The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

This is a 3 part assignment with powerpoint. I will also place an order the powerpoint

Reflect on the previous Healthcare Budget Request assignment submissions, including your executive summary, your Expense/Revenue/ROI Analysis, your estimated budget, and your ratio analysis.
Review the Excel Assignment Workbook, W10/11A6 HealthWays Financials tab. These are sample financial statements.
Reflect on the information conveyed by these statements.
If possible, secure copies of your healthcare organization’s income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Consult with your internal financial counselor on this, as needed. The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper


The Assignment

Finalize your Healthcare Budget Request by completing the following:

Part 1: Financial Statement Calculations and Analysis:

Open your Excel Assignment Workbook and navigate to the “W10/11A6 Financials” worksheet. (see template)

You have 2 Options for completing this Assignment as noted in the Excel Assignment Workbook. (see attached documents for instructions)The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

Using the Healthcare Budget Request Guide for guidance, conduct analyses as directed on either your organization’s financial statements or those provided in the HealthWays Financial Statements worksheet. Your analysis will include spreadsheet calculation of financial statement ratios.

Part 2: Summary of Analyses and Interpretation of Results:

Create a brief (1- to 2-page) description of your analyses. Be sure to address the following in your summary:

Describe the results of each statement analysis. What do the results of each analysis mean?
What does your complete financial statement analysis suggest about the financial health of the organization?
If using your current organization’s data, does your analysis help describe any observed organizational behaviors or actions? Explain.
What assumptions have you made in your analyses?
What implications do these analyses have for your proposed healthcare product or service?

Part 3: Summary of Work and Final Healthcare Budget Request

Compile and summarize your work in previous assignments. Place your final work on the Healthcare Budget Request template. Your final Healthcare Budget Request should include:

A final version of your Executive Summary
A final version of your projected expenses and revenues
A product/service budget for the launch and the first 5 years
A summary of financial and SWOT analyses that you conducted, including your interpretation of the results
A 3- to 5-slide PowerPoint presentation containing the final version of your elevator speech, incorporating selling points from your analyses that you believe make the business case for nurse entrepreneurship and leadership’s commitment to your proposed healthcare product or service. The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

Healthcare Budget Request

Part 1: Develop the Budget Worksheet – W6A4 Budget Request

Part 2: Summary of Analysis and Interpretation of Results:

The above budget indicates various components of the proposed organization, including startup expenses (Legal, virtual assistant, computer, and custom AI solution), operating expenses (Repair and maintenance, rent expenses, office equipment, insurance expenses, and utility expenses), and revenue or savings (grants). The following questions are based on the above budget.

Is there an estimated surplus or deficit within the five years?

Organizations experience surplus or deficit in their budgets. A budget surplus occurs when an organization spends less money during a specific accounting period, increasing its profitability, revenue, or savings. No budget surplus is estimated in the organization within five years. On the other hand, a budget deficit occurs when an organization spends an amount higher than the estimated total operating expenses or its overall revenue, requiring the organization to borrow money to fund its activities (Park et al., 2017). A deficit might not be experienced within the organization during the five years despite an increase in aspects of operating expenses, including repair and maintenance, rent expenses, office equipment, insurance expenses, or utility expenses. The organization’s anticipated revenue or savings during the five years is relatively high; hence will be used to cater for any increase in operational expenses. The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

What percentages of the budget are dedicated to various categories included in the budget?

In the developed budget, funds are allocated to two major categories, including startup expenses, operating expenses, and revenue/savings. The total budget amounts to $3,948,648. Out of this amount, $112, 648 was allocated to startup expenses; $112, 648/$3, 948, 648 * 100.

Thus, startup expenses represent 2.85% of the total budget. Secondly, $596, 000 was allocated to operating expenses; $596, 000/ $3, 948, 648 * 100 representing 15.1% of the total amount.

Thirdly, $3, 240, 000 was allocated to revenue/savings; $3, 240, 000/ $3, 948, 648 * 100,

representing 82.1% of the total amount.

Nh What does this budget mean for your organization?

Based on the above analysis, the revenue/saving represents a significantly high share of the total amount (82.1%). Additionally, the organization will not experience a deficit during the five years despite an increase in aspects of operating expenses, including repair and maintenance, rent expenses, office equipment, insurance expenses, or utility expenses. According to Su and Hildreth (2018), organizations experience deficits following a mismatch in cash-inflow and outflow. The organization will not experience a deficit in its budget since the revenue/savings will be used to fund increased expenses. Thus, the budget means that the organization will generate high revenue/savings over the 5 years.



Park, Y. J., Matkin, D. S., & Marlowe, J. (2017). Internal control deficiencies and municipal borrowing costs. Public Budgeting & Finance37(1), 88-111.

Su, M., & Hildreth, W. B. (2018). Does financial slack reduce municipal short‐term borrowing? Public Budgeting & Finance38(1), 95-113. The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

Assignment: W10/11A6 Final Healthcare Budget Request

A healthcare budget request has one primary purpose; to convince leadership to dedicate necessary resources to a project. But there are multiple challenges that must be met along the path toward achieving that goal. Those behind the budget request must demonstrate sensitivity toward budget concerns across the organization while also trying to sell their own initiative.

Understanding the financial health of the organization can provide helpful insight that may in turn help better develop the business case for a proposal. Among the ways to do this is by reviewing and analyzing an organization’s annual financial statements. These “organizational selfies” provide a financial snapshot of the organization, with the organization’s income, liabilities, equity, cash flows and more serving as the backdrop to give readers a view into the status of the organization.

What are Financial Statements?

There are three financial statements used for reporting an organization’s financial performance over time; the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement. These three statements comprise the statement of financial performance, an accounting summary that details a business organization’s revenues, expenses and net income.

Of these three statements, the income statement is most closely aligned with performance. The income statement measures an organization’s performance over a given period by presenting the organization’s revenues and expenses, with the difference being the organization’s income. The basic equation on which an income statement is based is:

 Because of this, the income statement shows the organization’s “bottom line”, revealing how profitable the organization is over a certain period of time. The income statement takes into account sales revenue, cost of goods sold and other operating expenses and income.

The income statement is also known as a profit and loss (P&L) statement, statement of earnings, statement of operations or statement of income.

These statements are prepared monthly, quarterly or annually, and give businesses a big picture of where they stand financially. A corporation’s accounting department may prepare a statement of financial performance at any given point in time or throughout the year, depending on business requirements. The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

Typical Income Statement

The information contained in the income statement is critically important to the organization, investors, and other stakeholders. An organization’s ability to generate earnings over the long term is the key driver of stock prices. Net income is also the source of compensation to shareholders (owners of the company), and if a company cannot generate enough profit to compensate owners for the risks they’ve taken, spending and budgets are likely to decrease. Conversely, if a company is healthy and growing, higher stock prices will reflect the increased availability of profits. The information in the income statement also can help determine if an organization will be able to pay its debt obligations.

Another important financial statement is the balance sheet. Balance sheets reflect where the organization stands financially at a certain point in time. This statement of financial performance presents assets, liabilities and shareholder equity to make sure assets are equal to the other two factors. The balance sheet incorporates the net income determined on your income statement.

The basic equation on which a balance sheet is based is:  Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder’s Equity.

 Balance sheets provide a snapshot of what a company owns (assets) and owes (liabilities), as well as the amount invested by shareholders (shareholders’ equity). Like income statements, balance sheets are prepared monthly, quarterly and/or annually.

Several ratios can be derived from the balance sheet that help investors get a sense of how healthy a company is. They do not give a sense of the trends that are playing out over a longer period and therefore should be compared with those of previous periods.

The third primary financial statement is the cash flow statement. Cash flow statements look at how money moves through the organization. This statement shows increases and decreases in cash from operations, investing and financing over a period of time. In particular it takes the net income from the income statement and adjusts it for any non-cash expenses. Then, using changes in the balance sheet, it shows the net change in cash balance. Cash flow statements contain three sections: cash from operations, cash used in investing, and cash from financing. The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

Financial Statement Analysis

Note that the income statement terms “earnings”, “net income”, and “net profit” are not the same as the statement of cash flow terms “cash” or “cash flow”. It is possible for an organization to be profitable on the income statement, but not be generating cash flow, and vice versa. For this reason and others, to see the most informative picture of the organization’s financial status it is necessary to consider all three financial statements.

There are several methods used to analyze financial statements. One of the most common is to conduct a horizontal analysis, which is basically a comparison of various values over 2 or more years. For example, a 2016-1018 horizontal analysis of ABC Corporation’s Net Revenue would yield a result of (131,345 – 102,007) = $29,338.00. As this is a positive number, net revenue has increased over this time which might suggest that the organization is growing.

Another valuable analysis tool is the Return on Assets ratio or ROA. Return on assets is an indicator of how profitable the organization is relative to its assets. ROA suggests how efficient a company’s management is at using its assets to generate earnings. Return on assets is displayed as a percentage, and is calculated as:

For example, ABC Corporation’s 2016 ROA would be calculated as 2,474 / 226,376 = .011, or 1.1%. This means that every dollar that ABC Corp. invests in assets generates $1.10 of net income. The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

Note: Horizontal analysis and ROA analysis are important for projects as the one you are proposing because financially healthy organizations (such as those with growing income statement “bottom lines” and those with higher ROA values) are more likely to seek investment opportunities, while those less financially healthy may need to see the value beyond the expense.

Assignment 6: Final Healthcare Budget Request

Recall that the budget request is a formal document that you’ll need when seeking funding for your project or initiative. You should write your budget request clearly and concisely, with the goal of earning a place in the organizational budget for your proposal.

In this Assignment you will practice completing some analysis that you might consider for your project. To do this, complete the following:

 Part 1: Financial Statement Analysis

For Part 1 of this Assignment, you will practice completing additional analyses that help  gain insight into how feasible a proposal is in light of the current financial health of the organization. To do this:

  • Open the Excel Assignment Workbook.xlxs file you last named xlsx.
  • Open the W10-11A6 HealthWays Financials tab.
  • Using formulas, conduct a horizontal analysis by calculating changes over the periods of time for which you have statements (FY 2018 and FY 2017). Conduct your analysis for the following over the 2 years for which you have statements: The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper
    • Changes in Revenue including percentage change
    • Changes in Total Operating Expenses including percentage change
    • Changes in Net Earnings (Income) including percentage change
    • Calculate the organization’s Return on Assets (ROA) for both years
  • Copy and paste your work into the Healthcare Budget Request template above part 2.

Save the file as W11A6_lastname_firstname.xlsx


Part 2: Summary of Analyses and Interpretation of Results

In the Healthcare Budget Request template you previously saved as W6A4, under the W10/11 Organizational Statement Analyses section, create a brief (1- to 2-page) description of your analyses. Be sure to address the following in your summary:

Describe the results of each statement analysis. What do the results of each analysis mean? What does the complete financial statement analysis suggest about the financial health of the organization?

What assumptions have you made in your analyses?

What implications do these analyses have for your proposed healthcare product or service? The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper

Part 3: Summary of Work and Final Healthcare Budget Request

Compile and summarize your work from the previous assignments. Add any analysis that you feel strengthens your work (optional). Place your final work in the Healthcare Budget Request template under the section titled W10/11A6 Summary/Elevator Speech (PPT slides) . Your final Healthcare Budget Request should include:


  • A final version of your Executive Summary
  • A final version of your projected expenses and revenues
  • A final version of the product/service budget for the launch and the first 5 years
  • A final version of the organizational statement analyses.
  • A 3- to 5-slide PowerPoint presentation containing an “elevator speech” highlighting the value of your proposal, incorporating selling points from your analyses that you believe make the business case for nurse entrepreneurship and leadership’s commitment to your proposed healthcare product or service.

Save the file as W11A6_lastname_firstname.docx.  Submit both files to the course assignment link.

Note: You have completed Assignment 10/11.

With this work submitted, you have completed the final course assignment. Congratulations! The Healthcare Budget Request Assignment Paper