. Finally, lasting success for any program requires strong support from its managers and leaders. The nurse leader’s participation in this stage is vital because he or she will provide leadership throughout implementation by supporting nurses’ efforts to make changes to their workflow and routines while providing feedback on how they are doing as they work towards achieving their goals.

This nurse leader would also serve as an expert resource for nurses on any questions regarding documentation requirements or policies explicitly related to their unit or department (McKay & Vanaskie, 2018). In addition, this individual would work closely with other staff members who may also require documentation regarding patients.

The New System Design

The design stage involves defining how the system will work, what data it will collect and how it will be used. It involves gathering input from nurses, physicians, management, and other stakeholders regarding what they want from the new tool and how they would like to use it. It also involves determining what data needs to be collected for each patient.

The nurse leader will participate in this step by ensuring that the new system has been developed and tested as a prototype. It means that he or she will identify any changes needed to accommodate his/her role on the implementation team and any additional steps that need to be taken to ensure successful implementation (Drexler, 2020)Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology . The nurse leader should be aware of any limitations that could impact his/her ability to contribute effectively during this stage.


The role of a nurse leader on an implementation team is to ensure that the implementation of new health information technology is done in a way that is acceptable to the nurses impacted by it (McKay & Vanaskie, 2018). The nurse leader will be involved in preparing for and implementing changes to nursing documentation systems so nurses can use them effectively.

The nurse leader should attend meetings where changes are being discussed, including those related to using new e-nurse technology. They should also take part in developing and implementing training plans for nurses on how best to use new technologies.

This role can be challenging because it requires active engagement from the nurse leader in every aspect of the SDLC stages and tasks, which could include identifying gaps in current systems and providing recommendations about how to address those gaps (Mohan, 2022)Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology . The nurse leader may also have to serve as a liaison between nursing staff and IT professionals so that everyone understands what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.

Post-Implementation Support

The role of a nurse leader in the post-implementation support phase is to ensure that all systems are functioning correctly and that any problems are resolved promptly. The nurse should also be able to provide ongoing support for the implementation team, should they need it (McKay & Vanaskie, 2018)Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology . They will meet with other implementation team members to discuss any issues or concerns they may have related to their use of the new system. They will also be available as a resource for any questions or concerns nurses may have regarding using the new system. The nurse will also be responsible for gathering feedback from nurses impacted by this new system so they can be included in discussions regarding changes needed moving forward.



Drexler, D. (2020). Using a nursing professional governance approach to improve nurse satisfaction and participation with Health Information Technology. Nurse Leader, 18(3), 276–280.

McKay, C., & Vanaskie, K. (2018). Partnering for success: The role of the nurse leader in Health Information Technology implementation for coordination of care. Nurse Leader, 16(6), 385–388.

Mohan, V. (2022). System Development Life Cycle. In Clinical Informatics Study Guide (pp. 177-183). Springer, Cham. Nurse leader Role On Implementing A Health Information Technology