Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment

Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment

The purpose of this assessment is for participants to showcase what they have learned in this module, specifically the following learning objectives:
Identify the PICO components of a scenario
Apply PICO to identify keywords for database searching
Demonstrate a basic search in Search USA using limiters
Demonstrate a basic search in PubMed using limiters
Demonstrate a basic search in ProQuest Central using limiters
For this assessment, the student will…
Download the attached worksheet and complete it according to the instructions, using the information in this module and from the workshop. Completing this assessment with a score of at least 16 out of 20 is required to earn the Identifying Keywords and Basic Searching certificate, which you will need as a part of your Evidence-Informed Practice I course. You are allowed unlimited attempts to earn at least the minimum required score.


When you complete the worksheet, click the title of this section (“Identifying Keywords and Basic Searching Assessment”) to submit. Please also add a “Comment” in the text box indicating your campus (Miami, St. Augustine, Austin, Dallas, or San Marcos)Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment.
While we aim to score and return assessments (with feedback) as quickly as possible, it may take up to 5 business days for you receive your score. If you have earned at least a 16 out of 20, and have also already attended one of the live workshops, we will also include the certificate that you can download and save to show that you completed this module.

Identifying Keywords & Basic Searching (20 Points Total)
Please submit this worksheet as a Word document or PDF.

Throughout the assignment, you will need to paste in screenshots of your results. Please refer to the screenshot instructions below.


  1. Simultaneously press Alt and Print Screen (all the way to the top and right of your keyboard, typically). OR use the snipping tool:
  2. To paste the screenshot into the document, place your cursor in desired spot and hit Ctrl and V simultaneously.


  1. First, hold down Command () + Shift + 4, which will bring up the screenshot selection tool.
  2. Next, hold down Control, and make your selection on the screen using your mouse.
  3. Then, pull up whatever document you want to paste the selection into, and press Command () +  V. Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment

 For database screenshots, we need to see your keywords, the number of results, and any filters you’ve selected.

What is your campus?

Part 1: Identifying Keywords

Select one of the research topics below and answer the following questions based on the topic you select.

Select one topic / check or highlight below (1 point):

Topic One: What are some exercises a physical therapist might employ to aid in a patient’s recovery from rotator cuff surgery?
☐  Topic Two: As an occupational therapist, you work with patients with autism spectrum disorders. How effective is cognitive therapy in reducing anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders?

☐  Topic Three: How effective is speech language therapy in improving functional communication for patients with aphasia?

☐  Topic Four: Can an interprofessional approach to patient care aid rehabilitation in patients with stroke?

Once you’ve selected a topic, use the PICO method discussed in this unit to determine a list of keywords you would use to do a basic search for articles on this topic in a database. (4 points)

List the keywords you determined based on the PICO above. List them just as you would in a search, i.e., no punctuation (including commas between terms) and no extra words like “of”, “in”, “for”, etc. (2 points) Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment

You will use the exact keywords you selected above to complete the following search activities in Search USA, PubMed, and ProQuest.

Part 2: Basic Searching
Search USA

Before answering the questions below, you should be familiar with the topics covered in the How to Use Search USA (2:36 mins).

  1. Perform a search on your topic in Search USA using the keywords you listed above. Use the limiters to show only peer reviewed articles written in English and published in the last 5 years. Take a screenshot of the results page with these limiters selected and paste it in the box below. (3 points)
  2. Connect to a PDF version of the full text of an article immediately available through our library resources. Take a screen shot of the first page of the full text article and paste it in the box below. (2 points)


Before answering the questions below, you should be familiar with the topics covered in the Searching with PubMed Tutorial video (5:20 mins).Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment

  1. Perform a search on your topic in PubMed using the same keywords you listed above. Use the limiters to show only articles written in English, published in the last 10 years, and Article Type: Randomized Controlled Trial. Take a screenshot of the results page with these limiters selected and paste it in the box below. (3 points)
  2. Connect to a PDF version of the full text of an article immediately available through our library resources. Take a screen shot of the first page of the full text article and paste it in the box below. (2 points) Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment


Searching in ProQuest Central

Before answering the questions below, you should be familiar with the topics covered in the Searching in ProQuest Tutorial video (3:56 mins).

  1. Perform a search on your topic in ProQuest Central using the same keywords you listed above. Use the limiters to show only articles published within the last 3 years from peer-reviewed Take a screenshot of the results page and paste it in the box below. (3 points)Identifying Keywords And Basic Searching Assignment